Marching into a huge valley, Vali turned his head both ways to see the other legions that he will be fighting with.
" Who are those giants? When did Asgard recruit them? " Vali asked Vitra since he saw about a dozen gigantic people marching in the distance.
" Uhh.... those guys? They are the dwarfs of Nidavellir. " said Vitra as he pointed at the dwarfs.
Hearing this, Vali gasped out in surprise.
From the common knowledge he received in Asgard, he recalled that dwarfs are not that huge in size. About only 5 feet tall, even their King Hreidmar is around that size.
Although Vali knew that the sons of Hreidmar, Eitri and Brokkr are a bit bigger and taller than normal dwarves, he had never learned of dwarves standing at the height of over 12 feet tall.
Vali is not surprised to see the dwarfs participating in the war as they are allies of Asgard and the closest realm to Svartalfheim. But he is surprised to learn that there are several dwarves that are humongous.
" When did dwarfs get so big? " curiously asked Vali.
" I heard that some of the dwarfs mated with the storm giants and their offsprings turn out to be those things. " replied Vitra, then he continued, " Wouldn't that be a spectacular sight to see, a midget humping a giant. Hahaha... " Laughed Vitra as he said this.
" Uhh... " Vali did not know how to immediately reply.
" Anyways, I want to see you fight even more. The Son of the great King Odin. " continued Vitra.
" Don't expect much. I am only his adopted son. " said Vali as he smiles. He isn't being modest, as Vali had never experienced and fought in a war, he did not know how he would perform.
" Kukuku... That makes it even more intriguing. For Odin to take somebody in as his son, you must have caught his eye. " Vitra said this as he laughed out.
" Let's make this interesting. You, the son of Odin and me, one of the strongest warrior in this legion next to General Kriger, let's see who can slay more dark elves in this battle. " said Vitra.
" If you are one of the strongest warriors, then why are you still a foot soldier?" Vali asked in disbelief.
Pulling Vali in closer to him Vitra then said, " Let me tell you a secret. "
" Okay. What is this secret? " said Vali
" I'm stupid. Like really stupid. " Vitra said then he bellowed out a laugh. " Hahahahaha "
" I don't doubt it. " said Vali as he breathe out a sigh of disappointment.
Not long after this, Vali and Vitra saw several dark and enormous ship before them.
In front of these ships marches, several thousand of people who possess protruding pointy ears. They are the dark elves. And all of them are wearing a greyish mask and wearing a greyish colored armor holding some kind of weapon. These weapons are the particle rifle of the dark elves that is capable of shooting out compressed energy beams.
Seeing the dark elves before them, Kriger signal the troops to halt their march.
Then, he lifted up his ranseur and shouted, " Charge... "
Hearing this, the troops immediately drew their weapons and ran forward towards the dark elves.
Likewise, Vali immediately formed the two energy swords in his hand and prepare himself to charge.
In the beginning, Vali thought of bringing his katanas to the war. But he recalled that the physique of most beings in the nine realms is immensely greater and better than normal humans. As such, he is scared of the swords getting chipped or snapped into two while he is fighting.
Though katanas are good for slicing the flesh of normal humans, their durability is not that desirable for a long and drawn-out fight. Especially using it against armored warriors, there is a high chance of the katanas being unusable in the middle of a fight.
As such, Vali chose to leave behind his katanas in Asgard, since he could continuously summon the energy swords and create them in any desired shape or size as long as he possesses energy, it is more convenient and safer for him.
" Neat trick. Is that sorcery? " said Vitra staring at Vali's swords. Then following Vali, Vitra quickly took out a longsword.
" No, it's not exactly magic. " replied Vali, then he continued, " Shall we start? "
Hearing this, Vitra yelled, " For Asgard.... " Then he immediately rushed towards the dark elves.
As soon as Vitra approached the dark elves, one of them fired the particle rifle and he was struck by the energy beams.
Vitra is sent flying back to the place where he started.
Although these beams could instantly vaporise some of the warriors, due to the fact that Vitra is a top tier warrior and with his armor, coupled with the fact that he blocked some of the energy beams with his sword, apart from some small injuries, his life is not in any danger.
At first, when Vali saw that they are bringing swords, axes and all kinds of melee weapons to a gunfight. He believed that there is something wrong in the heads of the warriors since they are fearlessly charging towards the dark elves who are holding guns with just melee weapons.
But seeing how Vitra is unaffected by the guns, Vali knew that swords and axes are a more surefire way to kill rather than guns.
" How many did you kill? " said Vali in a mocking and teasing way while looking at Vitra who is laying on the ground.
" Hehe.. I am just warming up. " said Vitra as he pushed himself up.
" Sure, sure. " said Vali as he merges the armor completely with his body.
While doing this, Vali also summoned his sword energy blades and merges them with his devil fruit powers.
" You sure do have a lot of tricks up your sleeve don't you. " said Vitra with a grin on his face.
" You don't even know the half of it. " said Vali as he smirked at Vitra.
Vali activated his Haoshoku Haki as he slowly levitates higher and higher from the ground.
Although his Haoshoku Haki is only level 1, with the increase in Vali's power level, the effectiveness of the Haoshoku Haki too increases with it.
As such, even though he could not knock out most of the dark elves that are close to him, they are severely weakened.
"What did you just do? You Royals, the next one is always crazier than the last. " said Vitra as his eyes followed Vali who is levitating above the ground.
Witnessing what Vali had done, Vitra is surprised.
" Instead of just standing around and staring at me, shouldn't you be killing the dark elves? " said Vali.
As Vali said this to Vitra, he releases all of his energy blades which amounts to over 500 and quickly slews around 50 of the weakened dark elves around him.
Vali did not feel much remorse despite that fact that he had slew over a dozen dark elves.
Though he did not want to kill innocent bystanders, if somebody is coming at him with the intent to truly kill him, Vali would not hesitate to snuff out that person's life.
Besides, this is not the first time Vali had taken a life. Before this, counting his own life, he had already killed two people during his existence.
" Oh... Right, I almost forgot. " Vitra is completely in awe of the power Vali had shown. He had never seen such kind of powers before in his life.
Then, Vitra then rushed towards the dark elves once more.
Following Vitra, Vali then flew towards the dark elves.
As Vali had never got the chance to use his Haoshoku Haki in the past years, this time he isn't holding himself back. This is the best chance for him to increase its level.
With that in mind, Vali would always activate his Haoshoku Haki and weaken the dark elves before he would kill them.
Vali used his Haoshoku Haki not only to increase its level but also to kill the dark elves faster without using several energy blades at once to kill only one dark elf.
As such, Vali had already killed a couple hundred dark elves that are at the front of their formation.
Even then, It does not seem like Vali is going to slow down, instead, as time goes on, although Vali is exhausted, he looks like he is getting more rigorous and full of energy than before the fight.
On his trail, Vali had left behind mountains of burning corpses. The blood of the dark elves, would freeze and evaporate due to the effect of his devil fruit powers.
Vali is right now a killing machine. Piercing, hacking and slashing every single dark elf around him. With every slash, with every kill, Vali strength grows correspondingly. If a single slash is not enough, Vali slashes out another one. If that still isn't enough, with all the skills he possesses in his arsenal, Vali persevered and push on.
And Vali's killing streak is not because the dark elves did not put up a fight or fire at him with their particle rifles.
If those guns could not kill Vitra, with Vali's logia body that could defend up to 10,000 power level coupled with his merged armor, Bushoshoku Haki and his energy absorption ability, the guns certainly do not possess enough destructive capabilities to harm a single hair on Vali's body.
And to Vali, those beams are just supplementing his energy and increasing his power level.