When they finally finished answering all the questions from the newspaper club that the school had. They all went back to the club room to wait for the crowd to leave.

As the relaxed on the couches, they started talking about the concert, although it was mostly Komaki ranting about how amazing it was. Someone knocked on the club door. May went to answer it.

When she opened the door, she was surprised to find three men standing in front of her. One had a bloody nose, and his cheek was swelling; all three of them were out of breath. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Is Yu here?" The one with a bloody nose responded as he held the bridge of his nose to stop the bleeding. May hesitated for a moment, did Yu know them? She wondered, although since this is Yu, we're talking about it was entirely possible.

May pocked her head around the corner of a shelf and called to Yu, "there are some people here for you, Yu." A moment later, Yu appeared. When he saw the man with a bloody nose, he rushed over.

"Lex, are you alright, what happened?" Yu asked him he grabbed a tissue box off a shelf and gave it to him. "I'm fine boss, can I come in?" Yu glances at May then sighed, "Sure."

Everyone made room on the couch for them and grabbed an ice pack for Lex's cheek. Yu texted Rin and Raya telling them to come over. Lex explained to Yu what happened. "We were looking for they guy you mentioned, I went outside to see if he ran away..." Lex was silent for a minute before continuing, "...Jason was there." Yu was silent.

"Was he the one that punched you?" Yu asked when he finally spoke up. Lex nodded. Yu didn't say anything as he stared at the floor thinking. He stood up and sighed.

"I'm going home," he said as he grabbed his guitar and left before anyone could stop him. as he turned a corner in the hallway he saw Rin and Raya go into the club room.

As he walked home Yu was thinking. Jason and Yu were friends when they were younger but for some reason when they started junior high. He stated changing he wouldn't talk to Yu anymore and when he did it was usually rude retorts. It wasn't common knowledge but Jason and Yu had been the ones to start the fight that split musical Talent. Jason had shown up at Musical talent on day, when Yu tried to talk to him he'd gotten punched, Yu had retaliated and it became a a big fight. Soon after Yu had noticed people giving him weird looks and soon people started arguing about things that didn't even make sense. That had turned into the split between the members of Raven and Linx. It was almost funny how it all started with a fight between two thirteen year old boys. After that, things when down-hill and Yu stopped trying to talk to Jason. Jason became someone that Yu didn't like talking about.

When Yu got home He went to his bedroom and locked the door. He opened his guitar case and started playing. practicing helped Yu calm down, so whenever he's stressed or angry he tended to lock himself in his room like this.

Yu heard Rin and Raya when they got home. He'd stopped playing a while ago and now he was just laying in bed lost in thought. Yu heard Raya knock on the door and ask him to open it.

Yu didn't move. When he heard knocking again he dragged himself to his feet and opened the door. Rin and Raya could be very persistent when necessary, they would stay there knocking until he opened up so he might as well get it over with.

When Yu opened the door Raya was standing in front of him with Rin to her side. Raya was taller than Yu even if it wasn't by much, making times like this when Yu was stressed make her look quite intimidating. "I don't want to talk Raya," Yu said and tried to close the door. Raya stuck her foot between the door and the frame to stop him.

"I don't care if you WANT to talk about it or not but we need to, it's bothered you for long enough already," Raya responded as she tried to pry the door open while Yu tried to close it. Yu paused in the struggle and it gave her a chance to pull the door open and push her way in before Yu could stop her.

Yu knew he wouldn't be able to force her out so he gave up and sat on the foot of his bed. Raya and Rin both sat down on the floor in front of him. Raya looked him in the eyes when she spoke, "why does talking about Jason stress you so much?"

Yu was silent for a minuted before he sighed, "you know the fight we had fight we a few years ago?" Yu asked, when Raya nodded and Yu continued. "That wasn't really the first fight we had, Jason started avoiding me for some reason. I kept trying to talk to him to figure out why and we'd end up fighting. Usually we'd apologize but he'd keep avoiding me. I ended up getting angry and that's when we had THAT fight. I tried apologizing but he wouldn't talk to me at all after that. I still can't figure WHY he he's avoiding me, I just tend get get angry when ever he gets mentioned!" Yu's voice got lauder and lauder as he spake to the point where he was basically yelling

Yu was breathing heavily when he finished his rant. Rin and Raya were both silent. "Hmmm..." Raya seemed to be thinking about when he'd just said.

"Why didn't you just ask him directly why he was avoiding you?" Raya asked. "I DID Raya, that's what usually started the arguments so I had to figure it out myself," Yu replied exasperated, as he flopped back on his mattress.