After Vali and Hela went their separate ways, as Vali has Languages exam, he followed the route on his card like a GPS and immediately went to the exam room for the test.
As Vali went inside, he saw several people sitting inside a huge auditorium like classroom. These people that are sitting inside the room are murmuring and talking to each other. And like all the other examinee that come in before him, Vali quickly went to his seat but he quietly sat there without talking and wait for the exam time to start.
And about 10 minutes before the start of the exam, a big and burly woman walked into the classroom and shouted, " Okay, quiet down you ingrates. The exam is about to start. "
As soon as the woman said this, the people inside the room turned towards the source of the sound and immediately stop talking as they saw the scary-looking woman intently glaring at them. Then she continued, " I am Túngä, I will be the invigilator for this exam. "
After Túngä said this, she handed out the exam sheet to each and every one of the people inside the room. As she is done handing out the papers, she then announced, " The exam papers are locked right now and will be unlocked as soon as the time for examination starts. "
About 5 minutes later after Túngä finished distributing the papers and made the announcement, the time for the examination started and the papers automatically unlocked themselves.
As Vali stare at the paper before him, he saw that the questions are all multiple choice of basic languages of the nine realms. And since Vali's level of All Speak is 5, he had no problem in answering the questions and finished all the 100 questions within 20 minutes. But as the exam time is one hour, Vali sat inside the exam room for the remaining time.
Seeing Vali sitting and doing nothing, Túngä approaches him quietly and when she reached near Vali, she quietly asked, " Why are you not writing anything for over 10 minutes now? "
" I am done with the exam. " nonchalantly replied Vali.
Hearing this, Túngä is a bit surprised with this but as she knew that the questions are only asking the basics so she understands that if someone has learned about those languages for one or two years, they could probably answer them easily. Then, she told Vali, " That's good. Wait for the time to end before leaving. "
Soon after this, the time for the exam ended and the paper immediately locked themselves again regardless of the fact that some of the people inside are still trying to write more.
After the exam ended, Vali left the room and quickly went to take the blacksmith exam. Unlike the previous exam, this blacksmith exam is a practical one.
And as it is a practical exam, the room for the exam is several times bigger than the room where Vali took his languages exam.
Like a blacksmith workshop, each examinee is provided with a mini furnace and some raw materials. And within two hours, they are expected to forge and produce a small blade. The invigilator for this exam is a half-dwarf and half Asgardian whose name is Ilfand. He informed the examinees that the full marks for this exam are 100 and the pass mark is 30 and that they will be graded by the quality of their finished product.
And after 2 hours had gone by, Vali with the help of his devil fruit ability, he had forged a nice dagger. To prevent any suspicion and to protect himself from getting caught, Vali subtly uses his powers. Although Vali could finish his product due to the help of his devil fruit ability and his level 4 blacksmith skill, he saw that almost half of the participants could not finish in time. Most those that could finish in time produce what could only be considered sub-par as compared to what Vali had made.
After taking the blacksmith exam, Vali then went to take the rune magic exam. Like the blacksmith exam, this rune exam is also a practical one and the full marks and pass marks are the same too.
" All those who wish to pass will have to inscribe a rune that will provide basic strengthening to the knife placed in the table in front of you. " said a woman. This woman is named, Runàr, she is the invigilator for this rune magic exam.
Although rune magic is simply using words to enhance a weapon or any materials, the process is more complicated than what it seems. To successfully inscribe a rune, one has to be knowledgeable in the several runic alphabets and the combination of the alphabet. Not only that, they have to thoroughly know the nature of the material and amount of energy they are supposed to infused in the material they are supposed to enhance using runes. And if they made a small mistake in writing the letters or deviate a bit in any way, the enhance will be useless.
But, this is not a problem for Vali who possesses not only a level 4 rune magic but also a level 4 blacksmith skill. With this, Vali quickly finished his enhancement almost as soon as the examination started.
With nothing to do, Vali added and begin to tweak his runes. As he had done this, his basic strengthening enhancement could not be compared to normal basic strengthening anymore. Although the strengthening is still basic and not of higher level, it's quality of enhancement is something that is never seen. The runic alphabet for basic strengthening is " ᛒᚨᛊᛁᚲ᛫ᛊᛏᚱᛖᛜᚦᛖᚾᛁᛜ ", but the tweaked version of Vali's basic strengthening is, " ᛁᚾᚲᚱᛖᚨᛊᛖ᛫ᛊᛏᚱᛖᛜᚦ ". As Vali had changed some of the letters, the quality of his basic strengthening enhancement completely changed.
Soon, the rune magic examination ended so Vali left the exam room and went for the next exam which is sword fighting.
And as Hela too took up sword fighting as one of her subjects, Vali went and search for Hela.
As soon as Vali found Hela, he asked, " How did you perform in the exams? "
" It was okay. Although I think I will no receive a perfect score, I believe I will score more than 70 in both dark magic and creation magic. " excitedly replied Hela.
Hearing this, Vali smiles and said, " Well then that great. As expected of you. "
As Hela heard the compliment of Vali, she could not help but felt extremely happy. Then she asked, " What about you? How much do you think you will score in your exams? "
" I don't think it will be too much. I might get some decent marks. " replied Vali.
" Don't be so modest. If you could only get a decent mark, then, nobody would be able to pass the exam. " said Hela as she laughed. The relationship between the two had completely changed from what they had about half a year ago. This is only because Vali had shown his tremendous strength and gained the respect of Hela.
" Anyways, let's go to the examination ground for sword fighting. " Vali said as he invited Hela to go with him.
So, the two then left and went for the examination ground for sword fighting. Not long after this, Vali and Hela stood before a huge stadium like building that resembles the fighting arena where both of them previously fought for a month. Although the size of this building is a lot smaller compared to the fighting arena, it could still be considered as one of the biggest building in all of Asgard realm.