Almost a week had gone by after the sword fighting exams where Vali and Hela participated and fought against each other.
And during the week, Hela had completely made a full recovery.
Within the week, Vali would focus on his miscellaneous skills like rune magic, blacksmith and All-speak. Like before, he would combine all of his skills to work and practice them simultaneously.
Although there is not a single skill that experiences an increase in their levels, Vali is still getting more and more proficient in utilising his skills as he had continuously practised himself.
Ever since Hela made her recovery, she has been pestering Vali to help her in using her swords more efficiently.
Although Vali is uninterested in Hela's suggestion, due to the relentless request of Hela, Vali agreed to spar with her every afternoon.
Since his skills are unique to himself, he truly has no way to help Hela learn something like his energy blade summoning.
Remembering that Hela could summon around 2 swords or dagger at the time, Vali suggested that Hela should try to use her creation magic knowledge to create more swords. This ability of Hela being able to summon daggers is an innate ability that she was born with.
Though it is unfruitful after training for a week, Vali encourages Hela to not give up. He said this in such a way that he knows that it will happen. In reality, Vali not sure whether if his advice would eventually produce a result.
And this creation magic Hela learned is not something that could create complex materials. It is just a skill in which the user could create some useless scraps into existence even at a higher level.
And if an expert in creation magic wants to create a specific design of weapon out of thin air, he or she would have to be a top-notch expert.
As she received the advice of Vali, Hela diligently trains herself even if she did not make any significant progress in her training.
Hela completely trusted the training method Vali suggested as she clearly knows that Vali could summon several hundred of swords.
As Vali saw that Hela had taken his advice too seriously, he sighed and thought to himself, " What's done is done. At least she is sincerely training herself."
Soon a week had passed by since the entrance exam.
Inside the principal room of the Asgard Warriors Academy, Kvasir is browsing through some paper.
As he stares at the paper, Kvasir would occasionally nod his head.
And when he looks at one particular paper, his eyes widen in shock, with a tone full of surprise, he said, " How is this possible? How can he get a perfect score in every single subject he took an exam?"
After a short pause, a smug grin firms on his face and he said, " He did not disappoint. He is truly worthy to be called his son. Maybe with the help of both of them, Odin might be able to finally realise his dream. "
The paper that Kvasir is looking at this moment is the mark sheet of Vali.
As Vali and Hela are informed that the results of the entrance exam have been posted and that they can get their mark sheet at the Academy. The two soon left for the Academy to look at their results.
Right as they reach the Academy and entered into the campus, Vali and Hela are met with several stares from most of the students that are inside the Academy.
And in the eyes of the people that stare at Vali and Hela, there is the glint of fear and respect for the two. Though the both of them did not truly know the reason why they are met with such stares, they believed that it could be related to the results of the entrance exam.
Approaching a table that seems to distributes the mark sheet, Vali pondered how much marks he would be able to score in the exam.
" Is this where I can get my mark sheet?" Vali asked as soon as they reach the table.
" Yes. What your name?" the person sitting behind the table asked.
" Vali." replied Vali.
Hearing this, the eyes of the person widen in surprise, but he did not say a single word other than, " Give me the card that you are given at the day of the entrance exam."
Vali immediately handed the person his card. As the person behind the table received the card, he quickly scans the card and returned it to Vali. Then he said, " Your mark sheet has been uploaded to your card."
When Kvasir was looking at the mark sheets of the applicants for the Academy, but this time, the mark sheet of the applicant is given using a card. This method is used so that the distribution of the mark sheet would not be problematic.
As there are several hundred people who are partaking in the exam, distributing them subject-wise would be inconvenient and time-consuming. The Academy made it in such a way that it would be easier to distribute them at any table.
After the person behind the table gave Vali his card back, he turned to Hela and said, " You must be Hela, right? The daughter of Odin?"
" Yes, I am Hela." replied Hela
" Okay then, give me your card." told the person behind the desk.
After scanning the card of Hela, the person returned the card to Hela and then said, " If you want to know your overall ranking, go and check out the bulletin board in the main building."
" Thank you for telling us. " said Vali.
Then, Vali and Hela soon left for the main building of the Academy.
As they approached the main building, the duo saw a couple of hundreds of people standing in front of an extremely longboard. On the one side of the board is packed with hundreds up to the middle of the board. And from the middle, the number of people in front of the board begins to drop.
Seeing that the number of people is lesser on the other side of the board, Vali and Hela went to that end of the board.
As they close in on the board, one of the people standing in front of the board cursed out, " Damn it." He said this as he walks away. This man is carrying a huge double-sided axe on his back.
Though Vali and Hela are puzzled by the man, they did not bother him. As soon as they stood right in front of the board, they begin to search for their names.
Immediately, Vali found his name and in front of his name is the number 1 and after his name, it was written 100%. As they continue to look and search for Hela's name, they soon found it not far from Vali's name.
But unlike Vali, Hela overall ranking amongst the new students of the Academy is 13 and she has scored 85%. And this percentage as stated at the top of the board is calculated by the number of marks they scored divided by the number of subjects they have taken.
As they have learned of their ranking, left the Academy. While they are both walking back, Hela said to Vali, " Brother, you are too excellent. If one would not have known better, they believe you might have cheated." Hela said this as she laughed.
" You aren't too bad yourself. Out of the thousands that applied for the Academy, you are the top 13. " replied Vali as he smiles.
" But compared to you, I am not worth mentioning." said Hela. In her mind, she is extremely puzzled. As she is a born royalty and several years older than Vali, logically she should have been better at everything. But, this is not the case. Although Vali is a Midgardian, he is leaving her behind in the dust.
" Don't say it like that, it's all just because of luck. And besides, the subjects you have taken are a lot harder compared to mine." Vali said this to console Hela.
He did not dare to tell her the truth. As someone with something like a system that not only defies all logic but completely destroyed it, he was afraid that if him possessing something like that got out, with just his meager strength, he has no confidence in being able to protect himself.
" Hmmmm... Maybe you are right." said Hela as she nodded her head.
Not long after this, the two of them soon reach the palace. And they begin to wait for a month till the semester will start at the Academy.