Kimiko's Love Story 1

Kotone had a hunch to check up on the young couple with the macaroons as an excuse. The way her son dragged Hexie-chan seemed unnatural to her. By the stairs she could hear the voices of the two.

"Are they fighting? Ommo!" She hastened her footsteps.

Kotone was near her oldest son's bedroom when he heard something unexpected. She couldn't believe her ears.


"Y-yes. There. Hnng."

She can hear soft moans.


"Zuki-kun? Hexie-chan? You two forgot the snac-- OH MY HEART!" Kotone gasped in surprise. She couldn't believe her eyes so she looked again.

Her genius oldest son, was on top of her precious daughter in law. Disheveled and panting and still on their uniforms. Kissing so passionately until she shrieked in surprise.

The couple looked surprised as well. Wu Hexie scrambled to cover her unbuttoned school shirt. Kame! This girl was truly gifted the chest department, Kotone thought.

"Mom! Get out!" Kazuki roared as he tried to hide his wife on his back.

Kotone's belly was full of fluttering butterflies. Oh she have to tell this to Lili-chan! As well as to her husband! THEY HAVE TO CELEBRATE! Turns out they don't need to be forced to make love! OH HOW EXCITING!

"Sorry! OMG! Don't mind me. Continue doing your deed hihihihi! Oh gosh my heart!" She said as she hurried to get out of the room.

Once Kotone was in the kitchen, she decided to move their dinner thirty minutes late to support her the young couple's activities. Nanny Lin wasn't lying when she told the mothers of their children's relationship upgrade.

Kotone cupped her cheeks in delight and almost danced in glee at the kitchen.

"So this is their meaning of resting fufufu! Kids these days!"


After making sure no one was loitering near his bedroom, it was Kazuki who broke the silence first.

"You are such a virgin, Wu." Kazuki, as emotionless as he can be, teased the girl beside him.

"So what? Virginity is a social construct made by men to pin down women. Now, Boss, step aside. I have to unpack my belongings." Hexie just crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Kazuki only chuckled.

Hexie was taken aback. She did a double take if it really was Choi Kazuki infront of her.

'Eh?! Did he just...laughed?! What the f--!'

Kazuki stood up and picked up his blazer uniform from the floor. He didn't bother buttoning up hist shirt as he was planning to shower first. He needed a nice cold shower after this fiasco.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Wu."

Kazuki said as he moved past her. He grabbed some clothes from his closet and made his way to the bathroom.

Hexie got goosebumps. It was her first time hearing him utter those words. She didn't know he was capable of showing gratitude.

"J-Just doing my duty, Boss!" Hexie said, attempting to bow but just saluted instead. She remembered how he disliked being bowed to. Kazuki nodded and proceeded to the bathroom.

Hexie was familiar with this room as this was her room every time she visits the Choi Villa.

She started opening her bags one by one except for the bag containing the prototypes, she just put it in the couch where she will sleep later. She organized her laptop and study material on the study table near the couch. Then she settled her clothes in the closet that she always use. There were already dresses there for every occasion, even for simple days.

'The casual for the rich is very different from my casual.' Hexie thought as she touch the new dresses one by one.

She then caught her reflection in the mirror near her closet.

Athena Hexie Wu stood there on her spot studied her face. Her face was still flushed pink, and her neck was ticklish. There was a red spot two inches below her right ear.

Earlier, Hexie was reminded that she have a ticklish neck and told it to Choi Kazuki. It was their last resort so Wu Hexie could fake a moan.

Hopefully the hickey will vanish just in time when the classes resume. Hexie was thankful she wouldn't be working at her side jobs for the weekend, and today was karaoke day at Club Luna. Which means, the spotlight would focus on her because she will be a temporary emcee. The Villainess Squad will surely tease her for this cursed hickey.

Hexie also noticed that her lips were a bit swollen.

'I thought he would just fake the kiss, but no. He actually ravaged my lips!' Hexie shivered as she touched her lips.

'Aish! Hexie stop thinking about it! This should be the last time I will allow him kssing me!' She scolded herself.

But little did she knew, it was only the start.



At the heart of Club Luna, an energizing club music was playing.

"Achoo!!" Lihua sneezed.

"Bless you!" Kimiko said instinctively even though she was in the middle of her crying session.

"Girl, are you alright? Do you need allergy meds?" Mayumi asked.

"No. I'm good. Let's just focus on having fun!"

"Ugh. What a bummer! We're not complete for a beautiful friday night!" Mayumi said and chugged her light beer.

"I know right! Hexie is at the Choi's. Dongfei is studying for their exams." Lihua sighed and stopped dancing to pour her glass another wine.

"Hey, Kimiko. Are you okay?" Mayumi asked the girl beside Lihua.

"N-No...WAAAAH!!" Kimiko cried on Lihua's shoulders. She was a little bit tipsy now.

"H-Hey! What happened?!" Mayumi panicked.

"The usual happened." Lihua rolled her eyes.

"Mingyu-kun rejected me! Again!!" Kimiko whimpered.

Mayumi was sad for her childhood friend.

"Ugh. Boys! Did he threw away the cake you baked?" Mayumi shook her head. One of the reasons why she didn't want to date anyone. Boys are too immature for girls like them.

Kimiko looked at her stained dress. There was still an icing left on her sleeves.

"Oof. Damn that guy is ruthless!" Mayumi cringed and helped her friend wipe off the remains of the chocolate cake.

"Cheer up, Kimiko-chan. Zhang Mingyu is not worth your tears." Lihua tried to calm her down in her own way.

"B-But I loved him since we were kids!!" She disagreed with all her heart.

"Damn. Kimiko really loves Dongfei's older brother so much that she forgot to love herself." Mayumi said.

"H-How do I love myself? My heart hurts so much! But I still love him!" Kimiko cried her heart out.

"How about this? Tonight, let us forget all the heartaches! Tonight, us girls, will have fun! You should totally sing your heart out since today is Karaoke Day!" Lihua declared.

"Huh?" Kimiko wiped her tears. Lihua strutted her way towards the dance floor, dragging Kimiko and Mayumi.

"Tonight, all women are queens! Don't let any boy say other wise! You are encouraged to sing your heart out later as tonight is Karaoke Night, but for now, I have an announcement. DJ Hazard is not here, but another Queen of music is in the house! DJ Laliz, burn the dancefloor!" Lihua spoke in the microphone. All the girls howled in delight.

She didn't notice Park Jinhai arriving just in time after her small speech, with two of his closest friends in tow.

"So this is the famed Club Luna? Nice interiors."

"Hmm...are the food and liquor here Tanaka approved?"