Bait and Smash

You know what a lot of predators have in common with each other? They all have a tendency to pounce.

Now bears don't pounce, they're too big and muscular for that, but lynxes and wolves pounce. While one uses stealth and powerful claws and the other uses pack tactics and sharp fangs, whenever they go in for the kill they always pounce. This particular action is both a good and bad thing.

On the one hand, pouncing can give that extra boost in speed and force to lock down prey and secure the kill. But the downside is that the beast has to commit to the pounce after initiating it. If the prey animal is smart or fast enough, they can evade the pounce and escape relatively unharmed.

By now you're wondering why for aether's sake I'm just blabbing about predators and how they pounce, that's because I'm currently in a situation to get pounced by a certain screaming catbird monster.

As my back was towards the wall, the Grim Shrieker finally turned the last planned corner and was now a solid fifty feet away from me. Seeing I was cornered, it began to switch from a chasing stance into a low crouch and slowly walked towards me.

The monster's burning red eyes were locked on to mine as it came closer and closer. As it crouched towards me, it tried to use its deadly scream again but could only get a painful sounding cough going. Seeing as it wasn't able to scream, it spoke.

"Ssssiiilllvvviiiaaaa bAaaBaaaa", it croaked once more as it slowly cut the distance down by twenty feet away. It was kind of cruel irony, hearing her voice coming out of that monster, but before I could dwell on it, Voxea's voice popped back into my head.

[Well isn't this a bit of deja vu, you with a back against the wall and me being the one to save you], she quipped as the Grim Shrieker cut the distance again by another five or so feet.

[Oh very funny Voxea, now please tell me you have a plan, because the original one went out the window when]-

[Actually plan B is still plan A, it just needs a little tweaking. Now stand there, look tasty and don't have an existential crisis over the thought of your friend's soul having an unusually strong influence over a soul stealing monster], Voxea stated.

[What was that last part]?

[Don't worry about it. Just keep your eyes on the big bird-cat and make sure to dive towards it when I say so], she said cheerily, [And before you protest, the Grim Shrieker is getting ready to pounce].

I snapped back into focus at that statement and saw that the Grim Shrieker was indeed preparing to pounce on me. Due to its huge size, I could see its leg muscles starting to tense also helped that it was glowing with magical energy at the same time. In retrospect, a [Pounce] technique seems relatively obvious.

I didn't immediately jump or move when Voxea alerted me to the Grim Shrieker's movement, because that would've been a death sentence. Pouncing is a hunting technique designed to take advantage of sudden and quick movements, so the smart move for now was to stay still and wait for Voxea's signal to move.

The atmosphere became tenser than before as the Grim Shrieker and I stared down at each other. The monster was clearly storing up power for its technique, while I tensed up my muscles waiting for the signal to roll. This was a battle of patience, and one I definitely needed to win.

[Get ready to!], I heard Voxea signal.

The Grim Shrieker let out a soft growl that turned into a distorted roar as it suddenly pounced at me! But as it was flying towards me, I dove straight towards it as Voxea instructed to. The next thing I knew, I felt a lack of friction as I slid pass both the Grim Shrieker and its attempt to claw at me as I veered suddenly to the right.

[Haha! Told you I'm good].

Voxea has suddenly appeared in my path and stopped me from sliding any further. She stood me up and I could see that she had prepared a curving ice path that allowed me to escape. Before I could thank her however, the Grim Shrieker had slammed into the building I was standing in front of and collapsed the wall.

[And that's my cue to tag out. You know what to do from here], Voxea said with a smile before returning to the drajule around my neck. A familiar burning scent filled my nostrils as I heard the Grim Shrieker stirring from the debris it had caused. I grabbed at the hunting knife at my hip and hoped that this next part worked.