Chapter 21 the terror of mind abilities, with a drop of poison.

with the ground troops taken down, the invading air troops completely annihilated well other than the enemy general that managed to even dodge the chaos drones that fully gasses the area with their frenzy serum that was more powerful than the game, and on top of that, the interesting feature was his troops would be invisible to the victims and would be avoided no matter what~

A nifty trick with his limit components to give better results but gotta make do with what you got.

There was something he also noticed that was completely different from his usual dreams, Mikhail could feel his surroundings more like it was the real thing, unlike the others where he was watching a first-person movie that reacted according to his actions.

He lightly scratched the bottom of his chin while thinking about it as Gamma was enjoying herself just being near him while lightly ruffling his hair and caressing his cheek lovingly.

Mikhail peeked at the woman that had a satisfied gaze while tending to him, maybe once he's older and more things are settled, He'll bed with her.

But now, Mikhail had more important things to worry about as the brutes brought in some of the prisoners that managed to survive.

Of course, not to where he was, but to where his Mediator that acts as the 'leader' of the fortress is, the said person was a female psychic soldier that managed to gain more power than the rest she was one of the regular cloned units created by the barracks, her mutation made her capable of using a virus's ability, so while she lacked the range their poison is at her disposal, she was even immune to it too!

the name she received was Eve, as not only was this woman stronger than most despite the lack of upgrades, but Eve was chosen for this thanks to her Loyalty that rivaled Gamma's.

She had straight raven hair that reached past her hips, golden eyes that beamed with curiosity and vigor, a slightly pointed nose, regular ears that twitched whenever she was excited, olive skin that was covered by her Trench coat with light armor underneath, C cup breasts that protruded through her armor that were two cups smaller than Gamma's, but she wins with a rounder and larger arse, long legs that were unfortunately covered by her armor.

As for why he chose her, well she has the perfect voice for such a position, especially when she rolls the R's with her Russian accent that tickles Mikhail's memories of the game~

She sat in her 'throne' made from the skin and bones of the beasts that were hunted, Eve looked very dignified, as she rested on one arm while looking coldly as the newcomers that were barely alive were brought before her.

One side of her lips curled as the voice inside of her head said.

"give me a good show~"

Eve's face flushed a little as it was like having her master whisper into her ear and she was excited for a chance to please him!

Let us enjoy the show~

---Eve's pov---

I am proud to chosen by the Master, thanks to the genes that were used to create my body, I am more attuned to the psychic abilities that exist within me and my surroundings.

Like many of my brothers and sisters, I AM loyal ONLY to the master!

I began using my mind-reading abilities to scan the memories of the newcomers that were still confused and staring in awe at the creations of Yuri.

The master's kind whispers reached my ears, Ooh! what a blissful feeling!

My assigned aide(an initiate) made a low cough to stir me from my enjoyable moment, While a glared at the said person for a moment, I took a deep breath to calm myself then ponder what I can do to properly entertain 'him'.

one of the men finally spoke arrogantly despite all of his knowledge had been skimmed through and copied into our system.

"I demand that you release me! Do you know who I-"

Eve scoffed as she cuts him off.

"Yes, yes, we know Major Dehar of the third royal army of the united kingdom, we also know of the seven wives you have in different kingdoms and clans that aren't really much other than your slaves that you keep in your basement, and of the 11 children that you had scattered around to preserve your bloodline, and the 2 mistresses of the merchant's guild, and that you are beyond balls deep into debt, that you have been selling the kingdom's information for large amounts of gold... while that list can go on even longer let's stop it with your foolish words and answer my question."

Dehar's eyes were wide open from shock and disbelief as even the kingdom didn't know about such things especially about his children that were sent out to make a foothold for his ambition and his treasonous actions at the end!

"what's keeping me from just killing you if you have nothing to share or give to preserve your miserable life?"

The other soldier who was beside him was one of the survivors of the ground units, whose face warped a number of times, and seeing that Dehar wasn't denying anything he yelled out in fury as the brute behind him kept him in place.


Thanks to the brute's genetically enhanced strength, The soldier could only flail his feet around while trying to kick Dehar who was a few feet away, the latter wanted to deny this but something took control of him as the brute let him go.

The words he spouted, not only made him hated even more at the first three words but the rest told of why he did such things it brought conflicting feelings to the restrained soldier, but still, for Dehar this unnerving feeling of being unable to control his actions was terrifying!

"Yes, so what? I was forced to live in debt just for ONE simple mistake towards a priest, JUST ONCE! Not only did they take almost everything from me but they left me to suffer under the rule of gang members that would rape my main wife to extend my deadlines every half a year!"

It was then that Dehar realized what was going on, he was releasing his pent-up years of anger!

He felt proud to be a soldier of the united kingdom, but for doing one simple mistake of bumping into a person of the cloth while drunk and puking on the said person since one of their guards punched him in the gut his life went upside down.

Even worse his wife would go behind his back ever since the first time she had been raped by the gang members and get her daily dose of getting gangbanged, mind you it wasn't to help him, nor was it to help get rid of their debts.

She just enjoyed having numerous men have their way with her, and on top of that his debt to them more than doubled as well as many of his private items from the army started to go missing.

A pitiful life the man lived, so upon discovering this fact, not only did he manage to scrounge up enough funds to eliminate the said gang thanks to the help of a good friend in exchange for his heirlooms and other old items, but he also provided him with a way to lessen his burdens and a way to get it all back.

As for the ending of his ex-wife that did more than putting a green hat on his head, after crippling her she was left with a group of bandits deep in the woods that were more than willing to fuck her to death!

Eve yawned at this, since the man had completely forgotten her question, she was more interested in the man still scowling toward Dehar, who happened to be a very upright person, unbelievably innocent towards the opposite sex, one of the reasons why he still in the lower ranks despite his hard work and honest way of living.

She snorted thinking about the so-called paradise was more of the opposite than anything.

So to tickle the interest of her master, Eve proposed an idea via telepathy.

"Master, mind if I 'reprogram' this soldier to be loyal to you and send him back to stir things up? with false information and such?"

Mikhail thought for a moment before a wide smile formed on his face, as he agreed.

Eve stood up from her throne as Dehar was grabbed again by a brute while she took long strides towards the soldier that looked at her enthralled by her beauty.

The beauty reached her hand out as something like a purple mist entered through the soldier's skin.

The soldier suddenly felt a sharp pain surge through his head, as his eyes rolled back while screaming in pain, as for Dehar, this man's mind was wiped of these events while being used as a stepping stone for their new pawn that will be venturing to the 'strongest' kingdom~

Mikhail was quite curious as to how quickly will this drop of poison take effect.