Chapter 43

Within the kingdom of demons inside of a reinforced castle basement training ground was one out of the 666 demon lords that had enough power to be called a 'King.' However, just like the hundreds of others before him, he failed to reach the REQUIRED tier to receive that title.

The monstrous looks made him look like some monster trying to pretend to be human and was doing a terrible job at it!

His name was Gerun, one of the demon lords that had been stuck at the peak 8th tier for more than half of his life, who was also another desperate being that would use any means to live even for a day longer!

Gerun's height was ten meters tall, covered in red skin, with deformed limbs covered in muscle and warts. His left arm was longer than the other as it acted like a whip that supported his ongoing rampage in anger and disappointment.


Gerun's right hand was one of his messengers, out of 73 others who suffered the same fate, that delivered the news.

But in his fit of anger, this demon king killed the demon as it was bleeding from all seven orifices, guts were puked out from getting squeezed, and its neck was broken from getting flailed about by someone that was more than 4 tiers higher than the victim.

Gerun clicked his tongue before tossing the dead messenger into his large mouth that opened partially, exposing that it extended halfway down his neck, judging from the fangs that protruded from the sides.

The sounds of bones being crushed could be heard as the Aide he was talking to came out from the shadows above him and continued the report while dragging in another weak demon with his Artes that allowed him to meld and connect to shadows making them extensions of his body.

"According to some of our long-distance Spies, your son was adopted by the royal family, and more of our people are joining the beast kingdom as the days go-"


Gerun flicked his left arm on one of the walls causing some cracks to form. Still, it quickly mended itself as the demon 'king' grabbed the despairing demon that was dragged to this place, then took a large bite out of the torso of his snack, leaving only a strand of flesh to let the remaining top half dangle before the rest of the snack was tossed into the insatiable demon's mouth!

Gerun heaved out loudly as his anger was reaching its peak again while his body started to darken in color and steam began to emit from his pores, but he managed to control himself somewhat after sating some of his bloodlusts.

Almost daily, around 10,000 demons are fed to this abomination of a king, sure. It helped control the population of the demons as a whole.

Still, it also gradually destroyed its infrastructure as even demons that could surpass Gerun were sacrificed to calm him down.

His actions alone caused the decline of power in his area of influence. Many of the smarter demons knew what will happen to them if they stayed.

Which led to the situation at the outskirts of his 'kingdom,' A slaughter had begun.

Thanks to how little the demon lords care for their subjects, not a single one had a proper home to live in sure, they had some wooden walls around, but it was crudely made!

Right now, Hammer fist threw the two body halves that destroyed their meager defenses!

No longer did he look like a brute but akin to how nemesis looked in resident evil two. This was the price that he had to pay for more strength to gain enough power to deliver his revenge!

All while the small army under him followed to make sure that he stays alive, All while Mikhail was gathering data on his current state.

He may be a psychic, but he was also a mad scientist, and Mikhail was proud of it.

To make his army grow stronger, to ensure his survival and rule over his own fate.

there are many things that he's willing to do, and it's just that nothing has caused him to use the more brutal and 'ungentlemanly' ways.

But if he ever comes across anything new that could attract his curiosity, hehe.

His army as a whole would grow stronger by at least a couple tiers once he's done~

Hammer fist made a beastly howl before charging into the settlement of over 300 demons. Regardless of age or gender, none were spared from his crazed attacks that butchered anyone that had demon blood in them.

Ripping out their spines, crushing their skulls, tearing them apart, you name it, he had at least done one of those things once throughout the few settlements that were eradicated from the map.

But this wasn't enough to sate his thirst for blood, not enough to calm his destructive urges, and He wanted to at least kill a few so-called demon lords that made his people suffer so much!

Then as if to answer his wishes, a large figure landed in the settlement create strong gusts of wind and dust scattered about before a demon that was ten meters tall and red skin with one arm longer than the other roared out in indignation.

"Who dares to kill my food!?"

While the words were disturbing for the surviving demons, they were happy that there was a chance of not dying today, just for today.

However, Hammer fist and his dear friend had an interesting reaction upon seeing who they were going to face...

as they both showed a sinister yet child-like smile as they only wanted one thing right now.

That was to deliver a long and painful death upon this abomination!


In the main base, while taking control of his avatar, Mikhail was experimenting on some of his willing cloned brutes, all just to be of use to him.

the scary thing about having an army that is mostly programmed to be loyal to you at extreme levels was the fact that with a single word, they would all willingly give up their life just for their leader.

This may have appalled Mikhail on the first trip, but after learning the hard way of all the benefits and how much easier things become with it.

He made full use of it, being forced to learn from scratch, dissecting some of his troops, then his enemies. Mikhail learned quickly the anatomy of his soldiers and foes that would always seek to covet what he had.

(A/N I'm not sure if it will disturb some people but please beware as some graphic scenes will soon follow)

At this very moment, he sought to dissect some demons, thus the two-horned beings strapped to the tables squirming and trying to break free.

The very subjects that will be grafted into the brutes that he had waiting.

Both were gagged and crying, rather unfitting for a race that believed in war and strength.

But no matter, Mikhail quickly had Skuld practice its ability on the test subject that he was going to start with.

Not only did it learn some of his tricks, but it also used telekinesis to hold the demon that was making some muffled screams as blood oozed out from his seven orifices.

But Mikhail wasn't going to stop any time soon as the demon shuddered in pain as the scalpel of the psychic easily sliced through the tough hide of the test subject that was forced to watch his own body get opened up, showed every organ in his torso that was removed then dismantled piece by piece through this couple hours worth of testing the limit and whether if their race's vitality was worth integrating into his troops until the victim died.

The reproductive system of demons was something he wanted to alter and implement into his floating discs, imagine them replicating on their own to a certain point to keep their strength and lower the costs of such units~.

Mikhail sighed in satisfaction at the idea before looking at the female demon that had already made a mess of herself, seeing the ending of her kin.

No one wanted to end in such a way, so she tried talking with an imploring look, which luckily(?) for her Mikhail pulled down the gag then simply asked.


There was a disturbingly cold tone to this single word, but the desperate demoness was too scared right now to notice before she tried to talk him out of killing her.

"ple-please don't kill me! I'll do anything! I'll even provide you with hundreds of more demons to ki- I mean experiment on!"

when she was about to say kill, Mikhail began to smile in amusement, so the demoness quickly changed her words.

The psychic was simply wanted to see how far she'll go.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, she quickly assumed that wasn't enough, so the demoness quickly tried her luck even more.

Not realizing that her captor really didn't care for this.

"If it's a slave that you want, I can collect hundreds of them for you for free! even those that are prettier than me! then there's even I guy that owes me a favor if you want young boys to be promising warriors, or would you prefer younger sluts?"

She licked her lips in an erotic manner before adding the last bomb that sealed her fate.

"It's easy to find any child slaves that can suit any of your tastes! You can get as much as you'd like!"

Sadly for the demoness, she was dealing with someone who could read her mind, so every lie that she spouted was easily detected.

As for the truthful details he'll be using that to collect the demon children for future events and soldiers under his control.

Mikhail with a smile on his face that seemed so kind moved close to her, the demoness was already thinking that her freedom awaits, then in contrast to his gentle look the psychic whispered these cold words into her ear.

"Your offer is quite, enticing. However, I think I'll just stick with using a lying bitch to serve as my experiment rather than allow her to escape and gain a chance for revenge~."

The demoness's eyes widened at his words and tried to say something more to deny such claims.

However, Mikhail pulled up her gag then said these last words to her with the last part spoken to her slowly.

"Don't worry, and I'll make sure that 'I' f̶̛̝̳͚͔͒̋͋̍̑̓̓̏͝u̴̙̼͎͙̟̝̫̩̲̩͕͋l̷͎̗̜͚̀̌͒͛̒͂̀͜͠ľ̶͇̮͙̻̬͉͈͎̼̙̼̬̹̣̄͒̾̀͋̍͂̚y̶̡̝̙̌̐̃͒̾͝ ̵̨̪̭̯̣̜̥̫̩̒͆͑̄̀̄͋̿̽̉̏͝͝ę̸̖̥͔́̈̾̅͂̿ṉ̵̼͓̳̻̤̻͉̜̀̒̍͗̈́̎́̐̕̚͝ͅj̸̢̧̨̱̼̰͕̥̣̜̮̦͙̆̌͝o̷͖̼̺͙̣̻̥͔̎̈̚͜ÿ̷̨͖̹̰̬̟̦̻̥͎́̋̈́̀̆̿́͐̎͜͠͝ͅ ̴̨̝̳̺͔̣͓̹̪̠̮͙̝̹̾̿̒͑͝t̴͓̹͖̰̺̺͉͔̘͖̦̼̑̔̍̏̅̉̄͂̋̎̍͜͝͠͠ḧ̷̢̢̥͍̭͚̘͇͉̝͕̗̙́̋̃̽̓͛̇͗̍͋̓ͅi̴͍̯̘͛̀̏̎͛̋s̸̻̬̬̜͚͂̀̂͊̈́~."

She attempted to struggle but Skuld already restrained her before the demoness's eyes widened in pain as the scalpel was already cutting into her flesh starting with the middle finger then went up her arm!

Mikhail wanted to skin her alive first before beginning his experiments and research.

Once all of her skin was removed, He then began cutting into her in ways to make the demon feel all of the pain as he removed strands of muscle as if they were delicate antiques further increasing her suffering.

This was easy to do after testing the first demon causing this event to excruciatingly long~

Her thoughts earlier triggered a memory that Mikhail wanted to stay clear of, the memory of his child being used as a human bomb.

Thus the cold fury that Mikhail felt for this demon will never again allow such a thing to happen!

The only dreadful experience he had ever endured, this time until all of his enemies are dealt with, and the world under his control.

NEVER will his children speak with anyone that is a Threat to his group!

Because in war anything can happen, and with his friend being the overly loyal lovable idiot that he was, Mikhail knew who he could trust especially when the beast king's character was the same just more hard-headed now due to his position.