8. my first boyfriend

"I want to be your boyfriend is that ok." I looked at him wow if I say yes wich I am he will be my first boyfriend "uh uh yeah." he pulled me closer "ok then shopping time." he grabbed my hand first we walked into 123 Shop and all gender clothes store all that stuff we shopped and I got some jeans with a dark green shirt with a leather jacket and some black knee high boots for the movie as I was walking some girl said " hey there have you ever tried makeup sit down and I will show you how to put it on." Tanner suggested so I did she did it nice I looked different for my participation she gave me all the essentials I need like face wash mask all the good stuff and makeup of course. we got hungry so we stopped by the food court and got some Chinese food we shared a plate and a drink . We saw Henry and Jessica so we called them and right behind them was Chase and niome we all sat down in a booth at a ice cream shop me and Tanner got a milkshake " since when have you two started dating." as Henry said coming back with two ice cream cones for him and Jessica " now." I looked at my phone it was 7:00 "Henry we have to go I still have to get ready ." I grabbed all my bags about 90 or 74 of them " I will take you in my car come on." Tanner said that of course he took all my bags there was 90 bags I took 26 so he had about 74 bags his car is nice "uh Auorie is it ok if I spend the night with you because my parents are out of town and I don't want to be alone." I put on my seat belt he drove off " let me see what mr.patterson will say if your parents are gone we can go to your house I think he won't mind just invite Henry to and Jessica and chase and his girl so it will be like a sleeping." he smiled at me " yeah that will be fun I will ask the others you ask Henry I know if Henry says yes Jessica will go and chase is my best friend so he will say yes to." we pulled up at the house Tanner got out and this time all the bags I opened the door we up to my room he put them in my closet for me " that's all of them thanks Tanner see you later." I went in for a hug he hugged me back the grabbed my face and leaned in closer.