
They're not done, not really.

They've conquered Japan but that doesn't satisfy them enough. Maybe they've become greedy and arrogant, but each and every single person in Namimori has thought to themselves, at least once; I wonder how long it'll take until the infected are all gone?

It's a light-hearted and musing thought, as if they were wondering what the weather will be tomorrow. It's not an 'if' and not a 'maybe', it's a complete belief that zombies are heading towards their last days on earth.

You can't blame them though, for those thoughts, because not a week after the clearing of Japan, willing Patrollers switched out their lilac armbands for cream ones and took all of the appropriated airplanes overseas.

Patrollers landed in already stable Namimori compounds and spread like wildfire into the country they picked. The Italians aren't far behind.

Most landing spots are like Japan in that they're separate from most of the world by consequence of being a small continent, simply so it's easier to clear it and not have to be on constant lookout for more infected wandering back in to safe zones. They clean Fiji, Ireland and Iceland and they keep going until even Australia is zombie free before starting on the larger continents.

In Japan, legitimate government starts up again, early because Kyouya outright refuses to deal with petty problems. Job sectors expand from just the necessities and all the damage to infrastructure is repaired.

Namimori (the actual town) is a major tourist spot. (And how amazing is it that they can have proper holidays again?) Or it is until Kyouya swoops in, changes a few border laws, and stops it.

People start thinking that maybe the teenager has too much power, but then they shrug it off and continue with their day.

Things slide back to normal except the world's population has shrunk significantly, the final say on anything is a teenager, and if someone starts up again with crime people run away in fear as the Varia come down hard.

People are happy and they're content. Somewhere along the way the date Japan was fully cleared becomes an annual holiday. Someone starts a book holding all Patrollers and their stats, while the children start collecting trading cards, and the DC just roll their eyes.

The Chairman is often seen in the company of a rather strange group. One being the leader of Italy, Sawada Tsunayoshi, and the rest a curious mix of Patroller and civilian.

The second time the entire Tokyo group meets, all personnel in Taiwan is extracted, because everyone still remembers the first time they got together in Tokyo. It's a wise decision because the group clear the country in a week, with prejudice, without a care for the buildings.

(Other countries prepare evacuation procedures in case the group enters their borders.)

So, yes, maybe they're being too optimistic by thinking that the zombies will be completely wiped out despite the world being so large and full of hiding places. Perhaps it's ridiculous to place faith in a child who acts so apathetic when he's not being a mass murderer.

But can you blame them?

Don't you think this will be a happy ending?


Longchamp Naito takes the hand held out to him and steps off the ramp to climb aboard the ship, the hoard of infected sprinting for him and his famiglia only held off by cream armbands.

A red armband passes him then, a hand politely raised as the teen yawns widely and looks as if he just woke up from a nap.

As Naito steps below deck, he pauses. It sounds like the infected are screaming…in fear?


The last three Vindice watch as the cargo plane flies over the Mafia prison. The ramp opens and a group of Namimori clad in winter gear drop down into the snow to help clean out the prison full of infected. The sole red armband leads the group, passing Bermuda with a nod as greeting.

The last three Vindice fall into step behind the teenager. Their fellow prison guards all fell during the initial virus, and while they could have taken back Vendicare with a little effort, the three decided to cut their losses and move to a place that wasn't full of wandering infected.

However, the Namimori DC requested a place to keep the more dangerous criminals, and they agreed. They could have just wiped the prison themselves, but they're rather curious about Hibari Kyouya, so they asked for 'help'.

Kyouya glances over his shoulder as they all troop through the knee high snow and doesn't see people who need assistance. "If I get a higher count than you, I get to keep your coat."

Bermuda blinks and then laughs. "And when I win, I get complete access to DC information."

Kyouya nods and turns to face the large building appearing in the distance. He can already feel the soft fur of the Vendice coat's collar pressing into his neck.


Lal Mirch peers down the telescopic sight of her gun at the target. The figure turns, seemingly locking eyes with the sniper despite the woman being four blocks away on the roof of a six storey building.

The Chairman rolls his eyes and Lal bites her lip at being caught following the kid. Fon is definitely going to get a tonfa to the face when the teen gets back to Japan.

Lal keeps saying that Kyouya is fine by himself but Fon insists on sending an Arcobaleno to watch the kid a least once a fortnight. The rest don't mind, because Kyouya is always doing something interesting.

Reborn was there when a group of Patrollers went to Vendicare and the hitman ended up winning a fancy coat.


Kawahira watches from the helicopter as his team of Pyros light up another mass grave. The boy sitting beside him rolls his shoulders, looking content at the large group he took down.

Kawahira pretends he doesn't see the boy staring and soon gets a small tug on his sleeve when the teen gets impatient. He turns to peer down at Kyouya and smiles at the expectant expression, taking out a bar of chocolate from his pocket.

The teen accepts the treat and immediately starts munching on it, the chocolate tasting like victory.

Kawahira looks back down, the flames only partly obscuring the image of a Go board that the zombies are arranged into.

"I thought you were an aggressive player," Kawahira admits. "You've played like that the last few games so I wasn't looking for traps."

Kyouya hums in satisfaction around the chocolate. He pulls away and licks his lips. "I am, but I needed a different approach for you."

Kawahira chuckles. "It won't work next time."

"You think I only have one surprise for you?" Kyouya replies, biting into the last piece of chocolate.

Kawahira smirks.


An undetermined time later, there's screaming far off in the distance.

It's out of overwhelming joy when Verde's radar can't pick up any more infected signals.