And for the last opponent Vali fought before he unlocks his devil fruit, he faced one of the stronger mid-rank warriors named Thodre. And like Vali, this Thodre uses a dual blade technique.
But, regardless of his two swords, Vali, utilising all of his skills finished the fight in less than 5 minutes. And as soon as Vali won the fight with Thodre, he felt a surge of power boost, this boost felt something similar like he is undergoing some sort of baptism.
Understanding that this is happening due to the fact that he had obtained his devil fruit power, Vali quickly drove his strength to manifest the powers of his devil fruit. As he is doing that, suddenly, his right hand turned into a fire with a bit of ice scattered in his wrist and fist. And his left hand turned into ice with a bit of fire here and there too.
Baffled by the manifestation of his powers, Vali quickly summoned his status screen
[ Name: Vali
Age: 11
Race: Human
Power Level: 900
Life Span: 3000 years
Skills: 1. Sword Skills Level 4
{ Sword Aura
Sword Intent
Sword Energy }
2. Haki Level 2
{ Kenbunshoku Haki: Unlocked
Bushoshoku Haki: Unlocked }
3.Haoshoku Haki Level 1: Unlocked ( Can knock out beings possessing 15% of user's power levels and induce weakening affect up to 50% of beings possessing user's power levels )
4. Devil Fruit Level 1
{ Gappei Gappei no mi: Logia Type
Fire and Ice: Unlocked
***************: Locked ( Requires Devil Fruit Level 5)
**************: Locked ( Requires Devil fruit Level 10)
Logia Devil Fruit body: unlocked [ Passive ] ( Effective up to 700 power level. Effectiveness can be increased with an increase in devil fruit level) }
Vali quickly eyes widen due to surprise as he looked at his stats, not only he had unlocked a logia devil fruit which gave him two kinds of elemental powers and a passive logia body.
And due to unlocking this fruit, his power level made a huge jumped from around 500 to 900 in one swoop. Vali saw that the increase in his strength is tremendous. As he reached 900 power level, this automatically made him unlock his Haoshoku Haki.
And now, with this much power level, without even using any skills, Vali would now be able to win against the weaker and some of the stronger mid-rank warriors. And if he uses all of his skills, Vali believes that he could probably win against some of the weaker high-rank warriors.
Soon after unlocking his devil fruit, the one month limit quickly came to an end. Vali had collected over 1000 points and Hela had collected over 300 in the arena during this month.
And within the remaining days of the months, Vali had an increase of just over 50 points in his power levels after he had unlocked his devil fruit, as the opponent's power level and his power level difference is too great.
This difference in power level is because most people that are at the fighting arena are mainly low-rank warriors and some mid-rank warriors while most of the mid-rank warriors, the high-rank warriors and top rank warriors are away fighting in skirmishes with the Light elves of Alfheim and Dark Elves of Svartalfheim. As his opponents are weaker than him, Vali did not find a good opportunity to use his devil fruit.
And as soon as the month-end, the both of them quickly search for their father, but as his father only come back after two days when the month ends. And in those two days after the time limit, Vali and Hela kept on fighting in the arena. The fight during those two days increased their points in the arena by 70 each as most of the low-level warriors does not pose a threat to Hela anymore, she could gain the same amount of points as Vali.
And when their father returned, they quickly went to him to report about the points they had accumulated.
" So, how many points have you guys accumulated during the month I was away? " asked Odin with a grin on his face as soon as he saw Vali and Hela.
As he is sure that the both of his children would probably get the required amount within the month, he is expecting how much more they could get above the amount.
Before telling his father anything, Vali said to Hela, " Sister, as you are the older one here, I think you should go first. "
Hesitating for a bit, Hela then replied, " Okay. "
" Father, I have accumulated 425 points. " Hela told her father Odin.
Hearing this Odin is a bit surprised, but as he had taught Hela for over 10 years on how to fight, he believes it could be possible if Hela pushes herself and train every day. And as he knows that most of the stronger fighters are out of Asgard, he felt it to be reasonable. Then he said, " Good work Hela. "
After saying this, he turned his gaze towards Vali and said, " Vali, how much did you get? "
Pausing for a while, Vali reluctantly replied, " Uh.... 1230 points, Father. "
Hearing this, Odin could not believe what his ears heard so he asked again, " Vali, how much did you say it was again? "
" Father, I have accumulated 1230 points. " replied Vali.
As he heard this, Odin's eyes widen with shock and he suddenly stood up from where he is sitting. He quickly said to Vali, " Show me your card. "
Hearing the command of his father, Vali took out his battle card and quickly gave it to his father. As Vali handed him his card, Odin intently stares at the card for a while as if he is afraid that he could be missing anything.
A short while after Vali handed the card, Odin confirmed that what Vali said was true, so he asked, " How strong are you now? "
" I could fight with some of the weaker mid-rank warriors. " Vali replied, he did not tell his father the whole truth. And if his father knew that his 11-year-old child could evenly fight with the stronger mid-rank warrior, he might think there is something wrong with Vali.
" What???? " exclaimed Odin in surprise. He recalled that when he is around the age of Vali, he could be comparable to a low-rank warrior. He felt that his growth rate during his youth is very similar to Hela's while Vali looks to him like he is just sliding through.
Quickly composing himself, Odin said, " Then, as you two have acquired more than a hundred points, do you want to go out and train in the other regions of Asgard or go to the Asgard Warriors Academy for at least 5 years to learn other things besides fighting and get your low rank warrior certificate then immediately go to participate in war? "
As they heard the option laid before them by their father, Vali and Hela pondered for a while. Then Vali said, " Which one do you think would be better for us, father? "
" I believe it will be better for you both to go to the Academy. As almost the strongest warriors of Asgard are in this city, there is not much benefit for you to train in the Asgard realm. As for going out of this realm, you will have to possess at least a low-rank warrior certificate or a special permission. And if you go to the academy, even though you two would possess far stronger strength than other students, you will also learn other things like runes, languages, magic, sword fighting, etc. This could increase your chances of surviving any battle you would face in the future. So, I think going to the Academy would be more helpful and beneficial for you two. " replied Odin as he heard Vali's question.
" Well then, if you think going to the academy would be better. I will go there." replied Vali, then he looked towards Hela and said, " What about you sister? Will you go out to train or will you go to the academy? "
" Of course I will go to the academy, if going out to train would not be beneficial for me and as you are soon leaving me behind in terms of strength, I need to learn other things that might help me increase my strength. " immediately replied Hela.
Knowing the decision made by both of his children, Odin said, " Then, let's go to the academy. " After he said this, Odin lead Vali and Hela to the Asgard Warriors Academy.
After walking for a while, they soon arrived at the outskirts of the city of Asgard. And before the three of them stood a gigantic five-story building. This building in front of them is the main building of the Asgard Warriors Academy where the admission for the academy is done. And apart from this building, several other buildings similar to the size of this one stood close to it.
And as they went inside the main building of the Academy, there are several hundreds of people ranging from age 20 to 100 standing and queueing before the dozens of reception desks.
As the people queuing inside saw Odin, they immediately bowed and made way for him. And seeing that Vali and Hela is following Odin, the crowd murmured several questions,
" Aren't those two the children of King Odin? "
" Are they trying to go to this Academy? "
" What are they doing here? "
"... "
".. "
Odin, Vali and Hela, as they stood before one of the reception desks, the receptionist stood up and immediately bowed and greeted them and he asked, " What brings you to this Academy king Odin? Are you thinking of enrolling your kids in the Academy? "
" Yes, do you guys still have the admission form? " replied Odin.
"Yes, and I apologize for doing this but are they both over 20? " looking at Vali and Hela, the receptionist asked. As Asgardians are mostly people that honors and uphold the rules, he reluctantly said this.
" Don't worry, I have talked to the Principal about this matter. He said there isn't a problem with it. " replied Odin with a smile.
" Well then, here are the admission forms King Odin." said the receptionist as he handed the admission forms. Then he continued, " And you two will have to come back after two months for the entrance exams with filled admission forms. If you lose this form, you will not be allowed to take the entrance exam. " The receptionist said this as a warning to Vali and Hela to not lose the forms.
And as they have received the forms, the trio soon left the academy and head back to the palace. As soon as they reached the palace, Odin gave Vali and Hela some books in a bag each for them to read. As soon as they received the books, the both of them said their thanks and immediately went back to their own rooms.
And as soon as Vali reached his room, he took out one of the books with the title, " ᚱᚢᚾᛖ᛫ᛗᚨᚷᛁᚲ". And as soon as Vali opened the book, something swiftly showed before him
[ Acquired Rune Magic. Learn Yes/No]
As soon as Vali saw this, he immediately said yes.
[ Rune magic learned. Level 1. Two more skills slots remaining. ]
Seeing this, Vali felt regret in quickly choosing a skill. So, this time he pondered for a while and browse through the books his father gave before he chooses to learn another one.
Finally, he chose to learn, all speak for knowing and understanding the several languages of the universe and blacksmith for repairing his weapons. Learning these two skills filled up the two empty slots remaining.
Vali had considered for a while whether if he should learn magic, but as he has already got rune magic, and his skills and powers itself are magical enough by themselves, he chose not to learn it as he did not know any immediate benefit that magic could provide him.
Back at the academy, inside a room, a man cursed out, " Damn that Odin, why did he lie and use my name like that? If he's not..."
As the man cursed, another man interrupted and asked him, " Should I revoke their Admission forms, Principal Kvasir? ". This man talking to the principal is the receptionist from whom Odin took the admission forms for Vali and Hela.
" Are you crazy? Maybe you younger ones might not know as Odin has become a bit soft these past few years since he has taken care of his children. And as you would not have seen him fighting in battle, I can see why you would say that. But, if you made that man angry, he would be able to and will almost definitely decimate this Academy. There's no need for taking that kind of risk." scolded Kvasir.
After stopping for a while, he continued
" Let's just see if the children of Odin truly live up to the rumors of their strength and their father's. " Kvasir said this while stroking his chin as a smug grin begins to form on his face.