Ch 4

Itachi was walking towards the usual place to meet Xia Qingyue. he really enjoyed being with her and contrary to the "cold ice" personality described in the novel she is good if you know her a little. He quickly arrived at his destination and saw Xia Qingyue who was waiting for him. "Hi," he said simply "Hi," she replied. She was very shy and could not talk too much even if she respected his presence. She was only 16 years old and except for her father and brother she had never talked to men before. Itachi just lay in a potion by her side. Both of them relax in silence watching the clouds from time to time they will chat. "Looks like you are famous in the city. I heard your name yesterday. How do I call you" The Biggest Treasure Floating from the Cloud City "?" Itachi said while smiling Xia Qingyue flushed slightly below her dress "Don't make fun of me!" She said shyly that Itachi just laughed lightly "Hey Itachi can I ask you a question?" Xia Qingyue asked, "You can," he replied curtly "Do you have a family?" She asked Itachi not to show any special reaction to the question, he closed his eyes as if not disturbed. "I have a younger brother named Sasuke." He responded to Xia Qingyue's surprise that he only had a younger brother? How about the others? And the name of his younger brother is also strange whether they all have strange names in his family? She did not question further as they calmly relaxed as a pack of Profound Creatures walked towards them slowly. Itachi woke up and stretched a little. Xia Qingyue paid attention to the Beasts pack in front of them she scanned the there cultivation "True Sixth Stage Realm and there are seven of them we have to work together." Said Xia Qingyue "I'll handle it" said Itachi It's time to get some Cool Points Itachi walked towards the Beasts The Beast looked at Itachi and showed their fangs "I can easily conquer them using the Sharingan but I want to test the skills I bought" he thought The Three Beasts ran in the direction of Itachi with the aim of killing him quickly Itachi's reaction time was very good he avoided it easily and jumped backwards. He took out some parts of Kunai that were prolonged from his pocket and threw them in a different direction where all were directed at several trees or just the floor "Okay I have kunai in all directions." He thought Xia Qingyue was looking from the side and was confused whether he missed the goal? Even the Beasts had insults in their eyes. A wild beast jumped towards Itachi while opening his mouth Itachi didn't move, he just stared at the animal that came. He even smiled "Move!" Xia Qingyue shouted worriedly Just before the animal touched Itachi at the last moment something extraordinary happened FUWISHH He disappeared in an instant and reappeared in another place! Xia Qingyue doesn't believe her eyes now! What happened? Just now he's here and now he's changing position instantly! Is this the speed? Suddenly everyone heard a loud noise. It was like they were a thousand birds singing Xia Qingyue turned it towards Itachi who teleported again. He seemed to control a few flashes with his hands and his eyes were red. Itachi ran towards a mob of beasts and killed them one by one with his Chidori.

["Ding! Congratulations on killing the 7 True Profound Beasts that you obtained 80 CP." and 45 CP for beening cool in front of Xia Qingyue]

"Good." He thought Finally the Chidori disappeared and he turned off Xia Qingyue's Sharingan walking towards him "What was that Skill before? When you disappeared!" She asked "That was the Flying God of Thunder. I can't tell you how it works or it won't be funny anymore." He said lightly "Hmmm, I didn't ask anything!" She said "Good then." He said, amused After this, Itachi took the core of wild animals and other materials to sell it in the city.


3 months and 2 weeks later "Okay it's time ..." thought Itachi Today Yun Che will be reincarnated. During these 3 months he practiced very hard and saved a lot of CP He is now in the True 10th Profound Realm and is near a breakthrough. He trained many fundamental shinobi as well with Itachi's experience and intelligence was quite easy. Overall he was on top he raised all his skills to the main level of Taijutsu to Genjutsu and even his Sharingan. His progress with Xia Qingyue was also good, he was 100% sure that in 4 months he had left a shadow in his heart that would keep him away from Yun Che. He was a little contradictory about Yun Che he didn't know what to do about him. He wanted to steal Jasmine from him but he did not want to kill him completely. First he didn't care about the Evil God Legacy Yun Che could save it if he wanted to. Secondly he does not need the Sky Poison Pearl because the same fonction is available with the system and medical knowledge can be purchased as well it is not too expensive so it doesn't matter. And finally he didn't want to steal all the original girls so that maybe he could let him live. "Overall he can keep the Evil God Legacy and Sky Poison Pearl but I will take Jasmine." He decided. "I will take Chu Yuechen too ..." he added to his head "Now I remember I have to make an extraordinary faction like the Ultimate Scheming System that is really cool and funny." He thought "I wonder if ..." A genius idea popped into his mind. He needed to confirm something. "system you said I can buy all things related to anime and novels right?" Itachi asked

["Ding! Yes Host can buy anything related to anime or novel."]

"Well, let's say I want to buy for an example ..." "Sasuke Uchiha's body is possible?" He asked hopefully

["Ding! That's possible! Hosts can buy mates or corpses that don't live from any anime characters."]

Itachi began to smile then he laughed. If he can make what he thinks ... The prize will be ridiculous! "The system let me see a skill called Soul Clones"

["Ding!" Soul Clones Give the ability to clone your soul if the soul is cloned into the body then the original gets the ability to control the body simultaneously the number of clones depends on the user's mental strength. Cost of 750 CP CP currently 773]

"system buy this Skill." Itachi said

[Ding! Skill Soul Clones bought!]

It was difficult for Itachi to see all his savings lost like this but it was very valuable. That must be it. He began to imagine his future faction. He only needed to buy the bodies of anime characters and their experience then implanted his cloned soul and he would be able to control them. This technique is superior to Nagato because you can control different bodies while having full control of the original and even an automatic mode. This skill requires tremendous soul strength at its current level, he will only be able to control it. With this he will be able to become a number of anime characters as well as genius ideas! What makes him very happy with this skill is that in automatic mode different bodies will have their original personality. As in the Ultimate Scheming System he will make the whole world know the name of his faction! First the Profound Heaven Continent later in the future of the God Realm. He needs a name ... In Ultimate Scheming System the MC named the faction "Explosing Heaven Faction" He would need a cool name too. Soon ... Madara Obito Sasuke Hashirama Zoro Hisoka ... and many others! Our faction will destroy this world! Destroying Sects Captures Beauty and Attracts Mass Admiration. Some will admire some Jalousy envy and a little anger. But one thing is certain ... My faction will shock the world! Today marks the start of a new era ... An era that will belong to Itachi Uchiha of the dreaded Uchiha Clan and the Almighty Faction full of monsters.