Confession and Questions

While I was sitting at the kitchen table, Mom was helping Dad to get from their bedroom to the kitchen in order for, as Mom, to tell me the full story. Evidently, I was a little shocked at my mother's statement and subsequent action of getting my father, that I just slowly sat down at the table and waited.

"Hey Silvia, you alright? You seem awfully quiet", I heard Voxea said in my head. "Sort of? I'm just very confused", I replied softly so that my parents wouldn't hear us. "It's just a little overwhelming that mom just looked at me and already figured out I was a binder. Normally a binder would have to tell you in order to be called out, that or just summon a monster", I said a littler bitter. Just as Voxea was about to ask another question, my mother came in helping my father walk to the table.

The two of were visually striking as a couple. My father was a large muscular man with sun-soaked skin, grey eyes and dark hair. While I was delivering barrels with my dad to the local tavern, I once overheard a traveling minstrel describe him as, "having a back like a tiger and a waist like a bear". I, having to avoid both when hunting, and seeing the size of them from carcasses brought in by hunters,thought it was a fair statement to make. My mother on the other hand was on the thinner side, pale skin, red curly hair and blue eyes. However, despite how small she looked in comparison to my dad, she was as every bit as strong as he was.

"Huh", Voxea communicated, "You look like an exact mix of the two of them. Nice". She wasn't exactly wrong, a wandering flirt at the tavern once made a poem on the describing of, "my olive skin fairer than the finest wooden carvings, my reddish-brown hair like flowers and my grey-blue eyes like sapphires", but when he got to the part about my chest, I punched him in the nose. That was a good day.

With a sigh of relief and a grunt, my mother and father were now sitting across from me.This look of apprehension mixed with relief and joy on their faces. There were probably a million things I could ask right now, but the only question I could say was, "How did you know I was a binder and why were you so excited about it"?

My parents looked at each other and smile a bit before looking back at me. "We do owe you an explanation Silvia", my father said, "And so it's only fair that we also show you why". I looked at them with a puzzled expression on my face, until I saw my father pull out a clear drajule etched with runes and my mother pulling out a ring inlaid with a topaz from her apron pockets."Come on out Magni", my father said whilst holding the drajule. "Dazzle them, Aura", my mother said while wearing her ring.

Two summoning circles then formed on the left and right of the table, an earthy brown one to the right next to my mother and a white and yellow one to the left next to my father. Out of the right one walked out a golden-furred fox with intelligent eyes, a haughty look and five tails that were tipped with precious stones. From the left one rolled out a small furry creature with lightning sparking off of its fur. In the next moment, it stood up to be a squat figure reminiscent of a bipedal large rodent, wielding a large wooden club studded with iron.

"We're binders Silvia, and we have a lot to tell you".