CH 28 Sasuke Shock

"Who is it ?" Asked Sasuke once again "The person who helped me that day was ..." Itachi began to speak "Madara Uchiha." He said to Sasuke Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise! "Madara Uchiha?!" He repeated the words to make sure he heard correctly the crowd looked confused. Who is this Madara Uchiha and why are they looking so surprised to hear his name ?! Sasuke looked angrily at Itachi "Are you making fun of me ?! Madara Uchiha our ancestors is dead!" Sasuke shouted "So this Madara is their ancestor ... He must be very strong to have such offspring ..." Everyone thinks " Madara is still alive ... "Itachi said slowly" It's up to you whether you believe it or not. " "Stop kidding me!" Sasuke shouted angrily Itachi slowly opened his eyes "Each of use lives dependentand and bound by our individual knowledge and out awareness... all that is what we call reality" Itachi said gaining everyone's attention. "However Knowledge and Awareness are Equivocal." "That one reality might be another's illusion." "All humans live inside our own fantasies." dont you think it's true Sasuke. said Itachi "Isn't that another way to see it?" "just What do you want to say?" Sasuke said irritably. The crowd was dumbfounded at the deep words. Some elders closed their eyes and tried to understand Itachi's words. And every one of them when they opened their eyes they immediately looked at Itachi with respect and deep respect. Some did not understand what he was saying but felt that he had a very attractive "Wise" charm. Itachi smiled "that thinking Madara is dead is merely an assumption that you've made ..." he said "In exactly the same way ..." "You once assumed that I was your kind an gentle older brother." Itachi said everyone was frozen Chu Yuechan looked horrified "That's not him ..." she thought "There's no way ..." "I refuse to believe ..." Xia Qingyue herself was clearly in a chaotic state "Are ... all the memories we share fake?" She thought with her bowed head Cang Yue also seemed betrayed "Itachi ..." She thought with complex emotions "What happened that night ..." Sasuke said his hands trembled "I so young an i thought it is all merely an illusion an i but that i was only traped in a horrible genjutsu" he said the crowd really pityed Sasuke right now ... He lost his whole family at a young age ... And that the killer of his entire clan is his very own older brother! "BUT THERE NO MISTAKE I WAS TRAPED IN RESLITY" He shouted and turned and threw his chidori at itachi...the space broke like glass release the illusion. The crowd was astonished! Unexpectedly this was another illusion! "My eyes are not like in the past." Sasuke said while looking at Itachi "MY SHARINGAN CAN SEE THROUGH YOUR ILLUSIONS!" He shouted Itachi snorted "You still speak very confidently." Itachi said "But for now I will take your word for it." Itachi Itachi previously disappeared. "He looks through illusions ..." Jasmine thought a little worried "Being confident is good." Itachi said "But your eyes still aren't the same as mine." Itachi commented that the crowd was confused for them Itachi and Sasuke had the same eyes Sasuke did not respond "So ... you cannot do it you couldn't kill your best friend." He said dropping another bomb. "And you dare to come before me with weak determination." Xia Qingyue knelt down. He felt that all the happy memories with Itachi were just illusions. "He killed ... his best friend for power?" Think Chu Yuechan was horrified today as a nightmare for Chu Yuechan and Xia Qingyue. The more they knew about Itachi the more they were afraid and anxious. "Is that real?" They think Are all their beautiful moments they had togher real? Or just an assumption like Itachi said? Jasmine thought about what Itachi had said from the start "It doesn't seem right ... obviously there are several reasons ..." She thought "This problem isn't that simple!" She said he was still focused on the fight " Alright, Then hurry it up and try to kill me with your Mangekyo Sharingan." Sasuke said "Mangekyo Sharingan?" They all think with curiosity Is that some kind of advanced eye power? Itachi sighs and stands up Everyone swallows hard It seems the real battle will start now! "You are quite sure of yourself ..." Itachi said "Mangekyo Sharingan ... these eyes are special." The word Itachi got everyone's attention. They all wanted to know what this Mangekyo Sharingan was. "From that moment it woke up towards darkness ..." He said it was amazing that all these Mangekyo Sharingan people seemed very mysterious to them ... They wanted to know more about that. "And more they are used the faster they're sealed." He said "That must be extraordinary strength ..." they all thought "What do you mean?" Sasuke asked. "In time the Mangekyo Sharingan loses light." When he explained the three black marks in his eyes joining together to form a curved three curves, everyone looked in his eyes in awe. "such strong eyes!" The Tyrant cultivator sent by the Sacred Grounds seemed to be able to feel that these eyes were really strong. "What does he mean by light?" They all think "Blindness ..." Sasuke said to everyone's surprise! Very expensive price! Jasmine's eyes widened! "How could I not think of that! Of course having three differences in divine power in his eyes would definitely have a high price!" He thought anxiously Heachi walked towards Sasuke slowly "You know ... The Mangekyo Sharingan is a very mysterious force ... every time someone in the Uchiha clan wakes them up this person will be important in the clan ... But it has one dark secret ... "Itachi said as he walked towards Sasuke" Our Uchiha clan has been feared since ancient times for the strength of our eyes. "Itachi said with mysterious Everyone was fascinated by Itachi's story they felt very curious about this Uchiha Clan. Many people in the crowd actually curse themselves for not being born as Uchihas! They will be able to have cool eyes! And the mysteries planned around this clan attract them! "Let me tell you about the past ... Madara Uchiha Our ancestor and the person who is recognized as the most powerful Uchiha in history." It said Itachi made everyone excited! Madara Uchiha! This name sounds very strong they want to know the story. Even Jasmine is curious. "Stronger than Itachi ... this person must be something." He thought "Madara had a brother named Izuna he and his bother compete with each other to sharpen their skills after a certain time Madara and Izuna killed their most beloved friend and they both awoken there Mangekyo Sharingan." Itachi said "Such a cruel power ..." thought Jasmine Killing your best friend to gain more power ... "Madara was the clan leader and Izuna was the second in command with their new powers they expanded their territory and affected everywhere. " Itachi said They were all attentively listening to each of his words "After a certain time ... Madara began to lose his light." He said to make everyone swallow hard That is not a good sign "No matter what he does he cannot find a solution to his problem ..." "Until one day ..." Itachi stopped walking Everyone was tense "Do you want to know what he do? " Itachi asked Sasuke in a calm but frightening voice Sasuke nodded after hesitating. "He took ..." Itachi started a crowd who dared not breathe. "His brother's eyes as compensation." Itachi made everyone freeze. Take the eyes of his brother ?! They all breathe cold air. But when they think about this problem some people begin to draw terrible conclusions. One by one they all opened their eyes wide! Don't say ... The last ones to come to this conclusion were Chu Yuechan and Xia Qingyue. Their hearts began to beat fast. They don't want to believe that Itachi ... "When there is no more light in the Mangekyo Sharingan you must" find "a new light ..." said Itachi slowly smiling Everyone's fear seems to come truth ... This person unexpectedly wants ... "Only by taking the light from other people can you get eternal light ... an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan!" Itachi shouted and his smile grew. Sasuke's eyes began to widen in understanding. "Do you understand Sasuke?" Itachi said "YOU ARE MY NEW LIGHT SASUKE!" He shouted with a crazy expression Chu Yuechan did not realize that tears flowed through hER eyes. Xia Qingyue was lifeless as her soul left her body. Jasmine looked shocked and denied. "No ... this isn't him Itachi!" She shouted and grabbed her head trying to get up from this nightmare. This is not a kind and caring man who cooks every day for her ... "I refuse to believe this!" She shouted. Meanwhile Sasuke looked scared at Itachi. Itachi uses shunpo to appear in front of Sasuke. Sasuke's eyes widened at Itachi's speed. Itachi did not give him time to realize anything. Itachi kicked hard on his stomach and sent him flying to the wall. Sasuke used Chidori but Itachi grabbed his hand quickly and pinning it to Itachi's wall punched his stomach hard to make him cough several times. It's too soon for anyone to react one day Itachi and Sasuke looked at each other and the next time Sasuke was beaten like a ragdoll. "a true genius ..." They all thought it was impressed that Itachi looked at Sasuke then slowly he raised his hand towards his eyes ... This movement made everyone worried whether he would really ... "Please stop ..." Chu Yuechan whispered still crying unconsciously Xia Qingyue realized she saw what Itachi was doing. She opened her mouth slightly but closed it. She brought her hand to her heart that was beat very fast. Itachi had three fingers in Sasuke's eyes, he slowly opened his eyes. "I'm sorry Sasuke." He said in a cold voice "This is my reality." He said before picking the eye of the socket! "ARGHHHHHHHHHHH" Sasuke's scream seemed to come from his soul! Jasmine knelt at the Sky Poison Pearl ... "Why ..." She muttered the vision of Sasuke's empty eye socket freezing everyone's blood. "I told you." Itachi said coldly "If You don't have the Mangekyo Sharingan you can't win against me." Itachi said "I'll take the other one now." He said with an expressionless expression and tone. While blood flowed through his empty left eye socket Sasuke used his chidori to free himself from Itachi. Itachi jumped back then he kept his eyes in a special bottle. Suddenly the vision broke. CRACKKK When everyone keeps the vision broken they are once again amazed Because Sasuke still has his eyes! But he panted he immediately knelt down! Itachi watched Sasuke slightly impressed. "Not bad you break the illusion." He said making everyone scared "That ... was an illusion?" They all think fearfully Great! "What a monster ... he can trap everyone in his illusion on many occasions!" They all thought "And if it wasn't for his brother who destroyed them all ..." They thought with fear. They all began to realize how greedy Itachi Uchiha was. If it's one one, it's almost impossible to win. They all began to realize also how strong this Sharingan was. They unconsciously began to develop an attraction for the Uchiha lineage. Sasuke slowly stood up. Itachi looked at Sasuke They looked at each other and ... SWIISH They released the hand seals at a speed that was barely visible! "Grand Fireball Jutsu Katon!" They said at the same time FRUUUUUUU A huge ball of fire began to emerge from their mouths and clashed with each other! Their fireballs are equal in strength! It seems no one can win but- Itachi closes his right eye. His eyes began to bleed. He opened it! "Amaterasu!" He said the crowd was really surprised to see a black fire appear on a fireball ... Why are they shocked? Because the black fire starts to eat fire! "This black fire is very scary ..." they thought. Even Jasmine was impressed "This black fire contains Divine Power ... and it is very powerful!" She thought fascinated Black flames completely consumed the fire and almost burned Sasuke but Itachi stopped them. Sasuke actually stepped back two steps ... "Amaterasu blazes out." Itachi said with closed-blooded eyes "Amaterasu ..." they all thought with fear Sasuke ran towards Itachi! Itachi took his taijutsu attitude. They started their taijutsu battle ASKING FUO BANG KICKS It really opened the eyes to the cultivators. The hand-to-hand battle they witnessed was truly one of the best they had seen. The two jumped back at the same time then Itachi threw some secret weapons and did one signature with one hand. "Katon Hosenka Fire Jutsu" several fireballs were thrown at Sasuke with Sasuke's secret weapon avoiding them but Itachi anticipated that and used Shunpo to appear behind him. He made a Sasuke round kick blocking the impact but was still sent flying. He quickly stood up and ran around in circles around Itachi he jumped and threw secret and ancient weapons! Itachi avoided all of them elegantly Sasuke ran towards him with Chidori Itachi releasing several signatures "Doton Tembok Bumi!" A wall facing Chidori enters Sasuke gritting his teeth and making several signatures before throwing a fire jutsu into the sky. Everyone seemed confused as to why Sasuke did that ... He slowly began to smile Itachi panted and his eye reaction became very serious. "Strange ... I know more than anyone Itachi's strength ... Since the beginning he didn't use Divine Dividing or his Boosted Gear ... Why dose he hold back that much ..." Jasmine thought anxiously Itachi's condition began to worry her. The Mangekyo's counterattack was too severe ... if the fight continued ... Everyone started to hear thunder clapping Sasuke's hand going to the highest point of the arena. The rain started to fall ... The sound of thunder began to increase "Itachi ... today is the day of your death that i will make reailty." Sasuke said with his hand towards the sky. He used Chidori at that moment. He began to tame lightning in the air. "This move cannot be avoided by Itachi ... just like Amaterasu ..." "This move uses Lightning that comes from Heaven itself." Sasuke said to everyone's surprise "I'm just pointing them towards you." "COME!" He shouted and threw Chidori towards the Sky. Suddenly the big thunder dragon appeared in the sky! Everyone is scared! "Lost with a thunderous roar ..." Sasuke said before his hand fell "KIRIN!" He shouted the Lightning Dragon down quickly towards Itachi! Everyone closed their eyes because the lightning was too strong! "ITACHIIII!" Chu Yuechan Xia Qingyue Jasmine and Cang Yue shouted at the same time! "SYSTEM DOIT NOW AS WE PLAN!" Itachi yelled at his head Just before he lost consciousness he heard this voice. "DING!"


When everyone opens their eyes they are in a complex that's unknown to them. They saw Itachi, aged 16 or 17, sitting in sandals. They were dumbfounded and confused. They all heard a voice and when they turned they were truly shocked to the core. Because they saw a much younger version of Sasuke running excitedly towards Itachi. "Can you help me practice with a kuni!" Sasuke said with a bright smile. Itachi turned towards Sasuke and smiled. They all understood ... This was Itachi's past! They are very excited! Chu Yuechan Xia Qingyue Jasmine and Cang Yue even more! They must know the whole story! They hope Itachi isn't as bad as they thought! And it seems that today they will finally understand the mystery of the massacre of the Uchiha Clan.