Unexpected events (2)

The silver corpse slave dashed to Xiao Wan faster than he could dodge but Xiao Wan was already prepared and the Jade green sword appeared in his hand instantly and he swung it down very quickly. He succeeded in deflecting the attack but only a slight dent was left on the silver corpse slaves arm instead of it cutting through like it did previously when he fought the other silver corpse slave.

This was expected as he couldn't pour any genuine qi into the sword before he was attacked. So he directed some of his genuine qi into the sword but just like before it didn't light up, so Xiao Wan kept driving more Qi into it and it started vibrating just before he exhausted his genuine qi. Ever since he broke through, his dantian had been able to store more Qi in the ever-moving Qi whirlpool but that didn't seem to matter when the Jade green sword was brought into the picture.

This clearly showed that the Jade green sword was far above his own cultivation level.

"Haaa, that is a storage ring and a Heaven grade, no, a Sub–Divine grade sword. No it doesn't have the aura of a Sub–Divine grade sword but has a higher aura that that of a Heaven grade sword, so it should be an instep Sub–Divine grade sword"

The scarred man exclaimed loudly when he saw the sword appear in Xiao Wan's hand and he made the silver corpse slave to stop attacking.

(#me: I decided to use "instep" 'cause I'd already used 'sub' and I didn't want to use "quasi" as that's basically the same thing as 'sub'.)

The Scarred man speculated that Xiao Wan must have originated from a very powerful clan and he didn't want to risk getting pursued when he just manage to get this body that was slightly perfect for him after 100 years of hiding from his previous enemies.

"Hey brat, if you leave your friends behind and get moving now, I'll act as if I never met you and I'll even owe you a favor in the future", said the Scarred man warily.

"Why have you suddenly become soft, didn't you want to dismember me and feed me to the dogs. Sorry, but I can't accept your request, I must leave here with my other sect members or I'll be on a lot of trouble", Xiao Wan said as his mouth curled up in a mocking smile.

'Does this old fool think I'd fall for his trick, so lame', Xiao Wan thought and shook his head.

The Scarred man thought about it and concluded that it wasn't worth making an enemy out of someone with a strong background just for a few puny cultivators and besides, he wasn't sure he could actually kill Xiao Wan since he thought that his 'clan' would definitely have given him protective treasures.

'Hmph, if not for your background, do you think I'd actually fear you as weak as you are', the Scarred man thought and he grunted.

"Okay, I agree to your request but make sure you don't mention anything about what transpired to anyone here and I, Lao Xiaoniao, would still owe you a favor favor", the Scarred man said.

"Pftttt, hahahahahahahaha haha"

Xiao Wan immediately burst into laughter when he heard the man's name and held his stomach as he couldn't contain his laughter at all. He only stopped after about five minutes.

Lao Xiaoniao's face darkened when he heard Xiao Wan's laughter and his killing intent flared up but he suppressed it when he thought of Xiao Wan's 'background'.

" You...., If not because of your powerful backing, I'd have dealt with you a long time ago so you better not push your luck" growled Lao xiaoniao in anger.

Xiao Wan raised one of his eyebrows in realization. He finally knew why Lao Xiaoniao backed down so he decided to find out what exactly made him think that way.

"Ohoho, what gave my powerful 'backing' away, I thought I concealed it well" Xiao Wan said while emphasizing the backing in a sarcastic way, a smile still hung on face.

"You can fool others at your level but not someone like me, the sword you're holding is obviously of a very high grade and I'm sure no sect around here can afford to give weak students like you spatial rings", Lao Xiaoniao said proudly as if he had accomplished something great by figuring out Xiao Wan's 'hidden identity'.

(#me: It seems like our mc succeeded in reducing the old monsters IQ greatly, after a few insults( ꈍᴗꈍ))

Xiao giggled and said " Old birdie, you were right that the sword in my hand is of a very high grade as I myself don't even know what grade it is but you guessed wrongly about my background"

'Could it be that he was from one of those clans that seek revenge at the slightest harm done to their members' Lao Xiaoniao thought and shivered. What Xiao Wan said next shocked me immensely though.

"I'm not from any powerful clan as you're thinking, I'm just a young man who was very lucky to find this sword and spatial ring in an ancient cultivation abode." Xiao Wan said and he shrugged.

By this time, Xiao Wan had already recovered all of his genuine qi and he was sure he wouldn't lose this time. All this while, the Jade green sword had still been vibrating.

Lao Xiaoniao was still wary and there was still a nagging feeling that this youth wasn't simple but his greed got the better of him at last and he smiled..

"You could have gone scot-free but you foolishly clarified all my mistaken assumptions"

"ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka, all your belongings shall be mineeee" Lao Xiaoniao laughed and ordered the last silver corpse slave to begin attacking Xiao Wan while he readied his soul power to sneak attack him simultaneously.

A look of horror appeared on Xiao Wan's face as he backed away when he saw the silver corpse slave approach him. He suddenly turned around and ran but he wasn't channeling any genuine qi into his legs, as if he still hadn't recovered his Qi. The corpse slave was rapidly gaining on him and it was only a few steps away when Xiao Wan suddenly spun around and used the first move of the [Sky Shattering Sword Art].

[Cloud Splitting stance....]

Xiao Wan swung his sword vertically from below and the silver corpse slave was split into two perfect halves and the Qi from his sword travelled up into the sky and split a small portion of the clouds above them.

Lao Xiaoniao was shocked to the core when the silver corpse slave was decimated so easily but he saw that Xiao Wan couldn't move either as the [Cloud Splitting stance] was too high for his level and he was lucky he didn't use the complete move as the sword would have sucked him dry of his genuine qi and his life force.

His greed took control over him completely and he lost all rational thoughts and you could even notice him drooling like an old pervert who had seen a young maiden. He rapidly condensed his soul power into the form of a string and attached it to a more poisonous golden needle in order to attack Xiao Wan's soul and take over his body but he had also forgotten one fact in his greed.

Xiao Wan could also use soul power and soul sense and he was becoming more adept at it.

Xiao Wan had always kept his soul sense on Lao Xiaoniao and a part of his soul power was still attached to the poisonous silver needle and he sensed the soul controlled golden needle heading towards him very quickly but he pretended to be exhausted as he laid his back on a tree trunk.


The golden needle flew quickly but stopped, just as quickly, a few inches in front of Xiao Wan's eyes as horror flashed through Lao Xiaoniao's eyes when he found out he couldn't move anymore plus his soul power was also affected and he couldn't use it anymore as it was restrained by Xiao Wan.

Xiao Wan stood up from the ground and dusted his bum without any regard for the soul controlled needle in front of him.

"Good grief, it's said that old Ginger is spicier that a new one but you seem to just be a dead Ginger. Have you forgotten that I can also use soul power too. Well I wouldn't expect and old senile birdie to remember such details", sighed Xiao Wan with a shrug.

Xiao Wan had earlier permeated his surrounding with his soul sense and made it as thin as possible so Lao Xiaoniao wouldn't discover it.

All the while Lao Xiaoniao had been conversing with Xiao Wan, he didn't think that Xiao Wan actually planned to kill him from the moment he arrived.

While all these were going on, poor Dong Lin had still been lying flat on the ground trying to heal his broken bones and bashed up body but since he is just a side character, then he wasn't getting any motes of light from the heavens,[lol]

His expression turned from anger to shock to fear to deep seated hatred for Xiao Wan and the old birdie. He blamed Xiao Wan for getting himself injured in the first place and still blamed him for being manipulated by Lao Xiaoniao.

When he saw the golden light flash in Xiao Wan's direction he was beyond elated at the fact that Xiao Wan had met his end finally but his heart leapt to his mouth when the light stopped in front of Xiao Wan without harming him.

He had been quiet all this while but his fragile mind couldn't take it again.

"This is impossible, right?!. No one can be so lucky. The two of you must have planned all this from the start, you must have been targeting me because you want to use me as a hostage to get resources from my family, right!??." Dong Lin screamed with a distraught expression on his face and he believed that his 'hypothesis' was true because he was quite popular in the sect but unfortunately it's Xiao Wan we're talking about here and he literally doesn't care for anyone else asides himself and his family. Besides he was in the outer circle of the outer sect not the inner circle so he definitely wouldn't have heard Dong Lin's name before.

"XIAO WAN, YOU TRAITOR!!!!. Don't let me get back to the sect or I'll make sure the enforcement legion deals with you and I'll crush you completely. Just you wait. I'm going to say this only once, if one strand of hair is missing from my head then my clan will definitely hunt you and your family but if you want to be safe just come, kneel down before me and kowtow nine times then I'll put in a good word or two for you when my clan members are punishing you for hurting me previously." Dong Lin said menacingly while flashing a cold smile.

"Hey Hey, I thought you'd died a long time ago, turns out you're no different from a cockroach as you are pretty useless but you have a strong life force. It'd be a pity to just let you die here when the sect needs 'talents' like yours." Xiao Wan said while letting out a giggle.

'Hmph, just you wait, I'll definitely kill you with my own hands when I get back to the sect and I'll feed your body to Savage beasts' Dong Lin thought in his mind but his thoughts were written all over his face and Xiao Wan grinned coldly.

"Well, the only thing I'd give you credit for is the fact that you know you're going to die here but don't worry, I won't debase myself to kill you. There are those that are a lot more willing to kill you than me. Your clan will definitely be hearing of your 'heroic' act of saving your fellow sect members at the cost of your own life." Said Xiao Wan while pointing to the other tied up sect members who were still unconscious even till now.

Xiao Wan took a step forward, started walking and Dong Lin shivered but he could only crawl backwards as he had only healed about thirty percent of his broken bones.

"D-D-Don't you dare come any closer, I'll give you anything you want as long as you let me go. Anything you ask of, money, treasures, women, even my pretty younger sister, I'll offer her to you without any qualms, J-J-Just let me go, please I beg of you" Dong Lin said shakily with tears and snot flying all over the place.

A look of pure disgust appeared on Xiao Wan's face as he stopped right in front of Dong Lin.