the new bow Rav 2

It's then that we all heard the sounds of claws scratching at our door trying to get in.

Me and paw both immediately jump at and have our bows loaded. While mother is crawling on the floor to the fair corner in tears.

Mother: "please no no no not my family."

As she is saying that the door gives away as a saber cat falls in.

We all fall silent as we slowly back away , paw and I still have our bows drawn, so I whisper over to him.

Gulbrand:" paw do you want to shoot first or do you want me to either way we need to kill it, paw?" I glance over and I notice that he is shaking to much to make a steady shot, so I just sigh "nevermind paw just keep maw safe."

He looks at me like I gone mad but before he says anything I have fired my arrow and he looks to hear the saber cat roar in pain as the arrow is in it shoulder.

I quickly pull another arrow out of my qiver and draws it back as the saber cat starts get ready to pounce towards me, I quickly let the arrow go and notice that paw has fired his as well and both arrows hit the saber cat it is eyes killing the beast right then.

Gulbrand thinking :" damn it I could have used the eyes in a alchemical experiment but at least my family is safe."

Gulbrand:" paw quickly let's try and get the door back up we'll skin the cat later!"

He nods and together we roll the animal besides the door and we have lifted the door back into place and have braced it closed as soon as are done we run back to maw who is crying her eyes out in fear.

Both:" it's ok now maw it's dead." We both hug her to not just to comfort her but to comfort each other as we were all scared.

Father:" tomorrow I'm gonna to make a trip to the jarl and ask if her could extend the guards patrol route to include the house, son tomorrow take maw into town with you and ask the guard if they are willing to include the house in their patrol if they ask why tell them do you understand."

I nod and reply " yes paw then we get back I'll skin the cat we can make so good coin off its pelt I'll take it in to town to sell if you could take the fangs I believe that a alchemist could use them?"

Paw nods and picks maw up and lays here down and says " go on to bed son I'll stay up just in case."

I nod and reply" I'll sleep with maw that way she doesn't have to be alone." I crawl into bed next to mother how has fallen asleep and as I curl up next to hear she the wraps her arms around me as if to protect me

The next morning

Paw and I have rolled the saber cat out of the house and we have just finished skinning it he is walking back in to get his travel back.

Gulbrand:" I can't believe that a beast like this broke in the house but thank the nine that paw and I had our bows on us." I say this as I'm rolling the cleaned pelt up to make it easier to carry. I look back to house as my parents are walking out my father is currently wearing a set of hard leather armour and says " keep your mother safe while I'm gone."

I nod " you don't have to tell me twice." I stand up and walk to the house carry the pelt with me to put it in a travel pack.

I pick up the pack and also pick up my coin purse which I had been saving up a lot of money.

I walk over to maw and take her hand " come on mother let's head in to town now."

She just nods and together we watch paw off as he heads of to whiterun to ask for help.

Gulbrand:" come on maw let's go ahead and head towards Riverwood I want to try and get there soon it looks like it wants to rain later."

Mother nods and says" yes that is a good point son just curious what day is it?"

Gulbrand:" I believe the 15 of hearthfire." ( September)

Maw nods and says do you want what comes in a week?"

I'm silent for awhile trying to remember then it hits me I turn to look up at maw with the biggest smile on my face " its my birthday next week I completely forgot!"

Maw nods and smiles her bright smile and says " what would you like for your 11th birthday?"

I understand that normally as a kid I should ask for toys or something but I always been smart and what ever I ask for I want it the help maw and paw. I pull maw so that way we can make it before it starts raining and keep thinking eventually I say" I want a steel sword." Before maw can even say anything I look up at her and put on a fearful face " I want to protect mama and papa."

Maw just looks shocked and eventually smiles and says "maybe not just yet darling."