An average morning and a 2nd(3rd) monster?

As I went downstairs and into the kitchen area, I saw my father changing the twin's diapers as they were busy being both adorable and a handful. He wasn't alone though, Selena was helping by grabbing everything he requested. It's a rather strange sight seeing a grown man changing baby diapers while a secondary set of shadowy tentacles help him to grab things such as diapers and cloths.

"Morning father,Oren, Jasmine".

"Morning Silvia", my dad grunted as he finished changing the diapers. Selena formed a shadowy hand to wave at me.

"Morning to you too Selena, thanks for helping father out", I said to the Shadowodah as I sat down to eat my breakfast, consisting of porridge and preserved black eggs.

"So", I asked while eating my breakfast, "Any idea of what mother has planned for me today"?

My father stopped playing with the twins and allowed Selena to take over, a deep look appearing on his face. "Hmmm. That depends...did you finish making that drajule yet?", he asked.

I nodded in response to his question and pulled out the drajule I had painstakingly made over the past two days. As it turns out, drajules couldn't just be any random jewel lying around made by some random person, they had to be made by scribes like my mother or found in the crypts and ruins of maji in the Wildlands. Every drajule had to be infused with aether from the scribe throughout the whole process, but the real troubles came the mundane tools. I learned the hard way that no two stones are exactly the same and that each had to be cut, carved and polished in very different ways with the scribe tools.

After destroying the last two I had made, I finally managed to get one made from a pretty blue stone called a lapis lazuli. It was a deep blue stone with these pretty striations criss-crossing through it with little flecks of gold inside of it, and most importantly, it was translucent. My mother taught me that no drajule is complete unless it had turned translucent after that final is made. Making this drajule was my second proudest achievement, right after fusing my staff and belt together.

"If I had to guess", my father said as he studied the drajule I had made, "She is probably going to take you to catch your second monster".

[What?], Voxea pipes up in my head.

"Wait, really?", I asked with shock.

"Really. Rakka has managed to grow stronger this past month, it should be at the 3 stars Bronze grade right"?


I couldn't help but remember all of the times Rakka had gotten beaten up by my parent's majimonsters these past few weeks. I still winced at the memory of some those matches, they were brutal. Luckily, Rakka did manage to eke out a couple of wins in that time period and I did manage to grow closer to him as a result. We had come a pretty fair distance from when I first yanked him into existence.

"Rakka is a rather strong and rare monster, what with having three innate affinities, but it also has three times as many vulnerabilities as a single affinity monster. It would probably be best for you to catch something to help round out those weaknesses", my father advised me.

I paused from my breakfast to think about what my father had said. While he was wrong about this being my second monster, I haven't told them about Voxea and didn't plan to until much much later, he was right about my monsters having a glaring weakness. Due to both Voxea and Rakka being innately Ice monsters, one strong fire monster would take them both out easily. I learned that the hard way when Rakka went one on one with father's Brushpyre. Rakka couldn't even land a hoof on it before going up in flames, which is ironic due to him also having the fire affinity.

I didn't know how to respond to his statement other , "Well let's hope I find something good then", and went back to finish eating.