Chapter 46

-----Kingdom of Danivol-----

Due to the lack of powerhouses and the loss of two Algurians, the people no longer held pride in their king, nor did they wish to continue to be servants of another kingdom.

However, their pitiful efforts to resist were squashed in one night, thanks to the power of 'blessings from their god' mixed with Aura.

While the crusaders from the church would lose a good number of promising warriors due to the cost of receiving a blessing, it was easy to replenish their ranks with more warriors and believers.

As children tend to be easy to manipulate at a young age, with the right resources, it was simple to make them grow faster to match the church's needs!

As this was happening, a brown-skinned man with multiple scars and a gaze full of vengeance rode on a large bird leading four more with similar features making their way to the demon kingdom at breakneck speeds.

But enough of that, let's return to the action, shall we?


Hammer fist looked like a humanoid zombified crocodile, thanks to his heritage that was overwhelming the physical changes made on him!

His heavy frame crashed into Gerun, who was surprised by his sudden interference!

They both 'fell through' the ground, leaving a large hole while White Scale took it upon himself to gather the remaining survivors for the last option as the advantage his dear friend had was only temporary.

Roars mixed with clashes that sounded like explosions going were heard, which caused the ground to shake within the vicinity of the two monsters' fight to the death!

The survivors took their positions and helped their second leader with the task he had to turn the tides, as his injuries were much worse than what his enhanced body can recover from.

Soon a pained howl followed, and the figure of a large lizardman emerged from the ground, mostly covered by the dust cloud made from his exit from the artificial 'underground cavern' with a bloodied arm in his maw, showing that he managed to deliver a crippling attack against their adversary.

The survivors that worked to guard White scale as he was preparing to help Hammer fist cheered at sight. However, once the dust cleared up somewhat, that was when they saw the full picture.

The long arm of Gerun stabbed through the abdomen of their leader, severing his spine causing the lower half of his body to hang like a puppet without strings!

It was obvious for all to see the difference between their power, even with the boosts, the hypnosis, and hyper regeneration.

All of that, all of their preparations and efforts were useless against someone who was called a demon lord. Sure they took an arm, but what happened next was something they never thought of happening.

Reigniting the demon's hunger for blood and battle!

Gerun was much slimmer now, as his body had compressed to the point of him being the size of a young man, his arm had regrown, returning to his most optimum state, all while baring a grin that promising a gruesome end.

But he still had red skin, the iconic features of a demon. You could even say that Gerun was starting to look attractive now, but let's get into some details as to why he was always so hungry.

The very reason why he was always eating so many demons a day was due to the fact that it was hard to find someone that was truly willing to fight him to the death.

Killing others soothed his hunger momentarily.

that was only part of the reason why he was entitled 'the meat grinder.' His efforts during the past wars for the demons can be said to be legendary, and countless heroes were dealt with by him alone.

The other demon lords, who were familiar with him, always left or escaped whenever he got into the mood!

This is why now, Hammer fist, who managed to harm him, was a 'worthy' prey to hunt down at his best.

The said lizardman was sent crashing into the ground with enough force to sound like a thunderclap!

Gerun exhaled slowly, trying to savor the moment as long as possible before bringing his hand that got covered in Hammer fist's blood to have a taste, his long disgusting tongue stretched out, lapping up the mess, then lazily looked to the site where 'simple' throw sent his opponent crashing into, fully ready to decimate the others should the lesser brute fail to meet his expectations.

*Cough cough*

The sound of someone coughing up blood could be heard as Hammer fist still bore an unyielding glare towards the demon lord, all while the dust cleared and showed the extent of the damage he had received.

This was going to be a losing battle at this rate.

Most of the surviving soldiers that followed him dreaded the thought of being unable to help, unable to do anything to improve their odds.

White scale, however, unleashed another psychic blast towards the excited Gerun before receiving a message from their supreme leader.

While the blast hindered the demon, Mikhail relayed his command to him.

"Use your forbidden method, and this is the perfect time for me to see what it can do!"

Ever since Hammer's fist showed off his tribesmen's technique, Mikhail's curiosity peaked, making the man scan the memories of the rest of his people that were with him.

White Scale was one of the few surviving members that were capable of using it, and there was a crucial reason why it was forbidden. It was even worse than Blood's calling, especially when the said technique was derived from the one that Mikhail was ordering him to do.

The price was even more terrible than what Hammer fist was paying.

But thanks to him being a loyal (brainwashed) soldier under Mikhail, White scale didn't hesitate and began the ritual.

The survivors soon heard the command of their master.

"Sacrifice yourselves to White Scale!"

They all bore looks of insanity and loyalty as they all quickly approached their second leader, then killed each other in front of him!

Hammer fist was already recovered and resumed his assault on the foe that was overpowering him.

Gerun happened to see that they were fighting each other, which made him shake his head in disappointment since his snacks weren't going to be fresh when he's done.

He muttered to his opponent that was fighting desperately to spill his blood on the ground.

"Hopefully you can entertain me before I get bored again."

Hammer fist simply snarled with every swing of his claws, swiping at the demon madly trying to deliver even a scratch upon this adversary that was too powerful for the current him.

Seeing that his opponent still had so much energy, the demon lord prolonged the suffering of the lizardman by holding back enough not to kill him in one punch.

Every punch, kick, or tackle broke something within the Lizardman's body, but thanks to his tenacity mixed with his highspeed recovery this brought a smirk on Gerun's face.

He was that confident of winning!

While this was happening, White scale prepared himself for what would happen to his whole being, It was not JUST a simple empowerment.

This ritual would affect him in so many ways that only those with a strong mind can last for a moment.

Luckily for him, being a psychic made him capable of a few minutes before the backlash occurs!

By taking in the flesh and blood of those of the same race, this ritual would empower him to incredible levels, there was no real limit to it other than what he can handle both physically and mentally.

But the absolute price to pay for going against the natural rules of this world.

The caster's soul would be erased and unable to reincarnate!

The 'ingredients' of the ritual all turned into a bloody fog that entered through his seven orifices and through his pores.

The psychic's body began to crackle and pop from the sudden changes that followed.

The ritual created glowing 'veins' on his skin, his eyes turned white, red froth formed at the corners of his lips as his body bulked up somewhat, as this psychic's abilities increased by many folds making him capable of rivaling the demon lord that smacked Hammer fist away again.

This time flying through the air some distance away thanks to an ominous feeling that assaulted the demon lord's senses!

Thus from a hate-filled glare, the demon's body shivered for a moment then looked towards who caused it in surprise.

Gerun Laughed like an excited child when he felt a sense of danger!


As someone who sought a fight that would tickle his thrill and make him brush against death, Gerun picked up a few rocks before asking in a tone that begged for this moment to not be a dream.

"How long has it been since I felt this?"

His aura fluctuated in response to his raging emotions that wanted this moment of 'excitement' to last forever.


He yelled out before flicking a few rocks infused with aura making them powerful enough to rival H.E.A.T. missiles should they hit something!

White Scale met the attack with a rain of telekinetic blasts wanting to end this fight as soon as possible!

The attacks of the two powerhouses collided creating a massive shockwave, the sound it made reached far and wide stunning or killing anything that was too weak to handle it, the nearby rocks and trees were ripped to pieces leaving a barren wasteland around the two that reached nearly 50-mile radius!

Gerun laughed out loud again before grunting from blocking an attack from the stoic-faced White scale whose hand was clad in purple energy, both sides were suffering from the amount of force they dished out as the sound of bones cracking, and flesh ripping under their skin!

But while this was happening, both fighters attacked once more, one trying to fully enjoy it while the other hoping to end it as quickly as possible.

Hammer fist was sent flying outside of the perimeter from that one bitchslap!

This allowed him enough time to properly recover and recollect himself somewhat, but there was one more problem where he happened to land was within a large group that had five brown-skinned people acting as the leaders and one particular person happened to be a man that had countless scars.

His words that followed made it apparent that they weren't here for sightseeing as the scarred man looked at Hammer fist's shoulder in smoldering fury.

"That tattoo...! Looks like the info was right, brothers and sisters, let's have revenge for Copper head and Half grip!"

Hammer fist wasn't even given a chance to process this before they unleashed ALL of their ARTES upon his body!

The scarred man was Steel tooth, one of the last surviving three freaks of nature that was hunted down and attacked by everyone in the forest quite some time ago.

He wanted to eat this lizardman's flesh and drink his blood as he had the tattoo of something that looked like a Y mixed with a P on his shoulder.

The very same logo that was said to be the cause of both of his siblings' demise.

Right now, the Algurian's current tier was the same as Hammer fist!