Ch 6

Jasmine slowly woke up and her eyes began to open with some difficulties. "What happened? What I remember seeing was this man with strange eyes and the next time I was sleeping ..." she thought. She began to observe her surroundings and found that where she was now was not her place before. Suspicion began to arise in her heart and she began to look for the man but she did not need to look for too long before she heard a voice behind her. "Looks like you are awake." She was surprised that he could slip behind her and immediately turn towards him. He stood in the same strange robe and with the same emotionless face that bothered her. Red eyes that are equally alluring and two long tears under his eyes. "You! What are you doing to me!" She shouted angrily "I saved you." He answered simply "Is that so? Then why did you make me sleep !?" She said angrily "It's inevitable if I want to save you. I'm sorry for making you angry but knowing that now you are not in a life-threatening situation." He said calmly. His calm attitude only made Jasmine angry. She was one of the most powerful existences of all the Dimensions of Primal Chaos. She stood at the top of this world. But seeing this man did not show the slightest inconvenience when she could kill him with one finger made her angry and a little curious too. She was very curious about his eyes. She could feel his cultivation was only at stage 10 of the True Profound Realm. and even if she is at the door of death the fact that he is able to make her fall asleep is very frightening. If word spreads on the God Realm that a true Profound Realm cultivator is falling apart can "hurt" a Divine God like ... She can't even imagine the consequences. When she thought of this she realized she felt the strange aura from this man ... She snorted not acknowledging him in the slightest. "No longer in a life-threatening situation? You are too full of yourself! Do you even know poisons on my body?! You are truly too arrogant for a pathetic Deep Profound cultivator!" She said in a hurry. Kenji rolled his eyes "You bastard ..." she thought in her mind "Absolute God Killer Poison" he said calmly "You! How do you know?" Jasmine yelled with her eyes wide open. She was shocked! How does he know the poison in her body !? This man is not simple ... "You have to understand how I saved you?" He asks Now after that she calms down she realizes that her condition is stable and ahe is no longer in a life-threatening situation ... She thinks about how he can save her and she only finds one possibility ... "Sky Poison Pearls!" She said once again surprised "Yes" he answered calmly "This man is clearly not simple ... He even has one of the Heavenly Treasures!" She thought "I'll be honest with you." He said suddenly Jasmine was tensed. She felt that she would not appreciate what she would hear. "You have to calm down okay? I suggest you control yourself or the poison can soar." He says. Ok he knows shell be angry after that statement. "I need the blood you have so you take it. I hope you don't too—" "YOU DO WHAT!" She shouted angrily "YOU ARE THIEVES! RASKAL I WILL KILL YOU" She really lost her anger he closed his eyes. His expression never changed once during the entire conversation. "I don't have it anymore." He said Jasmine almost fainted from anger! The legacy of the Evil God just disappeared! She almost died from a drop of blood! For some reason she can't tell his profound strength or else she will kill him. "Calm down. I have enough understanding to know that this blood is of no use to you because you have to restart cultivation from scratch." He said Jasmine was a little calm after hearing this but the anger that came from being stolen was still here. "Our soul is a bond so if you kill me you will die too. I have an agreement to propose to you so calm down." He said Jasmine tried to calm down and hear what he wanted to say. "First you can feed your soul at Sky Poison Pearl until the poison comes out of your soul and secondly I promise that I will find all the ingredients to make your body back in the future." He said Jasmine thought that it was not a bad transaction "OK but You must reach the Sovereign Realm in 10 years!" She said "Deal." He said he had reached the Deep Realm Realm and he had only cultivated for 6 months so he had great confidence in his potential. Don't forget he also has one hell of a system. hehehe ... "You have to rest now." He said when he turned ready to leave the Sky Poison Pearl. "Oh I forgot to ask how should I call you?" He asked, turning his head towards her "Hmph at least you have manners for little thieves." She said arrogantly "You can call this Princess Princess Jasmine or Mrs. Jasmine." She said Itachi rolled his eyes "I'll call you the AV Princess for your taste?" He asked Jasmine to blink her eyelashes innocently AVs? What is that? "What does the AV mean?" She asks Kenji to suddenly remember that there is no AV here He can't explain to her what an AV is! If she knows what it means she will surely kill him even if she has to die with him. "No, I will only call you Jasmine." He said this time was really ready to go "Wait! You can't call me like this—" "Call me Itachi." He didn't let her finish what she was going to say because he had disappeared leaving the angry Jasmine. "ARGHRRRR I HATE YOUUUU" she yelled


Itachi calmly walked back He saw Yun Che still sleeping Now he realized that he really changed the whole fate this universe. Without his evil god inheritance and heavenly treasure Yun Che's achievements in the future will be limited. He will still be strong in the future but not too and his progress will be much slower. Kenji felt some excitement for a reason ... Yun Che began to show signs of waking up. Kenji saw this had two choices. 1. He comes out now and Yun Che will never know what happened and who stole his artifact. 2. Or ... He plays with him now. Kenji had never liked Yun Che since the beginning ... This person had a "self-righteous" personality possessed by many Chinese MC novels. EN This really made me stop reading after he massacred the entire clan for very stupid reasons and shouted that it was justice. You know what I'm talking about. He is also very arrogant and always offends people. Well don't forget a lot of rape etc ... Kenji himself is not perfect. He would obviously have his own disabilities but at least he knew that he would never make love to a woman. That is certainty. The fact that Kenji wants to be the only Main Character is also one reason. He made a decision. They will become enemies. He didn't want to kill him now oh no ... If he killed him now it wouldn't be fun. He would make him hate him so much that Yun Che could explode just from hearing his name ... He thought about what should he told him and found the ideal speech to make ...


Yun Che slowly started to wake up ... "Argh my head ... what happened ? " he thought he suddenly remembered. "This person! I'll kill him!" He thought angrily This person made him sleep without reason so he was angry! He stood up and finally saw the man who hypnotized him. "You bastard! What have you doing to me !?" He is screaming. Itachi just looked at Yun Che in disgust and did not respond. "I suggest you look at your right hand." He said mysteriously. Yun Che confused his right hand? Why did he see his right hand and see nothing abnormal ... Wait ... Nothing ?! Can that be true? !!!! Where is the Pearl Poison Pearl !!!!! ?? Yun Che looked at Itachi in horror ... Don't tell this person ... Stealing my Poisonous Pearl of Pearl ?! "Looks like you understand ... Now I suggest to see the area of ​​your chest." He said with a little grin. Horrifying thoughts flashed through Yun Che's mind ... He didn't ... With trembling hands he slowly began to examine his chest and his worst dreams materialized ... He couldn't find the Samsara Mirror ... The mirror that made him reincarnate ... "Impossible. ... "he said with an ugly expression. Itachi slowly opened his coat to open the Samsara Mirror and showed the green light in his right hand. Yun Che looked with pure anger at Itachi. "YOUUUUU !!!!!" He shouted madly "GIVE THEM BACK THERE MINE!!!! He shouted" Yours? They Never been yours from the start. Let me show you something else that isn't yours. "Yun Che made eye contact with Itachi." tsukuyomi. "Said Itachi Suddenly Yun Che's vision changed. He was at the door of his room. When he was confused what was happening he heard some small voices "Ahhh" "Ahhh" "Ahhh" He heard a groan with the sound of clapping meat. He began to feel very anxious. His trembling hands slowly walked towards the key and he opened the door. What he saw would be a nightmare for the rest of his life. He saw the same person who stole all of his property. He was in bed making love with three women. Xiao Lingxi his aunt EN oof Su Ling'er Her lover from EN OOF's past life and Xia Qingyue's real wife. EN OOOOOOOOF Yun Che froze in horror. " No No No No No No ... "He kept repeating" No "as it was only a nightmare and it was coming to an end ... He could do nothing but watch this man touch his aunt's wife and past lover end up hoping that he will get up soon ...


Itachi saw Yun Che's sad appearance after seeing this illusion .Itachi saw Yun Che's sad appearance after seeing this illusion .He was on the floor with saliva in his mouth. He almost looked like he was mentally retarded. Slowly Itachi walked towards Yun Che clutching his neck and whispering close to his ear. "Did you know? Behind the dress Xia Qingyue is one of the most beautiful women in the world. You really lost something ..." Yun Che had never been this angry in his life. He almost cried. "Oh and your aunt Xiao Lingxi ... She's really a virgin. Imagine how surprised I am ... By the way you have to call me uncle right?" Every word pierced Yun Che's heart like the needle he was now purple with anger. "Oh and how can I forget Su Ling'er. He is very good with his mouth ... and he keeps telling me how I am better than you in every department if you see what I mean ... and the amount of semen I left behind. for him in me 100% sure he is pregnant ... "EN Yun is dead That is the last string in Yun Che's heart ... KACHAA He coughed up the blood that came from his heart. The anger and hatred he felt right now almost made him die. "ARHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he shouted and ran towards Itachi Itachi saw Yun Che running toward him unmoving. He tightly clenched his fist and SMACKKKKK He hit it so hard that Yun Che lost a few teeth and his nose and jaw were completely broken. Yun Che finally touched the ground after fifteen seconds of air time. Itachi walked towards him and when he stood up. He knew that Yun Che listened to him as he spoke. "A stupid dog. If you want to kill me, I hate I hate me and live a disgusting life ..." "Run away to live like a sad ant." "One day when you have absolute confidence that you will defeat me, come to me and let me destroy your hopes when I destroy you and see your sad face at the end of your time realizing that you were killed by someone who stole everything for you ..." "From your treasure to your woman your strength and even your destiny. " Yun Che was burning with anger and hate! His heart is very angry! His hatred is so great! He has never been humiliated since today. Seeing that he did what he wanted Kenji to use the genjutsu crow to disappear leaving Yun Che alone in a miserable condition He lost his wealth He lost his womens. He lost his fate. He lost his dignity and he even lost his looks. He lost everything. In his heart he now only has one goal. "I will take my revenge!" He said hoarsely."From now on I only live to get revenge!" He said He slowly got up and walked away he needed the strength to take revenge.


Itachi was at the door of Xia Qingyue. He finally decided to leave Floating Cloud City today. It is time. There is nothing more for him here. He knocked on the door "Who is this?" He heard Xia Qingyue's voice "Itachi." He simply said Xia Qingyue was surprised to say the least. Itachi came here ?! For her? When these thoughts crossed her head she suddenly felt very embarrassed. She opened the door and saw Itachi standing in front of the door. "Can I come in?" He asked "Yes." She answered clearly a little nervous. Itachi entered the room and stood in front of Xia Qingyue. He did not sit because he was in a hurry. He wants to leave quickly but first he needs to do this "Xia Qingyue I just came to tell you that I will leave town today and I want to say goodbye to you." Xia Qingyue felt her heart tighten slightly at Itachi's words "Why do you have to go?" She asks He wants to act indifferently but he can't ... "Don't worry we will meet again. It's a promise." He said Xia Qingyue looked down. She felt very sad to lose him even for a while. "Before I leave I want to offer something and help you with something." He said Xia Qingyue looked curious and ... happy? She felt her heart warmed by the fact that Itachi wanted to offer her something. "I have to touch your shoulder. Do you believe me?" He said Xia Qingyue looked at Itachi Seeing that there was no lust in his eyes she let out a sigh of relief. "Yes, I believe in you. You can touch." She said Before coming here Kenji bought Medical Knowledge for the 200CP System. With medical knowledge and the Sky Poison Pearl he could easily cure her cold problems and even give her new Veins of Heavenly Spiritual Deities. He put his hand on her shoulder and used the Sky Poison Pearl to absorb the cold energy from her body. Xia Qingyue felt that the cold energy that made her sick began to disappear. She was astonished. Itachi healed her ... She suddenly felt an explosion of warmth in her heart and it was not only from the cold energy that was lost ... When she saw Itachi's serious face healed her a red hue appeared on her face. "Now I have to open the entrance." Kenji thought to himself He began to open the entrance one by one until everything was open. "All finished." He says "Thank you." Xia Qingyue looked at Itachi and thanked him sincerely. She was confused through ... He said that he wanted to gift her something ... Itachi seemed to guess what she was thinking. "I give you something very valuable but you can't see it now. Don't worry you will soon realize it. If someone asks you don't say my name. It will only cause problems." He said Xia Qingyue nodded. Even if she doesn't know what gift he gave her she is still very grateful to him. she thought of something ... She wanted to say something but was too shy to ask him directly. Itachi turned and was ready to leave. She finally strengthened herself and said in a barely visible voice. "Do you want to see my real appearance?" Itachi heard that Xia Qingyue said something but did not understand "What are you saying? I did not hear you?" Xia Qingyue looked at Itachi clearly very nervous. "Do you want to see my real appearance?" Itachi showed no emotion on his face. He looked at Xia Qingyue and responded "If you want to show me then it's good but if you don't want it it's okay. I help you because you're valuable to me not because I want to see your face." Xia Qingyue blushed at his words. Another burst of warmth hit her heart. "I ... I'm valuable to him? What is this feeling in my heart?" She thought "I-I want to show you ..." she said. She began to take off her val that covered his face. Kenji sees her face for the first time In the original novel she is portrayed as a very beautiful woman so he hopes she is really beautiful but when you see it it is another conception. There is no word that can describe what he saw at this time. Beauty that can make the kingdom destroy themselves. Itachi's eyes widened slightly before regaining his composure. "You are really pretty Xia Qingyue." He said this girl was too easy to love ... "Thank you." She responds. Her face was somehow redder than before. Many people say that she is beautiful but when Itachi said her heart would beat faster and she would feel butterflies in her stomach. "I really have to go now." He said "But what if we don't meet again?" She said she was still sad about his departure Itachi looked at Xia Qingyue. He made a hand gesture to come here. Xia Qingyue was confused going towards Itachi Itachi raised his hand and KUTU He stabbed her forehead with his big index finger and finger. "Ouch ..." she said. She looked at Itachi with his eyes wide open. She was shocked! She touched the spot where Itachi's poked her forehead was clearly confused and a little angry. "Stupid girl." He said "I promised you that we would meet again." He said with a smile Xia Qingyue froze in shock not responding. She was still staring dazedly at Itachi. Itachi saw this taking a bracelet from his pocket and handing it to Xia Qingyue. Xia Qingyue saw the bracelet. It was a silver bracelet that looked good with the writing on it. It was marked "Itachi & Qingyue". "I also have when you feel lonely you just need to see your bracelet and tell yourself that we will meet again." Xia Qingyue's heart was filled with sweetness now. She immediately wore a bracelet and timidly thanked Itachi "Thank you." She said "No problem See you later Qingyue." Xia Qingyue turned red. That often happens tonight.