Ch 8

Kenji sat cross-legged and began to meditate about his training and in what areas he had to practice. He wasn't naive he only had six months so they couldn't possibly master all the abilities he bought in one go. No, he must think very seriously. Yes he has a cheat. But he is not the type of "strongest reincarnator in the world". He has no boundless desires. He has no system points without limits. And he doesn't have Instant Mastery or Instant Understanding. So he must practice because he knows very well that this world has monsters with crazy powers. "Before I practice advanced skills I have to practice core skills ... skills that will shape my basic strength." "So I have to train my three types of Haki to improve my depth and train my body." He thinks Kenji knows how he will practice now. Morning from 6 to 12 he will train his body hard to do push ups and other exercises under the waterfall. After that he will rest for one hour before continuing his training. From 1 to 8 he will process and increase his depth of field and finally from 9 to 12 he will practice with different types of rights


1 week later One the week since Kenji started his training and he began to slowly adjust his current lifestyle. The first three days were difficult for him but now he was much more comfortable. He didn't develop too much except for his Profound Realm as he broke through and now became a First Stage Spiritual Realm cultivator. He also opened the last part of Itachi's experience which included everything related to the Uchiha Bloodline with his Sharingan that was even stronger and he was far more capable of using it. After receiving Itachi's complete inheritance without him noticing he took some characteristics from his personality. For example, calmness and wisdom. Inheritance can be purchased in the system but the price is very high. Kenji did not think it was too expensive because the Heritage Character was really OP. Experience is a very important concept for a cultivator and in buying inheritance you can have all the character and soul techniques and your desires will strengthen ... It is really OP so the price is justified. He made his first contact with the Toads also during this week. He calls Gamabunta and they talk a little about the contract but nothing big. Anyway for now he just needs to train to grow stronger …


3 weeks later


Realm: Spirit Realm stage 2

Body strength 440 >>>>> 455

Soul 570 >>>>> 570

Will 301 >>>>> 378 "]

Not bad for a month of training ..." he thought Every month he would have such progress status to see how much he grew. The "Will" improvement was really good and he felt that the Haki training was much smoother now. It seems that the increase in Gol D talent Roger and Whitebeard began to show himself. Many doubt about his choice of training Haki in a world where there are people who can destroy the entire planet but he doesn't see things like that. He now trains his "Core Skills" or you can call the foundation. In this world the majority of cultivators only focused on absorbing Qi and improving their territory but it was wrong. Even if they reach high realms these people won't stand out. True genius are those who have a strong foundation. This foundation basically tells you someone's future. And the geniuses who have the foundation when they reach this high realm are when they become monsters. So what is the more perfect foundation of Haki and Body Strength? With Busoshunko Haki his defense will go crazy in the future. And with Kenbunshoku Haki his senses will be so extreme that he can see in the future and he is not likely to slip in. As for Haoshoku Haki it's really cool, nothing else. When he thought of his training he felt that Jasmine was starting to wake up so he immediately entered his Sky Poison Pearl. Inside the Sky Poison Pearl "Hmmm I rested well as if Poison was a little calm." Jasmine thought. She heard footsteps walking towards her. She turned to see who it was and saw the shadow coming towards her slowly. The shadow gradually showed itself to be Itachi. "YOU!" She shouted she didn't like how he didn't respect her last time. "Good morning." He said calmly Jasmine gritted her teeth This person is too uninterrupted! She calmed herself before glancing at Itachi she looked surprised. "Oh? You broke into the 2nd Profound Spirit Stage?" She asked. He nodded. She seemed to think of something. Itachi looked at her with curiosity He seemed to have made a decision "Okay I have decided! I accept to take you as my student! Kneel before your master!" She said with authority Itachi looked at her with dead eyes. . . . . After 10 seconds it goes silent "Lunch at 12 don't miss it Goodbye." He said and went to Sky Poison Pearl. Jasmine looked her eyes wide open! He refused my offer? That Bastard! Do you know how many people will kill their entire family to make me master! If the word that someone from a low-level realm refused an offer to be a disciple of the Heavenly Slaying Star God many people would definitely fight over all their blood. Jasmine is really angry now! It seems that the Very Large Strength is limited here and she can't escape the Sky Poison Pearl otherwise he will kill her.


"As if I want to be your student ... You might think that maybe I was like Yun Che but I would not kneel down to nobody expect my creator. " Kenji thinks In his old life even though he was a crazy Otaku he was also very religious. He lived as a pure monotheist and thought that he knelt beside humans was impossible. He doesn't have the same mentality as a cultivator here. Anyway, even if he doesn't want to be his student, he definitely wants to be something else ... So he made a plan. In the old world there is a famous saying "If you want to take the heart of a girl, you have to grab her belly first." And even if Jasmine is a monster in terms of strength and even intellectuals she was the first 12-year-old little girl. But to reach his plan he needed preparation. "The system do you sell Heritage Shokugeki no Soma?" He asks


Joichiro Saiba = 50 CP

Yukihara Soma 2nd Year = 30 CP

Akira Hayama 2nd Year = 20 CP

Takumi Aldini 2nd Year = 15 CP

Ryō Kurokiba 2nd Year = 15 CP]

"Perfect I bought everything." He said he really likes Shokugeki no Soma. It's a refreshing anime.

["Ding! 5 Inheritance will be printed in the Host's mind that will take 1 hour" said System]

1 hour for 5 Inheritance might sound too fast but it's only culinary content and with Kenji's power it's really a piece of cake compared to skills like 100-type Guanyin from Bodhisattva. Kenji felt a rush of information in his head. Ingredients for the Taste of Seasoning Recipe Technique ... All things related to cooking. After 1 hour the process ends. Kenji feels very good this feeling that you have when you learn something new. Only Kenji felt it doubled because the information he received made him a complete cooking expert. Now he completes the first step of the plan. Now he needs a kitchen and ingredients. "My system wants one from a high-tech kitchen and all kinds of ingredients are different from Shokugeki no Soma."

["Ding! The price is 5 PC do you want to buy it?"]

"Yes." The modern kitchen looks in front of it with many different ingredients. From high-class meat to the best quality spices and other things. The second step is reached ... Now it's the last step ... "The system gives me Yukihara Clothing." Most of the free oufit is only strong armor exchanged against CP. He is now wearing a black shirt with the Yukihara restaurant logo on the back and left chest area and a white apron on his waist. He also has a white bandana tied to his left wrist. Now that he's ready it's time to get CP. He absorbs the entire Kitchen and ingredients in the Sky Poison Pearl. After that he entered the Pearl.


Jasmine is angry because she is angry with Itachi The bastard refused! She still doesn't believe. This fool! He doesn't know what's good for him! while she was angry a kitchen appeared in front of her. Now she is confused. Right after the Kitchen came, her nemesis came. Seeing Itachi she was immediately angry. Just looking at his face made her angry! "You're stupid! How dare you refuse my offer to be my student!" She yelled Itachi sighing "I can't be your student. I already have a master." He said Jasmine glanced at Itachi "That's right." She asked skeptically "No." He thought "Yes." He said Jasmine looked pensive "Well if you already have a master, it's a shame for you I have good skills and your experience will definitely be stronger with me." She said "Really naive girl ... believe too easily." He thought "And you will give me your expertise in the future ... it is almost unavoidable." "What's the point of that, by the way?" She pointed to the kitchen and anger disappeared completely. If he already has a master then she can't force it. "This Kitchen I will cook lunch today thank you." He said she snorted "Ha? This princess has been eating the best food in her house since my birth! Do you think you have the ability to make me grateful?" She says. Itachi did not respond. He calmly sat in his chair and closed his eyes thinking about what recipe he should use. Jasmine looked at Itachi curiously Did she offend her? So he won't cook? He snorted in his mind. "This is not a big problem." He thought Itachi opened his eyes. He found the recipe. He stood to open his band and tied it to his forehead. He closed his onyx eyes. And he opened them to reveal his Sharingan. He turned to Jasmine and said "Today I will make you say that my food is the best you have ever eaten." He said and turned to Jasmine's kitchen reddened unexpectedly. Itachi now released so many heroic auras! Jasmine is silent! How can she do that! It's just cooking so why is it so tense! "And those eyes again ..." Jasmine thought with her face red. Itachi cut the vegetables perfectly, the technique made Jasmine silent. The ingenuity of his movements fascinated Jasmine to see Itachi make his preparations. It was like seeing a work of art ... Itachi now cooks all the vegetables in the pan. He turned to Jasmine. He pointed to the logo of his back with his thumb and said with extraordinary intensity. "You know ... Just now you insulted my dear friend's cuisine ... as his friend I can't let you insult the honor of Yukihara so be prepared to eat the best thing you have ever eaten in all your life Jasmine" he said Jasmine blushed again! "II ..." complained Damn it! He is a Divine God so how can he lose himself so easily to him! This aura is released ... The red eyes look at me with such intensity ... And the smell that seems to come from Heaven itself! Who Itachi Uchiha made trivial things like cooking became more serious. "He looks really cool ... just like him ..." she thought when she remembered her brother. Itachi finished the recipe. He serves roast pork in front of Jasmine. The smell of roast pork makes her knees weak ... "No way!" She thought with a surprised face "How could anyone smell this delicious smell!" She takes his fork and bites it. Soon her eyes widened to extremes! A shock flowed throughout her body. The taste rushed through her mouth and she screamed "SOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!" She bit again and again and again ... The scenery around her changed. She was in a flying cloud with angel wings. She was enveloped by roast pork and juice flowing all over her body. And then without realizing she had eaten all his food aswell. Itachi looked at Jasmine. "How is that?" He asks Jasmine is still drunk ... She never felt this kind of feeling before that was amazing ... This food is the best she has eaten in her whole life ... "T-T ..." Her voice was barely visible "I didn't hear you . " Said Itachi Jasmine glancing sideways with a red tone she said "T-Thank you ... it's delicious ... it's the best thing I've ate ... Sorry for the insult ..." she said PING Kenji froze. His heart stopped then grew faster. PHUMP PHUMP PHUMP PHUMP The heart beats very fast. "Oi Oi ... How could it be this possible ..." he thought with his eyes wide open. He finally calmed down but now he looked at Jasmine with a cautious expression. This girl is dangerous ... I'm almost dead now."If I'm a Saiyan I'm pretty sure I'll get Zenkou boost here." He thought Jasmine blinked innocently at Itachi. She didn't understand why she was wary of him. Did she say something wrong ?! "It is okay." he said he walked towards her and when he was right in front of her he raised his hand. Jasmine looks at this curious about what he wants to do and- SORRY he poked Itachi's style and smiled Jasmine looked at him with eyes wide open and when she realized what she was doing her face turned red again! Inside she is only a 12 year old girl. He touched her forehead. She wants to be angry with him but instead he feels warm ... "I'm glad you like Jasmine. From now on I'll make all the food so don't worry." He said with a warm smile Jasmine was still red and frozen. She can't say anything. Itachi turned and came out of the Sky Poison Pearl leaving Jasmine who was moved by Jasmine to stay in her position long before going to bed. It was a big emotional day for her an she was tired. But today was unexpected ... She slept with a smile.


["Ding! For Jasmine that was very impressive when acting cool Hosts got 900 CP!"]

Oh? That's a good number. Kenji looked at the waterfall. He changed into an Anbu outfit without a mask.Okay ... play time is over time to continue training!" He says