Chapter 3.0 Gods World

"Everyone must report to the courtroom immediately. Something big is about to happen. Every 3 million of you gods must go there immediately." The emergency system sounded off. This system was used in case of something major happen

This system has not been used in roughly 2millions years. This made all the gods worry. The thought that a war might be breaking loose. All the gods and goddess immediately made their way to the courtroom. Even the god that has been the emperor of all gods.

When the gods got to the room, the first thing the notice was a new chair. This chair was not there before. The chair was even higher than the chair of the god Olimpiusian. This god was the emperor of all god, he has been for over 10 years.

The empty chair was pure gold with lightning bolts around it. This meant that whoever try to get close to the chair they will get hit with Lighting. The chair seems to be alive. This was the first time that something like this has ever happen.

"What the fuck is going on. I want to know where this chair came from." Olimpiusian asked with an arrogant matter.

"Who allows you to speak? You are nothing more than an ant, but you still demand an answer. This chair belongs to the woman that have broken all the realms. She has even created her own realm. This is how I am able to talk to you all. This is also how I am able to use Lightning to protect this chair. Now shut the fuck up. I don't want to kill like the ant you are." The chair said to Olimpiusian.

"You are just a mare chair. Who do you think you are to order me around?" Olimpiusian reply to the chair.

"I guess I will have to kill you now. It is a shame you should have shut the fuck up as I told you to do so." The chair said to Olimpiusian.

A little girl appears out of nowhere. This girl was, of course, the lightning that was around the chair. She looked annoyed. This little girl her name was the lighting of destruction. She was a weapon that could only be used by the Empress. No other gods had anything like Sophia. Their chair could not talk nor did they have a weapon that could form itself into a person.

"I will not kill him, stupid brother. I don't want the miss to be mad at me. I will wait for her orders. I will take his cultivation of still told otherwise. This way they miss won't be mad at us. I am the smart one after all brother. I want everyone to quiet down and wait for the miss arrival like the good gods and goddess you are." The voice of the little girl travels with an amazing speed around the entire courtroom.

The little girl moved closer to Olimpiusian and with a touch of her hand the arrogant god fell to the floor. The god threw up a mouth full of blood after the hand landed on him. The chair of Olimpiusian blew up into a million pieces out nowhere.

"Sister I did not kill him but I destroyed his chair. This mean of course he rank will be a mere God One Star Realm. That is what he gets for being arrogant in front of me. That is what you get stupid arrogant god. I am not even sure if the miss will forgive you. Just in case she do you will be a mere God One Star forever. Your chair will never be formed again. This is your punishment stupid ant." The chair taunted Olimpiusian.

At this moment Sophia has arrived at the God world. "Wow is so pretty in here." Sophia said to herself. The first this she saw was a big palace. The palace is 300,000 meters. The palace had many flowers around it. These flowers were so beautiful. There were many peach trees around her. This was one of her favorite food. The weather around the palace was to Sophia liking. There were many maids and butler around the palace.

"Welcome to the golden flowers palace, my lady. This will be one of your palaces. My name is Alex. I am the head butler of this palace. My lady, there is court session going on. Please follow me. I will bring you there." The head butler introduces himself to Sophia.

"I want to explore the city before going there. This is my first time here after all." Sophia says to Alex while smiling.

"Of course my lady. I will bring you around the city at once.

The two of them began to fly out of the palace. Sophia spotted a place. This place seems to be an orphanage. Sophia decided to go there first. The city had a lot of people there. They all were between realm God one Star to God five stars. It seems like only those that made pass god five stars were considered gods.

The orphanage was a small building. The building seems like it was about to fall down. This made Sophia's heart hurt. "What is the government doing here? This place was an orphanage after all. I will have to change this. I will come back later" Sophia said to herself.

Sophia began to fly again. The city was huge. There was a lot of things to see. There were a lot of places where poor people lived. This place looks somewhat like the slum she used to live on back in Bulthanian. The slum here was like a town of it own. There were many house pile right next to each other. Sophia decided to go to the courtrooms she will deal with all of this later.

"Take me to the courtroom Alex. I have seen enough already." Sophia order Alex.

The two of them made their way toward the courtroom. The courtroom was one of the biggest room in the city. The entire building was made out of gold. It looked like a masterpiece. It seems like it took people a long time to make something this big. There were two-door in the entrance of the courtroom.

Sophia made her way inside the room. It seems like Alex was not allowed to enter, so he had to stay behind. Inside the room, there were a lot of people sitting down. None of them were talking it seems like they were scared of something.

She saw a chair on top of the room. The chair had the words Empress of all Gods carved on it. "It seems that is my chair." Sophia says to herself. She began to fly to the chair. There was a little girl kneeling down as she approaches the chair.