Leaving Home

Xiao wan didn't want to tell his dad that he was the one that killed Xiao qui. He decided to behave like a novice and he grinned from ear to ear. The two of them immediately departed the area without the notice of anyone.

When they both arrived at his father's residence, Xiao wan immediately spoke, "Dad, I think its about time I left for school, as I need to cultivate some more skills and that would help me save some trump cards up my sleeves".

Xiao Hui had actually forgotten about the Rising cloud sect that his son was an outer court disciple in. He smiled wryly and said, "When are you leaving for school wan Er".

"Tomorrow", replied Xiao wan after thinking about it.

"You have to leave early tomorrow because of the sect's rules", said Xiao Hui in a caring manner.

Xiao wan's heart was filled with warmth and he nodded and smiled.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He left the clan as early as possible because it would take a whole four hours to reach the sect from his family clan. He rode his horse away and said goodbye with an energetic smile on his face. He arrived at the sect few hours before noon. The moment he entered the sect almost everybody casted side glances at him and whispered, since he had reached the seventh level he could clearly hear their whispers, some even spoke out loudly but surprisingly he ignored all their comments as if nobody was present.

He went to tidy up his room before leaving for the sect's skill pavilion. The skill pavilion contained different types some of which are; fist art, leg art, body refining, sword art, blade art, saber art, physical strength, to mention but a few.

Xiao wan had chosen fist art for his first choice so he decided to go for a change this time. When he reached the pavilion he greeted the old man in charge of the pavilion respectfully.

"You are only allowed on the ground floor and don't forget about the oil lamps worth of time", said the old while revealing a smile.

"Yes, I do remember but thanks for the reminder", replied Xiao wan with an enigmatic smile and he nodded.

'....this youngster has piqued my interest in him", thought the old man.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From the moment he entered that pavilion his oil lamp started burning. He went from shelf to shelf but he didn't find any that suited his style. When his allocated time was about to elapse he then noticed a skill that was thrown to the edge of a shelf and he immediately picked it up and the name of the skill was.....


He actually planned on a body cultivation skill but when he saw this technique it immediately piqued his interest.

'...such a domineering name', thought Xiao wan and marvelled at the mental pressure brought by the name itself.

He immediately exited the pavilion and he showed the old man the skill he chose.

"In order for you to practice this skill to the mastery level, one has to have insane determination and drive", said the old man in a surprised tone. Be was surprised because no one had ever glanced at it or read the intro of the skill. But after rambling for a few minutes the old man waved his hand and a sheathed 1-meter 2-inch long saber appeared out of nowhere and he immediately handed it over to Xiao wan.

"Take this and use it to practice the skill", said the old man.

" Sir, pls I don't deserve such meritorious acts", replied Xiao wan while respectfully rejecting the offer.

"You better take this weapon an get out of my sight", the old man bellowed while feigning anger.

" if so sir then I won't be polite anymore" replied Xiao wan while smile brightly. He immediately grabbed the saber and ran away with full speed leaving only a trail of dust in his wake. By the time the old man opened his eye he didn't catch a glimpse of Xiao wan.

"He sure runs fast.....", said the old man to himself while smiling