I want to sleep, but magic's involved.

[Silvia], I heard Voxea chime in my head.

"Myargggh what?", I grunted in exhaustion while laying face down in my bed.

[How are you holding up]?

"The fact that I find it less tiring to verbally respond to you as oppose to put effort into thought-speak should tell you", I responded haggardly.

The past few days could best be described with a term Voxea had recently taught me, "combat hell". With Monster's Night coming nearer and nearer, my parents have decided to increase both the intensity and frequency of combat lessons. By my father's estimation, the full moon was to occur in three days.

I asked why we were increasing my combat training in preparation for Monster's Night if we were just going to hide like usual, to which I was explained that it was for, to quote, in case things go sideways.

From sun up to sun down, Rakka, Azalea and I have been sparring with my mother and father's arsenal of majimonsters, which turned out to be more than three each.

Apparently while a binder can only keep at most three majimonsters ready to summon at any time, with Rangers being an exception at being able to keep four on holster, they can still bind wild majimonsters and keep them "inert" until needed. The only drawback is that it took an hour or so to change what majimonsters were active at anyone time. My parents did tell me that some crazy powerful binders had the ability to keep more than three to four active, but they were rare. Regardless, I had learned first hand that my parents each had, at minimum, seven majimonsters. I mildly mused on the idea that they should actually have eight each, but I have no idea if they actually found the drajules they lost all those years ago.

[So you're dead tired huh?], Voxea asked with what sound like mocking and concern.

"Yes", I replied tiredly. In correspondence with increased combat training, I also kept up with the maji lessons that Voxea had me undergo. I hadn't learn any spells yet, but there were a lot of strange chants and formulas Voxea had me learn, memorize and recite. I wonder if the maji made the majimonsters because they went nuts from all of the learning materials.

[So tired you're not willing to learn your first spell]?

"What?", I yelped in surprise as I bolted upright in my bed.

[Well, your first two spells. I can't help but notice that there's one major flaw in your combat training], Voxea said in a teasing manner.

"Which is...", I asked heisistantly.

[You have no means of defending yourself if your monsters are aethered], she replied bluntly.

"Well it's assumed I would just book it if such a thing occurs...".

[Assumptions like that can be fatal my dear Silvia. With that in mind, I'm going to teach you two spells. One for running away, the other for fighting. What do you say]?

I paused for. moment to take in her words..until bluntly and quickly saying, "Alright, let's do this thing".

[Excellent! Now thankfully we won't need to sneak out again, but you will have to summon me... quietly].

"Okay", I replied as I hurriedly took out my necklace drajule and prepared to summon her.

[Wait!], Voxea shouted in my head.

I stopped as the sudden mental shout stunned me in my tracks. It's not a pleasant feeling having someone tell in your head. "What is it?", I asked while rubbing my head from the sudden jolt.

[I want a summoning chant].

"What? Why? You're not exactly a normal majimonster", I replied in confusion.

[I know that, but I feel kind of left out when you summon Rakka and Azalea with those battle cries of yours. It's weird I know, but I don't like being left out. Plus you'll need to come up with something when summoning me].

"Huh...okay I guess...Do you want me to say anything specific"?

[Not really. But I know you have a good sense with it, so I'll leave it to you], Voxea replied in a breezy manner.

"Okay then...". I fiddled with the drajule in my hand while thinking about what to say for Voxea's summoning chant....until it hit me.

Drajule in hand, I manifested a smaller version of the summoning fork and rang it while saying, "Voxea, let your ice gnaw at their bones! Come forth"!

A small summoning circle manifested in front of me as I finished the chant, and a beautiful snowflake began to form above it. The snowflake then floated away from the circle and hung in the air. It began to suddenly grow bigger and bigger and change into the shape of a woman. The ice woman then sprang to life as the surrounding aether became clothes for her. In a matter of seconds, the ice women had turned into Voxea.

"What do you think of my entrance?", she asked me with a big grin on her face.

"A little much and I'm surprised we didn't alert my parents".