Imperial Archives: The Maji

About 800+ years ago, majimonsters didn't exist. Instead, there were humans, there was the old empire and there was the maji, who were the ruling class and the wielders of magic.

Maji is technically a catch-all term for anyone who could perform magic back in the days of the old empire. This ranged from everything from alchemists to illusionists to elementalists to everything in-between. Depending on what region of the old empire one went to, the locals would change the name of "maji" to whatever the dominant form of spellcaster was in the area, for example, the nomads of Saikhe plains called the maji shamans.

Nobody knows for certain how, when or why, but at some point the means to create the majimonsters was established and shared among all the maji regardless of their differing abilities. This is what scholars believe the reason why the majimonsters come in so many unusual shapes, sizes and abilities and why some aren't even animal-based at all.

After the fall of the empire all those centuries ago, the maji all but disappear for their mistakes and magic was all but shunned and forgotten...until now.

When Emperor Zarasul rose to power, he brought with him Binders, those who could use magic to control the majimonsters and from this momentous event, arose the six binder classes that are believed to be evolution(degenerations?) of the most common types of maji: alchemists, elementalists,paladins,druids, wizards and tricksters.

A more detailed look into the six binder classes will be discussed in a different archive.