
With the destruction of the sword energy blade, the fight is now truly over. As Vali fell unconscious to the ground, Odin quickly rushed to Vali as soon as the fight is over.

As Hela saw his father picking up Vali and carrying him in his arms, she felt a bit envious of her father's act.


Odin and Hela, as they have spectated the fight between Brunhild and Vali, at the beginning of the fight, they felt sorry for Vali as he is thrown around and played with by Brunhild. But as the fight went on, it had left them shocked and surprised at the strength and tenacious persistence of Vali. Especially due to the last attack Vali had made, they both realize that he is stronger than the both of them had imagined.

Although Vali fell unconscious, they both had previously believed that he would probably not last even more than 20 seconds as Brunhild seriously performed with all of her strength. But, to their surprise, Vali stood his ground for almost a minute.


With Vali in his hand, Odin begins to go towards the medical facility in the palace of Asgard. Brunhild and Hela follow Odin to the medical facility as they are a bit worried.

As they are walking towards the medical facility, Brunhild began to apologize to Odin.

" My King, I am sorry. I did not mean to do any grave injuries to Vali. " said Brunhild with an apologetic look on her face.

Odin replied as he put a nonchalant face to get Brunhild back to her normal mood, " Don't worry, it's a fight. Something like this is a common occurrence. "

While Odin and Brunhild are conversing with each other, Hela did not say a word. As she had seen the fight between them, and with a crystal clear vision, she saw that final powerful attack used by Vali, and that made her respect for Vali soar up.

Even though she is several years older than Vali, she would not have been able to perform a feat similar to what Vali did. Because of this, she now felt a conflicting feeling inside her heart, on the one hand, she respect the strength of Vali while on the other hand, she felt hate and envy. But, regardless of everything she feels, she knows that the Vali right now is more powerful and stronger than her.

And as the four people reached the facility, Odin handed Vali to a woman.

As Odin, Brunhild and Hela are waiting outside the medical facility, Odin's wife and Hela's mother, Angerboda saw them. Curious as to what had occurred, she approached the trio and asked,

" What happened? Why are you all here? "

" Vali fell unconscious during a fight. So, we are waiting here to wait for the diagnosis. " replied Odin immediately.

Hearing this, Angerboda felt elated in her heart. She considered Vali as a nuisance, but, since her husband, Odin, the King of Asgard took a liking to the kid, she had to suppress her feelings and act like she loves and cared for Vali.

" Don't worry, it's nothing serious. There are no internal injuries or anything. It's just that Vali is too exhausted. A few days of rest will cure it. " a woman announced to the group.

" Thank you, Eir. " Odin replied with a smile on his face. He felt relieved to know that Vali situation is not grave and he is going to be alright.

" It's not a problem, My King. Besides, taking care of people and treating their injuries is my job. " Eir replied back with a smile on her face.

Although Odin felt relieved as he heard the news, this is not so for Angerboda. She thought she could finally get rid of this nuisance and eyesore. But, contrary to her expectations, Vali is not under any gravious situation, in fact he is going to fully recover.

" Wow, that's a relief. I hope Vali get well soon. " forcefully forming a smile on her face, Angerboda said.

" Well then, let's leave. " Odin said to Angerboda, Brunhild and Hela, then he turns towards Eir and said, " Tell me if something unexpected happens. "

" Okay. I will. " replied Eir.

Then, the trio left the facility and went on to their respective rooms as the night is soon approaching.


Inside the medical facility, Vali is lying asleep on top of a bed that looks similar to an individual medical pod. Although there is a bit of a difference from the medical pod with glasses covering the patient, as the one Vali is in using a thin translucent membrane instead of glass, there is not that much noticeable difference other than that. It is just that with Asgardian technology and magic, this pod is much more advanced than normal medical pods.

Vali slept for two nights and 1 day straight, as he is extremely exhausted in fighting one of the strongest Asgardian. And the reason he exerted his full strength in that final attack is because he knew that if he was attacked once more by Brunhild, he would definitely lose. So, Vali with the mindset of trying to reap the most benefits, he performed the attack even though he knew he would faint immediately and would not reach the one minute mark. This way, even if he loses, his power level would increase the most. And Unbeknownst to Vali, due to the fact that he had fought with Brunhild, an opponent whose power level is several times higher than him, he had grown a lot stronger.

As soon as Vali woke up, before doing anything else, he checked whether he suffered any trauma from the battle as he pushed himself in that fight to the very limit. Then, as he found out that nothing seems to be wrong, he open and looks at his stats

[ Name: Vali

Age: 10

Race: Human

Battle Powers: 410

Life Span: 150 years

Skills: 1. Sword Skills Level 4

{ Sword Aura

Sword Intent

Sword Energy }

2. Haki Level 2

{ Kenbunshoku Haki: Unlocked

Bushoshoku Haki: Unlocked }

3.Haoshoku Haki: Locked ( Requires 700 battle power to unlock)

4. Devil Fruit (Locked: Requires 500 battle power to unlock ]

As Vali saw his stats, he gasps out in surprise. Everything, his power level and his skills have all increased, and his power level had jumped up to 410. Although, during the last two weeks he trained with Doonga increase his power level by about 15, and that is achieved by him through fighting Doonga and constantly training every day.

But just him fighting Brunhild for about 50 seconds made his power level increased by 45 and that is even after he had suffered defeat. So, Vali wondered how much his power level would increase if he had fought her a little longer, in fact, he wondered how much it would increase if he could win against her.

This huge increase in his power level is because the power level between him and Brunhild are miles apart, also, it is due to the fact that he used everything he got during the battle.

Since Vali has gasp out in surprise, there is a spike in his vitals. And one the nurse observing Vali's vitals noticed the spike in his vitals, she immediately ran into the room where Vali stays. She thought that something unexpected had happened so she quickly alerted Eir before she ran to the room.

But, she saw a scene entirely different from what she expected, she saw Vali sitting on the bed. Baffled by the incident, she asks " What happened? I thought there is a spike in your vitals. "

" Nothing happened, I was just surprised to see myself inside a medical pod. " replied Vali.

The nurse felt relieved, but since there is no harm in checking Vali body she asked, " Well, let me check and see whether there is truly nothing wrong. "

Vali at first refused but as she kept on insisting, he finally gave in. As the nurse check Vali's vitals and his conditions, she confirmed that nothing is wrong.

After she is done, Eir has finally arrived at the room. Although she arrived within about two minutes after she is noticed by the nurse, due to the advanced technology of their medical facilities, she arrived after the diagnosis was done.

" What happened? " Eir immediately asked the nurse.

" Nothing, false alarm. " the nurse form a nervous smile on her face replied as she felt a bit embarrassed.

" Okay then, you can leave. And notify the King that Vali is awake. " Eir told the nurse. As the nurse heard Eir, she immediately left.

" Vali, do not fight like that anymore unless you are in a life and death battle. " Eir scolded Vali as she had learned why Vali was in that condition.

Hearing this, Vali felt a bit sorry as he knows that Eir said that to him because she cares about him, then he replied, " I will not fight like that anymore unless it is absolutely necessary. "

Not long after this, Odin arrived at the room where Vali is staying. As Eir saw Odin, she stood up to leave the room and said " I will leave you two to talk. "

Then Odin began to approach Vali, but before he could say anything, Vali said, " Father, I am sorry I have disappointed you. I overestimated my own strength. I will train myself more before I even think about going out to train. " As he said this he slowly looked down towards the ground to show that he is apologetic and learned his lesson.

As he heard this, Odin is left surprise even though his face did not show it. He felt that the boy in front of him had grown up to be wise, realizing this Odin felt content and delighted as he knows that he raised the boy properly. Unlike his older adopted sister, he thinks that the boy in front of him is more mature than her.

Due to this, Odin almost forgot that he had actually come to tell Vali that he is allowed to leave and train outside. Even though he was not able to defend for one minute, seeing the strength of Vali during that fight let Odin know that Vali has a bit of strength to survive unless he met an extremely powerful foe. But, since he heard what Vali said, he respected his wish and did not say anything further.

And as for the reason why Vali had said what he told Odin is that even though he knows that there are many beings more powerful than him, experiencing the real thing is not like how he would have imagined. This made him reconsider his wish to train. As he knew that by some accident if he met an enemy that is as powerful as Brunhild out in the wilderness, he would be dead in a second. Unlike his fight with Brunhild where he could be healed or look after, there will probably be no help out there. And his unlucky streak made him cautious towards that assumption.

Knowing that Vali wanted to increase his strength, Odin told Vali, " Clean yourself up and get dressed, I have something to give you. "

As he heard this, Vali quickly did what he was told and soon after, both of them left the medical facility.