
I wake up after sleeping a few hours and do a check to make sure I have everything,since I feel asleep right beside the trail.

Gulbrand:" let's here sword check, bow check, arrows check ,coin purse umm oh there it is check yep I have everything now let's get our way on to. Whiterun."

So I start walking I wasn't hungry at the moment so I'll eat when I get to town it's then I see a someone approaching the same crossroad so I might as well try and talk with them. So I wait slightly and find out that the person I was getting ready to talk with is a fellow nord and is female.

Gulbrand:" well met kinswoman."

Woman:" yes indeed well met might I ask you don't seem familiar are you just passing through?"

Gulbrand:" no I'm headed to whiterun to find work."

Woman:" oh just leaving home for the first time."

Gulbrand:" I guess you can say that anyway where you headed?"

Woman:" same as you I'm return to whiterun shall we travel together?"

Gulbrand:" of course might I have to honor of knowing your name?"

Woman:" it's Aela, but people call me Aela the huntress."

Gulbrand: " the names Gulbrand Solberg but my close friends call me Gul."

We turn and start walking to the stables and just chat on the way.

Aela:" So what makes you want to leave home? I'm mean I'm sure your mother would want you to stay..... Hey Gulbrand what is up? You look as if you have stepped in giant shit."

Gulbrand in a solemn voice :" my parents are dead they were murdered four years ago."

Aela:" oh my apologies I didn't mean to make you relive that but you just seem colder than normal people."

I just shrug and it's at this point I clam up and just walk and is I walk I just let all the emotions just die out inside.

We arrive at the gates to whiterun the guard does the normal routine.

City guard:" what is your reason for coming to... oh Aela this guy with you?"

Aela :" no he was only traveling with me to this point."

City guard:" then you can go on in give my regards to kodlak and the rest."

Aela:" Of course well I'll be seeing you Gulbrand."

I just stay quiet and act like I didn't hear her.

City guard:" ok now what is the reason for your visit?"

Gulbrand:" work."

City guard :" and anything else?"

Gulbrand:"work and work does that answer your questions?"

City guard:" all but one sir where are you coming from?"

Gulbrand:" Riverwood."

The guard looks at his partner and shurgs and let's me through at first whiterun wasn't what I was expecting but it beats most places now to find some work , might as well find the inn and ask around it might be a fairly easy place to start. So I just walk down the road till I see a building with the sign " the bannered mare". And without really thinking i walk right on in and straight to the bar and talk with the owner.

Hulda:" well aren't you new around here what can I do for you?"

Gulbrand:" a bottle of mead."

Hulda:" sure thing that well be 20 gold coins."

I just set the money up plus an extra five coins.

Hulda:" sir you are over paying ?"

Gulbrand:" I'm looking for work are there some bounties out that you are aware of and consider the extra five as payment for information."

Hulda:" in that case I know of one at the moment the jarl has placed a bounty on a group of bandits that have settled in halted streams camp the notice said to see the jarl to discuss payment before the job, well that suit your fancy?"

Gulbrand:" yes thank you my coin has be rather light lately."

Ok I have what I need I finish my drink as I walk out the door and make my way up to the keep to talk with the jarl, but I'm in no rush to get there so might as well see what is different. I don't have to look long as I spot a building that looks a little bit like the bannered mare but it doesn't have a sign.

As I stand there debating whether to approach the building or not my answer walks out the door and it is very easy to guess what the building is. A woman walks out her shirt stop right at her midriff and her skirt is just long enough to cover her well shaped ass her hair is let down behind her back, and the look on her face just says " I don't care where but fk me."

At these point I walk back towards the keep something tells me to get a move on naturally a guard would stop a strange person in full steel armour walking to the keep