Chapter 38 battle of 3 red alert 2 armies~

At this moment, three powerful armies were battling like they found their nemesis.

Unlike in the game, not only was it brutally bloody and gory, but it also had weaponry that could eliminate any regular army of this world.

The up-close and personal collision of bullets to the ruined bodies and vehicles quickly littering the ground beneath them.

The scenes before them were something gamers of this game would've never seen ever!

Thanks to the tech being more than a few millennia ahead, Mikhail has the advantage in firepower and defenses!

But there was one thing that he knew and understood about the potential of all of the units from the game RA2.

If they can hit it? They will do everything in their power to destroy it, even at the cost of their lives!

One of the rocketeers managed to get close to one of the Gatling wyverns, but not without suffering some heavy injuries.

But even then, even with the armor mostly destroyed, a few holes in the body that was bigger than a fist, this soldier persisted against all odds and latched on to the psychic shield out of the pilot's gun range and fired with ALL THAT HE HAD!

The Rocketeer was one of the proud soldiers of the allied nations. They had to fight against all sorts of incredible odds, as General Tanya did!

*Bang* X??

The rocketeer kept on firing until the psychic shield cracked, but thanks to him being so focused on what's in front of him.

This flying soldier had forgotten one important detail, there were more enemies!

Sure enough, the other Gatling wyverns had begun their support, firing their bullets into the exposed back of the rocketeer!

His blood splatter onto the vehicle before this soldier fell to the ground, dead. However, thanks to his sacrifice, he was smiling while falling as sacrifices were also common in the game...

As the rocketeer used his body to distract his enemies from providing a good target for his allies!

The thunderous sound of a good number of siege choppers was heard before they rained down upon the stationary flying vehicles!

Air shaking explosions.

Thunderclaps that were deafening for regular people to hear.

The powerful bullets with explosive components struck down one of the Gatling wyverns breaking through the shields and managing to kill a few more.

Still, as they did that, some of Gatling wyverns deployed onto the ground to return the favor, as more homing missiles from the ATCs were heading for the enemy flyers!

But of course, thanks to the ATCs having to stay still to lock on to their targets, making them targets to be rained down upon by bullets!

Sparks and explosions quickly covered some of them before some of them exploded, thanks to the upgrades that their enemy put into their attack power!

It was like watching an incomprehensible war happening before everyone's eyes, and there was nothing that the people of this world could do to stop it.

More of the rocketeers tried to act as bait and prevent their enemies from harming the damage dealers, but the homing missiles that were growing in number were making it harder to dodge as more casualties grew on all three sides!

The Cosmonaut survivors then yelled out the fanatical words that not only helped the two cheat holders to confirm that 'yuri' truly existed in this world but also made them increase their efficiency in all aspects!


The Cosmonauts were originally derived from initiates whose power increases exponentially once their minds are stirred to one goal!

Their bodies glowed as if their bodies were covered in purple flames.

They charged forward, ignoring the bullets that struck their bodies, tore at their bodies, and killed so many of them!

All of the Cosmonauts were about to die before completing the idea that they had.

Still, thanks to the combined efforts of their fellow followers of Yuri, both the ATCs and Gatling wyverns provided suppressive fire to help them finish their goal.

Once the surviving cosmonauts managed to reach an acceptable range to bring about the greatest damage it was, then they activated the very reason these men did such a seemingly stupid action.

Their bodies suddenly exploded, vaporizing everything the purple spheres of death had reached!

They were Suicide bombers!

They compressed their psychic powers to incredible levels that surpassed their predecessor that first came up with the idea, then brought hell upon the troops of their enemy!

Their explosive powers were a little more powerful than a Libyan truck for every single one of them!

Mikhail, who saw this, was soothing his headache, sure he understood how his troops are and wouldn't scold them for such actions, but their original orders were to retreat, for crying out loud!

He wanted to preserve the cosmonauts to further his research and upgrades, which required a living specimen to test it out a minimum of ten at least to have a suitable speed of progress to see every little detail and understand the flaws and what to avoid.

Cosmonauts require a certain component to be made, thus their low number right now with that very component already used up when he used the genetic mutator. He only had five at his base. As for why he was so adamant and annoyed right now was due to one reason...

The next phase is for upgrading his group completely!

Not only will he gain a variety of troops that can be made, but Mikhail will also be able to begin traveling space should it finish.

But now, it was back to having to wait for another fucking year!

Sure it may sound like he's rushing, but being in a world where there are so many protagonists can be very taxing on the mind, not that he could help it since the psychic lacked the information about them.

He was happy to get another chance at playing the 'live' version of red alert 2 first hand, but this was this, that is that!

So he asked his lover.

"Gamma, what do you think I should do? should I wipe them out or retreat for now, since they still had their nukes and weather control possibly about to fire again?"

All that she did was hug him while stating.

"Whatever you feel is right... while you may have died numerous times, you have also conquered thousands of more countries from it."

Gamma rested her head on his hand with her eyes closed, enjoying Mikhail's warmth, which in turn not only brought a smile to his face but also made his decision.

"All units retreat!" right now was the best time to leave, he had gained several units that became elites, and they cannot show their full potential if you just let them die.

By having them gather together and attack as a group after fully recovering only then, can they eliminate bases, using the troops the way they should be used gets quickly forgotten by gamers.

G.I. soldiers can reach farther than a tesla coil if you deploy them at the right spot, running over regular troops with a vehicle often works faster than attacking them, and finally, one of the most annoying experience he had to deal with, spies, while his psychic soldiers can detect them they can be very troublesome, resetting the map, temporary power outage, stealing technology and money.

Thanks to his faction tending to be yuri, He often experimented on what each unit can do especially when he's seizing everything.

Right now, the enemy troops belonged to skilled players so he was already prepared for the chance that they try and use their troops to their fullest potential!

(A/N before you guys say anything, yes, there will be some space stuff later just like in the game but the necessary element for this chance is currently with a group that will show up soon~)