If not you

Ha-jin has come in his office looking all smug and a bit glowing than his patented 'office worker' gloomy persona. his usually neat suit a bit loosened, giving him wild look. his black hair were bare without it's usual styling, and his fake glasses (yes, as accustomed he is to the glasses, it's just an accessories) were off. Knocking down his milf waifu on the bed for few round gave him the greatest satisfaction. somehow he feel like a bit liberated. he still in probation time before he can take another mission, may as well leasurely finishing his paperworks with a cup of hot coffee as company.

Since the Boss were on bussiness trip to the Capitol, and his colleagues probably busy with their own missions, Ha-jin can relaxedly spend his break time after his latest missions. it's look like the next job gonna be a crucial one if he was allowed to take a week free of missions.

An urge to calling and tease his stupid wife come again, but the assassin just snapped shut his phone which placed in his table. afterall, he still have an 'excellent worker' image he need to uphold.

Nearly every workers in the company envy him, and he is sure they will try to take anything from the company law and regulations loophole to stole his position.

Actually, he doesn't mind to give his 'ace' position, but its just no one else understand what kind of skill level for it.

Those that come over to challenge him were either too stupid, too messy, too emotional, too rash, too dirty, too rigid, too greedy, and those have no tacts. and he just simply just can't stand such buffon boast their 'godly' ability like a moron in front of mirror. too pathetic honestly.

or maybe its just his own assassin pride speaking, who know?

As he calmly looking through stacks of paper that he need to oversee, and graded it, his mind once again wander to his wife. really, as much as he pretend it doesn't bother him in the least, internally he can't help but sighed in helplessness of the truth that he truly is pathetically hooked. utterly and worryingly borderline obsessive as well.

And it's not a bad thing to go with the flow at times. venting frustation in a good way really did help him to loosen up, especially after a bloody and chaotic days. it's good that he choose to accept Si-yeon as his accessories. Thinking that his own reluctance at first meeting with his wife nearly sent her straight over to other unsavory individuals, just imagining it nearly send him in crazed bloodlust. it is a fateful gift that his curiosity win over him and accept their arranged marriage by the company that day. whoever say that Si-yeon was plain definitely blind, since she was natural born entertaining mink.

The most surprising gift he reliazed was that the stamina of Si-Yeon has improved quite drastically. it's probably because all of her outdoor activities while he go to work. Not even his coworker has enough stamina, while they train longer than Si-Yeon could have been. not to mention that divine healthy and calories carefully maintained meals she make truly did wonders not only to her own bodies, but Ha-jin's too. its making The young husband feel like he was slightly pampered, even if he would definitly outright denying it if someone shameless ask him frontally about it (namely Jinwoo-sunbae).

Talk about that Old Buffon, the last time he saw him were when the former Ace stormed out of Boss's room with a pityful expression. for someone who always taking everything easy and laughing everything off to make such a face.

Did something happen without his knowledge?

as his stare gone off distant at the clear window glasses which showing the blue skies, uneasy feeling shrouded him.

he doesn't like this kind of silence.


In the Company Apartment.

Si-yeon curled into little burrito surrounded with pillows, sheets, and random oversized Teddy bear that Ha-jin got for her at the Game stall. The sunshine make her feel more irritated. she has decided to spend her day resting. after their supposed first date, the man she called husband eagerly interrogate her about the books she has been writing. Not only that, the man shamelessly tortured her until sunrise rising with entusiasm.

The most infuriating things about it was at the end when Si-yeon nearly passed out of stamina, Ha-jin patted her head and thankfully wish her to be more dilligent with her training since he was satisfied with Si-yeon's performance.

The Nerve!

Just wait until she can trace Kanshou and Bakuya! that glasses guy will be a mince meat. The young wife vowed.

A few knock could be heard from the front door, Si Yeon tilted her head in confusion. She dressed up, and peered up at the monitor that show the outside of the door. a woman she know of stand there.

"Si-Yeon, are you home?" The woman ask to the monitor outside.

the reincarnated girl gasp before fastly opening her door. "Big sister Nayun?"

The gray eyed woman with short Bob hair look at Si Yeon, her hand anxiously placed on top of her pregnant belly. The woman was living with her husband on the floor above Ha-jin's and Si-yeon's apartment. she met Nayun at the fruit stall a month ago after she did her training and become fast normal friend of Si-yeon.

"I..I need help...i think Jinwoo will be in trouble...and i'm worried for our child. i can't think off anyone else to ask help for, Si yeon"

and the tears spilling.

"please help us"


Alternative : Wild Ha-jin lazy day / Good stamina, Good workout / Hey, it's Jinwoo's wife.