
Standing in the center of his temporary pseudo training ground, Vali begins to wait for Vitra and Sigfried. 

Getting bored with the long wait, Vali decided to practise and hone his skills since he has time to spare.




Hovering above the ground, Vali, with his eyes closed tightly, holding two swords in his hands, Vali clashes with 10 greatswords that are flying back and forth towards him in the air.

While doing this, Vali would always merge the greatswords and his swords with Bushoshoku Haki whenever they are about to strike each other. Occasionally, he would coalesce the swords with his ice-flame powers.

Finally, after about half an hour since Vali commenced his practice, Vitra and Sigfried arrived at the training ground.

"Vali, why do you call me here? Are we going to resume our training?" Vitra asked in a loud voice.

Quickly retracting the swords as he opens his eyes, Vali answers "No, we are going to train Sigfried." 

Raising his brows in confusion, Vitra ask, "How are we going to train him?" 

Then, with a broad grin across his face, Vitra went on to ask, "Are we going to fight against him?" 

Instantly, Vali shakes his head as he responds, "No." 

With a stern and calm voice, he continued, "We are going to train him and test if he will be able to see without using his eyes."

Though Vali speculates that he might be able to impart them both Kenbunshoku Haki and Bushoshoku Haki, he decided to only teach Kenbunshoku Haki as he did not want to jeopardize the uniqueness of his logia physique.

Though Vali is reluctant to even expose one of his abilities, with an assassin lurking around and attempting to take his life. Knowing that with stronger people possessing heightened senses around him, he would have a higher chance of survival and tracking down the assassin. As such, he gritted his teeth as he decided to teach them this skill.

Hearing what Vali had told them, squinting both of their eyes and cocking back their heads, Vitra and Sigfried declare in unison, "What?"

Then Sigfried worryingly asks, "How am I going to see without using my eyes?" 

"Using your other senses." Vali replied casually.

Hearing this, the two of them are getting more and more confused.

Noticing the confused look on their face, Vali says, "I will demonstrate."

"Sigfried, tear off a piece of your cloth." Ordered Vali.

Sigfried quickly tore off one of the sleeves of his shirt. Handing the cloth to Vali, Sigfried ask, "What are you going to use this for?"

 Vali sighed and then he replied, "If I am going to show you that I don't need my eyes to see, would you believe me if I just close my eyes?" 

"Of course not, you could be cheating." Quickly answered Sigfried.

"Now, do you know what I am going to use it for?" Vali answered almost in a condescending tone.

Hearing this, Sigfried nods his head. 

While all of this is going on, Vitra is still oblivious. So, he finally speaks out, "Stop speaking like that and just tell us." 

Hearing this, both Sigfried and Vali are amazed at how dense Vitra is. Vali immediately darts a glance to signal Sigfried.

Then, Sigfried said to Vitra, "He is going to use this as a blindfold."

"Oh..." Sudden realisation hit Vitra.

As the two had understood, Vali commands, "The two of you, pick up the pebbles on the ground." 

Hearing this, Sigfried and Vitra quickly pick up several pebbles. 

While the two are busy, Vali steps into the distance to leave a gap between him and the other two. Then, Vali quickly put on his blindfold.

Carrying several pebbles in his hands, Vitra asks "What are we going to do with these rocks?"

Vali quickly conjures up two swords in his hands and respond, "Throw them at me, one by one." 

Troubled by Vali's reply, Vitra puckers his brows as he raises a question, "Do you want to get hurt?"

"I'm not going to get hurt. Just throw them." responded Vali.

Vitra shrugs his shoulders and says, "If you insist." 


Vitra immediately threw a pebble at Vali with all of his might.


With one of his swords, Vali blocks the incoming pebbles. 

Due to the force behind the throw, as soon as the pebble hits the sword, for a second, Vali could feel that the sword vibrates in his hand. 

"Don't stop! Throw another pebble at me. And Sigfried, why did you not throw the pebble?" Vali shouted at the duo.

Hearing this, the two did not shy away and throw the pebbles at Vali continuously.








Without missing a single stone, Vali had completely blocked all the stones using his swords.

Seeing what had unfolded before their eyes, both Sigfried and Vitra's mouth opened due to shock.

Noticing that the pebbles had stopped coming towards him, Vali took off his blindfold. As he saw the duo with their mouth wide open, Vali smugly said, "Do you now believe that it is possible to see without even using your eyes?"

Sigfried and Vitra quickly close their mouth and nods along as they heard Vali.

Then the two rush towards Vali and ask, "Can you teach us?"

Extending his arms to push back the duo, Vali says, "Yes, I will teach you. But only the basics." 

Both of them frowned as they heard that Vali is going to teach them only the basics.

"Hey." Vali clapped his hands together to wake them up from their thoughts.

Crossing his arms, Vali strode sideways as he addresses their concern, "I know you two are disappointed that I am going to teach you only the basics. But, consider this, what's the point in trying to learn everything at once if you could not even understand the simplest part." 

"You are going to teach the higher level if we master the basics?" Curiously asked Sigfried.

"Naturally." Replied Vali.

Sigfried and Vitra sigh out in relief as they heard this. Then, Vali continues, "Both of you, go get a piece of cloth to blindfold yourself."

"Ah.... " Siegfried immediately stopped his hand mid-air as he heard this. He was originally planning to use the cloth that Vali uses.

But, as Vali told both of them to get their own cloth. The two immediately went to the barracks to get a piece of cloth.

Right as they return, Sigfried and Vitra immediately blindfolded themselves and ask "Now what?"

"I will slash my swords right by each of you and you two will have to guess which side I am slashing by feeling the air around you." Said Vali.


Vali slashed down both of his swords.

Siegfried:  "Right."

Vitra: "Left."

"Wrong." Said Vali. Then he continued, "Let's do it one more time."


Sigfried: " Left "

Vitra: " Left "

With a look of disappointment on his face, Vali said, "Wrong." 








After doing this for over a couple of hundred times, Vali with a gloomy face says, "Let's stop for now."

During the time they practised, Sigfried guesses right two times while Vitra got it right four times.

To an ignorant person, this performance might seem remarkable for their initial training. But, to Vali, it is just pathetic. 

Both Sigfried and Vitra only had to assume and guess whether the sword is going past their body only in two directions. So, to only get less than five guesses right out of the hundreds of slashes, could only be described as pitiful.

Vali pondered for a while before telling the duo what they should do, suddenly struck with an epiphany, Vali muttered, "Maybe I could use this method."

Then Vali turned to Sigfried and Vitra who are squatting on the ground and talking to each other and announce, "Stand up and put on your blindfold. We are going to continue."

Hearing this, both of them immediately stood up and put back their blindfold.

Vali quickly summoned two swords in his hand and merges them with his scorching hot flame.

"Why is it getting hotter?" Vitra asked as a bead of sweat flows down across his face.

"We are going to follow a different training style." Replied Vali.

"What? By burning us into crisp?" Yelled Sigfried.

"Stop talking and guess." Ordered Vali.


"Ouch.. Hot hot hot. " Sigfried and Vitra said as they rubbed their arms and jumps around.

"Stopped jumping around and tell me which side it is." Sternly said Vali.



Vali nodded his head and with a satisfied look on his face, he said, "Good. Then let's continue."



Before Sigfried could finish what he wanted to say, Vali had already chop and struck down with his flaming sword.

"Which side?" Vali asked.









Vali continued to train both Vitra and Sigfried, until dusk.

As the sun sets on the horizon, Vali says, "We will stop our training for today. Let's continue tomorrow." 

Hearing this, both Vitra and Sigfried exhale a huge breath of air in relief as they remove their blindfold.

Due to the heat of Vali's flame, the two of them are completely drenched in sweat. Though most of their sweat has evaporated because of the heat, their bodies and clothes are still entirely wet.

Scoffing at Vali, Sigfried said, "Your training method is crazier than General Kriger's." 

Pointing and gesturing all over his body, Sigfried continued, "Look! Almost all the hairs on my body are completely burnt."

"You are still alive. So why are you complaining?" Instantly retorted Vali. Then he continued, "This skill is something different and new. Obviously, the training method would be harsher than normal."  

Wearing a smug grin, Vali proceeded to say "Besides, General Kriger has ordered you to obey all of my commands."

"Yes, yes. I know. Stop rubbing it on my face." 

Hastily turning his body, Sigfried said, "If the training is over, I will be leaving."

Waving his hand, Vali said, "Don't forget to come back tomorrow. hehe."

As Sigfried departed from the training ground, he muttered something to himself as he kicks the air.

Seeing that Sigfried had left, Vali then veered his eyes towards Vitra, "We should leave too." 

Vitra instantly nods his head.

As they are walking towards their tent, Vitra too complained about the training method and how he almost got charred.

"Today's training is too irritating, I want a drink."