Chapter 36 more cheat holders arrive!

the genetic mutator its original function was to create hordes of brutes using the bodies of anyone within the targetted area.

But what Mikhail did to it brought more than just a simple mutation, it allowed him to create any unit he has in his arsenal, initiates, psychic soldiers, viruses, any 'infantry' unit that was available from the barracks.

Mikhail still lacks the necessary upgrades to create biomechanical units, but the type of mutation he chose this time wasn't the usual regular units~

What he picked this time was the cosmonaut unit!

The large ring that enveloped the area around the army with Jessica as the center, the girl's brother reacted instinctively in hopes of saving her.

But the effects of the genetic mutator happens within a split second!

There was nowhere to run or hide from it, as long as you are within the area of effect anyone will succumb to the changes unless you had the ability to resist it!


Mikhail looked at the screen with intrigue as two specific people were resisting the changes brought by his superweapon.

The siblings were making a desperate retreat, as their bodies were partially deformed as the characteristics of a cosmonaut were prominent on the two struggling and escaping generals.

James' arms were twitching up a storm from the pain as anyone could see the rippling muscles that were connected to the ongoing invasion within his body desperately resisting.

it was like watching two waves trying to overwhelm the other!

Jessica's armor already fell off showing off her naked torso, while it was fun to watch some bouncing jugs, the bulging veins and straining muscles weren't helping with the view.

most of her torso was changed, however, she was gradually pushing back the effects making the culprit of all this, laugh out loud in surprise and delight as ever since he first used the superweapon not a single person had ever resisted its effects!

So not only was he tempted to capture the two siblings to try some experiments, Mikhail wanted them as a part of his army!

But as quickly as that thought came to mind the psychic quickly abandoned the idea, he knew better than to have more than one protagonist near him, the temptation of stealing each other's luck can be too tempting at times which can lead to betrayals and infighting.

So the best thing that he could do, for his friend, is increase his powers and luck, so that Mikhail can benefit from it too!

the timer for his psychic dominator was coming close to zero but sadly the two siblings had already escaped from his radar's range, but it was still fun to watch thousands of Cosmonauts rise to the skies then fire at the reeling and chaotic army.

As for that griffin riding perverted general, that bastard had already turned tail and ran, leaving Mikhail a good source of materials and usable troops to make more elites.

While it was a pity that more than half of the created brutes had been slain and none of the brainwashed troops survived, their sacrifice will be remembered.

As if reading his mood, Gamma approached him with a glass cup full of wine and handed it to Mikhail.

the psychic nodded at his lover, before raising his cup, a tradition that he followed to honor those that died for him, while there was a memorial for them, at times of war it still was unsettling to lose so many valuable assets.

since any troop under Mikhail's command as long as there were enough funds they can grow almost endlessly~.

Right now, he had a squad of Gattling wyverns flying towards the collapsed army, it was thanks to the griffin riders that they were still fighting back and killed a good number of his cosmonauts!

He didn't want to lose any more of his troops so he also had a few ATCs head out to clear the place up to make things even better each one of them had 5 psychic soldiers and 5 Viruses to clear up the place faster.

but Some of the subleaders of this army were still fighting~


One of the brutes were flattened into a pancake by a mace, as the woman, wearing garbs similar to war mage, raised her weapon again ready to squash another brute while relaying her orders!


The 'magic words' worked well in invigorating the troops that heard this making them work together as they all wanted to survive!

With conservative clothes that covered most of their leader's body and features none of this hindered her fast and brutal attacks as her face was covered to prevent anyone from finding out about her race.

While the united kingdom may be a paradise for humans for those that aren't...

its hell.

the ways of the order that she followed, made this woman choose the wrong method of escape, while the 3 other subleaders used their own methods to retreat from this bloodied field.

They were originally 12, but thanks to the sudden changes brought by the psychic dominator, general Robin lost two of his trusted aides that doubled as his night partners, the rest fell victim to the second launch of the genetic mutator.

the last two survivors due to the lack of loyalty and the ways of a mercenary ingrained into them had long abandoned everyone upon seeing their brainwashed allies.

Leaving the remaining three lieutenants to fend for themselves!

sure there was no honor in their actions, but there was also no glory in staying for a losing battle!

The woman that relayed an order earlier was one of the lieutenants under James, that went by the name Eika a half-elf while her younger sister was also of the same rank as her in the same group who went by the name Aika, the younger half-elf wore a combination of belts and furs for armor to lessen any restrictions on her movement while her two curved blades carved into the flesh of their enemies, the fur hood covered her ears and head well leaving only her green eyes that reflected the sun as she took down another brute as they retreated.

As for the other two lieutenants, they were currently missing including most of their people from the recent attack, the cosmonauts weren't making it any easier for them.

Hell, Mikhail was humming to himself while waiting for this to finally end then collect his spoils.

But something peculiar caught his sight as a new group of enemies were coming through the air, curious about the newcomers he focused his radar to zoom in then the sight he saw made his eyes wide, an ever-growing smirk full of joy formed on his face before Mikhail started to laugh.

Uncontrollably loud at that!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! to think that my long-lived craving will be satisfied, at last, in this world!"

The look of insanity and yearning could be seen on Mikhail's face as the familiar sight that he only dreamed of in the past had arrived!

The newcomers were over 10,000 rocketeers and 5000 siege choppers!

There were some protagonists that had a cheat similar to his own~!