Chapter 34 upgrades, the approaching army, super weapons activated~

Mikhail had already set up his preparations, while the old fox finally managed to catch him, Griemor first came there to kick his ass a little but the news his friend told him made all thoughts of the petty revenge and small payback disappear especially with which kingdom's army was coming!

"The united kingdom is going to raid this place soon."

Mikhail Said it in such a nonchalant way that you'd think that he was joking, but the look he was giving Greimor prevented him from even spouting that question!

So like what any worthy ruler would do for their kingdom was begin a discussion as to how much time they had and begin setting up defenses as well as equipping his army with more gear and better weapons.

All while Mikhail smirked inwardly for succeeding in distracting the old fox leaving out the little details of the extra troops that he had on standby in the forest to reduce the numbers of the incoming enemies, the Viruses gained more sisters thanks to a certain tribe that recently joined~

with their new abilities and the innate skill of flight the winged snake women had become even more lethal than before!

Other than the Virus skill set, their new abilities were-


>Increased regeneration

>heightened senses

>Telekinetic shield

This was all that Mikhail could afford at the time as he had to divert his resources into strengthening ALL of his troops!

the initiates had increased range and greater durability.

The brutes had another boost to their defenses and the berserk mode implemented into them.

The Psychic soldiers now can mind control stronger as well as more people at a time with double the range allowing even just one of them to be a threat to 7 people within 300 meters!

With a new troop added into his ranks, those that played the campaign would know exactly what this armored unit that was flying could do.

Yes Mikhail had finally reached the next phase as some of the 'Cosmonauts' had entered the skies to act as his scouts~

They were obviously upgraded for longer range and more concentrated firepower leaving the psychic broke right now, at least until the psychic soldiers at his base begin to send more monsters or any enemies that bothered to get too close to the base to become 'grounded' down.

They were the beginning of the next upgrades he had in mind those that played the mental omega version they'd know what this meant.

However, he was currently lacking a few required ingredients to begin, he wasn't sure if they had these materials in this world but he can wait.

A few days from now, the Army he warned Greimor about would arrive.

and their numbers?

They currently numbered over 500,000 less than half were air units riding on creatures that looked similar to griffons just that these beasts were as large as a horse, long brown feathers, powerful limbs with incredibly sharp beaks that outclassed a steel sword but despite all of this these monsters were very playful and seemed tamer than the ones Mikhail had seen then fought against in the past.

half of the ground units of this army rode on a variety of beasts ranging from Two-headed wolves to six-legged tigers as for the more prominent characters they were riding larger beasts to show off their wealth and power.

One rode a 3 meter tall, 6 meters long Chimera like the typical look it had in fantasy stories the goat head on the side of its body, lion head acting as the main consciousness, and a snakehead for a tail the Aura this monster exuded out was of a 6th tier peak aura user.

Its rider was a 7th Tier Mid-stage Aura user woman judging from the curves on the body, Wearing body-tight Steel armor, with extra layers around her joints and neck, a helmet with a visor that had two sideways slits for the eyes, and 6 diamond-shaped ones near the mouth, the woman held a long spear that rested on her shoulder as a bow and some extra swords were strapped to her mount that continued onward with a proud look as She like her dear friend that owned a sky wyvern was spiritually connected with Chimera allowing them to share the benefits together~

Her name was Jessica Klawmer the third youngest child of the Klawmer family that served the royal family.

the chimera was walking side by side with the other two monsters owned by the other generals that joined this campaign.

On its left was a larger version of a griffon unlike the others this one had white feathers that covered its head like a bald eagle just that its body was double the size of a horse and matched that of a regular griffon of fantasies brutal, intelligent yet very calm as it scanned the area, with its rider trying to flirt with the woman.

The man wore light leather armor to lessen the burden of his mount to allow it to keep its speed, his shoulder-length blonde hair was dancing with the blowing wind with an exquisite bow tied to his lean torso, his green eyes never remained on one spot always exploring the body of the fellow general beside him, he had sharp looks that made him quite handsome, but he had a very glib tongue that was trying to talk the woman into joining for the night later.

The obviously lustful man was called Robin Kurstiv a rising noble that made a name for himself both on the battlefield as well as a good number of noblewomen that bedded with him, thus his attempts with Jessica, who simply ignored him as if he was some mold on the road

On the other side of the Chimera, was an oddly plain-looking panther that had a large torso, its rider was obviously a male from the exposed muscled torso, two curved swords were tied on the sides of the beast, unlike the other two, the panther had no saddle tied to it.

the Rider sported beast's skin to cover his vitals and essentials, his hair was long reaching the center of his back, with a boar's skull as a helmet that hid most of his features other than the cold black eyes and the chin that had a beard of decent length.

This man's name was James Klawmer the eldest son of the Klawmer family who was also (obviously from the name) the older brother of Jessica, who was already imagining the things he could do to Robin who was openly flirting with his sister.

This man snorted at his fellow general's attempt in trying to Woo his sister, He knew of the kind of 'men' she liked, and the philanthropist beside her definitely didn't fit the bill, he was too old and lacked the hair...

According to the words that he remembered her telling him 'She was a furry shota lover'.

Whatever the hell that meant...

Regardless that was one of the reasons why she was more than willing to join this campaign He joined like what any powerful and caring brother would do, to ensure the survival of a family member as he was leading his whole beast legion, Like his sister he had also learned the way to connect spiritually with his mount thus the additional shape it had compared to regular beasts.

The man that was still trying to get the attention of his sister was lucky if they weren't generals and under orders to work together, James would've ripped Robin's limbs off then feed him to his partner Kida the black panther!

But suddenly, the clouds above them grew darker as James instincts kicked in telling him to get away from this general area so with two simple signs, the beast legion reacted following their leader, Seeing that signal Jessica signaled her troops to stay close with the beast legion, those under Jessica already had close ties with the beast legion thus they followed them without question as they all knew of how much the Barbarian-looking man cared for his siblings so there was a very low chance of him even trying to harm her!

Robin, however, who was too focused on the goal of getting into Jessica's panties, now daydreaming about it, was awoken from this by his mount that screeched out they both were of the early seventh tier aura users, while the man can be distracted at times there was one being that he trusted with his life.

that was his dear mount Hera!

Hera was a griffon king or queen in this case, but back to the main point.

The alerted Screech Made him yell out one order.

"Spread OUT!!!"

but unlike the other two armies before them, his army consisted of many lower nobles kids that were either 3rd line in the heritage or had no chance of laying claim to their lands, they were all spoiled or lazy causing them to be incredibly slow to react or didn't bother at all as these words reverberated out from the skies as a faint silhouette of a man proclaimed.


While Robin managed to reach a safe distance more than half of his army...

Suddenly changed from annoying brats that just came along for the hell of it to frightening warriors as their eyes gave an ominous glow, some of the troops that were unaffected had returned to check on their friends, siblings, lovers whatever they might be for the other, but all that they got in return was a sudden attack as these soldiers that had glowing eyes all proclaimed in unison a name that many will remember for a very long time.


Their crazed looks coupled with their erratic attacks frightened many before a strange dome formed over a good number of the infantry that was supposed to be led by Robin, their pained cries echoed out as their bodies expanded and changed all that remained of the men that were in the strange dome were large grey men and women that all had one thing in mind.

Brutalizing anyone that wasn't like them!

So imagine you being the infantryman near the center of where this happened your former friends and allies were more than double your size with bloodthirsty looks in their eyes as THEY CHARGED AT YOU their numbers were only 10,000 from what you can see.

How would you react to this?