
----------- somewhere in the outskirts of Riverwood ------

A babies cry's could be heard as a young couple has just had a healthy baby boy born

Healer: "congratulations ma'am you have a healthy baby boy!" She passes the boy over to his mother as she is crying tears of joy.

Father:" I see that he has gotten my facial features and his mother's eyes." He says grinning like a fool.

Mother:" oh shut it honey but I'll admit this one time you are right but on the other hand he needs a name."

Father:" How about Gulbrand?"

Mother:" I like it." Looks down at the baby in her arms " your name will be Gulbrand Solberg."

------------ Gulbrand's pov--------

Gulbrand's thoughts:" what just happened was I was just talking with God and I walked through the door ....oh wait so this is what it is like to be reborn? Feels wierd but oh well for now let's just enjoy childhood again."

He looks around the room and sees the man and woman holding him.

Gulbrand's thoughts:" so these two are my parents in this world?" I takes note that my father appears to be more on the lean side buff but not to buff and he also takes note on the qiver of arrows on his back " I guess he might be a hunter and something else to but I have a good while to learn." I turn to look over at my mother and take more mental notes still thinking in my thoughts " she might only tend to the garden?" My mother has a more refined figure but toned just enough to tend to the choices and extra stuff if she needed.

---------------------- 5 years later----------------------

* At the same house outside of Riverwood there is a woman and a small child tending the garden harvesting the produce*

Gulbrand: Mama I finished this side can I go in town to play with the others now, I promise to be home by dinner please can i ?"

Mother: (sigh) "Alright dear but tomorrow your father wants to start teaching you how to hunt, and ask one of the guards to walk you back."

Gulbrand: "ok mama I love you!" Runs and hugs his mother.

Mother hugs him back lovingly and watches him run of, she isn't to worried as he is incredibly mature for his age infact all the guards love him as he like to talk with them and sits and listens to all their stories and all the shop keepers adore him as he helps them out to earn a little bit of pocket gold. She isn't sure what he wants to buy?

---------------------- Gulbrand's pov-----------------

After running for 15 minutes the arch way to Riverwood comes into view i slow down to a walk as I come up to it to talk with one of the guards that was stationed there.

Guard 1: "ah if it isn't Gulbrand did your mother send you for chores this time or are you here to play."

Gulbrand: "I'm here to play but I just have to be home before dinner but anyways do you have any new stories?" He asked excitedly.

Guard 1: " sadly not today but what is new back home young man?"

Gulbrand: " oh Papa said he wants to start showing me how to hunt tomorrow!"

Guard 1: "oh really?"

I nod" yep but anyways I got to go now I'm going to the trading Post to help clean up bye bye mister guard!" Waving good bye to the guard as he walks past.

Guard 1: "bye now big man." Waves back " what a great kid"

-----------------------5 hours later ---------------

Gulbrand: " bye and thank you mister alvor for the hunting bow and the iron arrows and new dagger!"

Alvor: " your welcome child Make sure your father gets the bow now."

I start my walk back to the archway when he runs into another friendly guard.

Guard 2:" Gulbrand what is that you got there?"

Gulbrand:" A new bow and arrows for Papa!"

Guard 2: " wow anyway are you ready to head home now?" The guard already knew the drill since he was the one who normally walked me home.

Gulbrand:" yep " nods happily.

For the whole walk home i spent the whole time talking with the guard who was laughing along at my stories all the way to his fence.

Gulbrand:" bye bye mister guard." I run into the house l." Mama Papa I'm back."

Mother:" welcome home sweetie what have you got there?"

Father looks up from the table and walks over and crouches down with a equally puzzled look on his face.

Gulbrand:" A gift for Papa" I hand father the brand new bow and arrows " uncle Alvor helped me make them I just had to pay for the materials with is why I was saving up so much." I say with the most happiest look on my face.Both of them look at each other and back to me with big smiles on their faces and father was crying as they both pulled me into a hug, naturally I didn't complain. " Mama can we eat now ?"