Well I have questions

A palatable silence floated in the air as I waited for Voxea to answer my questions. After what felt like hours Voxea finally said, "Majimonsters? That's what you're calling them now? That is a much better name than dragons, has a better ring to it", with a somewhat breezy tone which is just honestly killing the first impression I had of her. I was about to interject until she interrupted me.

"First things first, you should know I can read your mind and that I am not as frigid and harsh as I was all those years ago. Being stuck in a magical ice coffin for a couple centuries work wonders on mellowing a person out and forcing one to look into themselves. By the by, that little statement should explain how I managed to survive the centuries", Voxea explained nonchalantly, "and the reason why you're here is because I need your help".

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me Ms.Rosewood, I need your help." Voxea sighed while a frown slowly crept across her face, "I may be 'alive', but this is not living. I am stuck in a glorified ice box while the rest of the world has been growing and changing for the better part of 800 years. I want to get out of here and have a physical body again, I want to live!", and as if to provide emphasis to her statement, Voxea dramatically punched(?) the wall.

With a growing suspicion in the back of my mind I proceeded to ask, "How can I help with that? You're not gonna take my body are you?!"

Voxea clicked her tongue, "No you silly girl, if I wanted to do that, you wouldn't be here and neither would I. The necromancers of my era learned that lesson the hard way"


"Don't ask; anyways, no what I need is that primal drajule that you're wearing around your neck,''she said while using a finger to gesture toward my lucky charm.

"My charm? Wait, a drajule? I thought those had to be made by binders, carved from precious jewels, crystals and other shiny rocks", I asked while fiddling with the stone.

"Binders? So that's the term for those monster tamers...I like it. To answer your question yes, but primal magic can sometimes condense into magic stones, taking the form of precious gemstones full of magical energy. For example, the uncut stone around your neck is actually a sapphire chock full of primal Wind aether," she replied as she took a closer look at my lucky charm.

"Alright...that's fascinating, and little mind boggling, but how is my...drajule suppose to help you get a body?", I said with incredulous curiosity in my voice.

"Oh that's simple. I'm going to turn myself into a majimonster and you're going to become my binder!"