

I was...

How could I be?

How does that make any sense?!?


I don't know.

Metallurgy would have to wait as I needed to figure out this whole dragon thing...

I lumbered my way down the valley, much of the minor critters fell silent as I walked past them... the birds which used to call from the branches hid, mute.

With each step, I slowly got more and more comfortable. Something between the implanted memories and instinct eased the transition from bipedal movement to this quadruped movement. My confidence in maneuvering ever so increasing as I picked up the pace and began to increase my speed, slowly turning into a run, the run into a sprint. All while weaving in and out, between the trees.

I stretched my wings, their size nearly doubling my new height, only to pause mid-way. The valley was my safety net. Just outside lingered hideous monstrosities... what if there were other creatures guarding the skies. I'd have to wait to try it out...

With the thought fleeting within my mind, I returned to the exploration of my new forms capabilities. Quickly resuming my previous speed

Although my movements weren't as refined as I was while in my human form, I was definitely faster. Although the newfound speed excited me, my heartrate stood steady. I leaped through the valley, my strength multiplied in my draconic form.

Yet... I didn't feel like it was enough...

It felt off...

It was cool and all but... it wasn't me.

I may have changed but this didn't feel like it was truly me...

Thinking over my possibilities, I kept going over Metallurgy. It may be a long shot but worst comes to worst, I can always try this form...

As I headed back inside the cave, I saw my own reflection on the cave walls.

I was large... Very large.

Last time I measured my height before all this happened, I had been 5'1, rather short but that was me. Now, this was something different... my head stood at roughly double what my original height was, my wings when extended nearly double that. No wonder I felt so off when I was moving around, this body was absolutely gargantuan by Earth standards. I was about the same size as an African Elephant!

The spacious cave now seemed rather cramped. This wouldn't do...

Thinking back to the implanted memory of the dragon transforming, I closed my eyes to concentrate. Thinking about each and every action, I let my body follow its natural instincts as it began to transform. The snapping noises began, the scales reseeded, my bones reformed, my flesh lessened. Already knowing the pain, I had a way easier time blocking out the pain. To my chagrin, the pain had lessened ever so slightly.

Before I knew it, I was me again. I was human.

I had returned to normal, except for when I looked down...

I was naked