I stared at both of my parents, mouth agape and a little stunned.
"Are you sure?", I asked, "I have no idea what's in this drajule. I just sorta bound the...thing, because I had the feeling it would not have ended well if I didn't. I don't even know if I can control it".
"We know", my father said, "but it doesn't change the fact that this is now your second majimonster. You should at least figure out what it is at least. Besides, we outnumber it three to one. We can handle whatever is inside that drajule". My mother nodded at father's words. The look of trust between them made me think that even if the world ended, they'd somehow survive it as long as they had each other. I let out a sigh before agreeing to summon whatever was inside this drajule.
I focused on the drajule in my hand, but it felt different from when I summoned Rakka for the first time. I chalked up the odd feeling in my gut that it was just because it was a new monster being summoned for the first time. A tuning fork made of aether manifested on the drajule, but the symbol that would represent the monster didn't form where the fork tines met. Instead it was more like a flickering scribble in the shape of a circle, which gave me an ominous feeling. Regardless, I threw caution to the wind and activated the drajule...which is when things got strange, well stranger than normal.
When I clanged the tuning fork of energy, it sounded less like a harmonious note and more like a discordant mess. It was like an out of tune lute and flute playing at the exact same time inside of a cave. The summoning circle didn't form like normal, instead it kept flickering in and out as the patterns formed inside of it and kept jumping around the area. It eventually settled in front of the three of us and kept a steady yet sketchy shape.
From the strange circle came not an Agustus or a Grassassin or even a fusion of the two, but a strange opaque energy being with green, orange and light blue colorations. The being seemed to flicker between looking like the Agustus, the Grassassin and a featureless energy being every few seconds. I tried to use the Dragon's Eye on it, but no boxes of texts appeared in my field of vision. All I got was a jumble of letters and symbols.
I deactivated the relic and just looked at the strange creature. It looked like it was scared and in pain as it seemed to spasm about and move its "head" like it was looking for something.
A pang of guilt bubbled in my chest as I stared at the strange creature. I had bound this being while it was still forming and possibly messed it up, yet I didn't want to summon it because I was scared of what was inside of it.
My parents had already summoned their own monsters,ready to send it back to the aether. What they weren't ready for was me walking pass them and towards it.
[I must be out of my mind], I thought to myself and Voxea.
[You are, but you wouldn't have found me if you weren't. What's one more trip down the rabbit hole], she replied with what sounded like a smirk.
As I got closer, the figure stopped acting restlessly and settled its "eyes" on me. I paused momentarily at the sudden stare, but calmed myself down before walking closer. The figure kept staring at me as I walked closer and closer until I was right in front of it. Without a word, I simply reached out my arms and hugged the energy being.