The beginning of my journey

Wednesday 12th April 1723: 12:00pm

Today is the day, the day me and my crew set sail on our adventure in the wild ocean, and go to the land of Antarctica where our work begins. The work to see what lives beyond the ice. Some call this a suicide mission we call this the life of an adventure. I'm travelling from London to Antarctica on a ship.

Well I guess I should quit talking and get on with the story.

It was Wednesday the 12th of April at 12pm, I was setting of to go to the ship, we planned to leave London at 1pm, we didn't know what time we where going to arrive but hopefully we would be safe.

Quickly, walking down the cobblestone path I walked excitedly to the ship. I've always wanted to be captain of a ship, as a kid I gave myself the name Captain Todd, Yep it was always my dream, and it has finally come true.

This is my first time running a whole ship on my own. Yes I am nervous but I'm really excited as well. As I got near the docks I noticed a crowd of people surrounding the ship, they was waving and crying. I pushed my way through the crowd and walked straight towards the ship, I looked at it and my eyes widened with excitement. The ship was large, built with wood and it had huge white sails, I couldn't wait to drive it.

I walked forward and stepped on the bridge that led onto the boat and looked around. I saw the crew members all dressed in blue walking around the ship, some was carrying crates to each side of the ship and others just sitting at the edge of ship talking and playing cards.

I walked inside the captains cabin and put my stuff down. I looked around excitedly but also taking caution so I don't miss anything, I looked at the mini ship on the shelf and then at the globe, then the books stacked up neatly above each other. I then looked towards the table and walked towards it. I looked down and saw a map, I started to read it and remembered the old captain always wanting to go to Antarctica, I sighed and whispered to myself, "don't worry Markus I will continue you that dream of yours." I looked at where Antarctica was and folded the map up and put it in a drawer in the desk. I then walked up to the door and cautiously opened the door and walked towards the steps and walked up them and carefully walked towards the steering wheel.

As I looked up at the clock that was carefully stuck to the middle of the wall, that's when I heard the town hall bell strike 1, its chime played loudly but nicely throughout the time. I anxiously breathed in and took hold of the wheel. I looked down at my hands and saw them trembling, that's when I knew all the excitement in me was replaced with anxiety.

Anxiously, looking down at wheel, I took one deep breath and gripped the wheel and started to stare the wheel. The ship soon set off and we was all heading to the ocean.