The one who came into the room was a middle-aged man and was one of the many people who worked at Musical Talent, his name was Oliver. He organized the times that different singers worked. Karu had met him a few months ago, he was laid back and you could talk to him easily. He sometimes helped Karu organize his recitals around his time at school.

"Hey, Oliver what are you doing here?" Karu asked.

"Hello, Mr. Tai I was sent here to tell you something." Oliver had a very low voice that sometimes made people a little intimidated until they got to know him.

"There's going to be a part to celebrate the birthday of Raya and Rin today. Since you a member of Musical Talent you're invited. Oh, your friends can come to if they want."

Raya and Rin were twins. they were some of the most popular singers at Musical Talent right now. They had amazing talent with their voice and they were also the children of the C.E.O of Musical Talent. Karu thought that it would be rude not to go and by the look on May's face it was obvious that she wanted to go. Komaki also seemed ready to bounce off the walls with excitement. Karu nodded and promised that they would be there.

Oliver started heading towards the door and Karu saw Yu move back so he wouldn't be seen. Before He left the room Oliver turned back to Karu and asked, "Did a boy with green hair come in here earlier?" Karu was startled by this question and started to say that he was the new member of Musical Sky. But then he caught sight of Yu shacking his head.

"No there's nobody with green hair," he said instead.

Oliver sighed, "hm, I guess I was mistaken. Well, see you later." Oliver left letting the door click closed behind him.

Yu relaxed when he door closed. What was that Yu?" May asked. Yu was silent for a moment as he stared at the door. Finally, he turned back to May.

"He knows somebody I don't like." Yu said before he walked over to the guitar that Komaki had put down and started playing. Karu realized the conversation was over. He started listening to Yu play. He now believed what May said about Yu being able to play a lot of instruments. He had the guitar completely mastered.

When the bell for the end of break rang they all went back to class. They agreed to meet at Musical Talent's entrance after school. Then split up to go to their separate classes. Karu realized that he was in the same English and Math class as Yu. Karu sat in the third row close to the middle of the room and Yu sat in the second last row next to the window. May, Komaki and Yoku wherein the class next to them.

When school finished, Karu went home to get ready for the party. He decided to put on a white t-shirt and black sweat pants along with a pair of grey sneakers. As he walked onto the parkinglot a few collage student girls walked past saying something about a handsome boy with green hair. Karu chuckled it seemed like Yu was getting some attention.

Karu was waiting for a few minutes but soon he heard the sound of people walking. He turned and saw Yu and the others walking in his direction. May was wearing grey capris and a sky blue three-quarter sleeve. Yoku hadn't changed and was still wearing his black t-shirt and jeans. Komaki was wearing a green t-shirt and white shorts. Yu was wearing a red T-shirt and dark jeans. He had a black sweater tied around his waist. He had black basketball sneakers. Honestly, all of them could work at Musical Talent if they wanted they had the looks for it at least.

Once they were all ready they headed towards the front doors of Musical Talent.