Glossary, terms and everything in between

Aether: The energy that flows all around the multiverse and what fuels the magical abilities of maji, binders and the existence of majimonsters.

Affinity: Aether comes in ten flavors: Basic, mystic, fury, earth, air, water, fire, verdant, ice and lighting. There is technically a relationship between them all but it's more...Megaman logic than Pokemon logic.

Binders: Human with magical abilities tunes towards the ability to bind and control majimonsters. They come in six classes, but that is too much to explain in a single glossary entry.

Drajules: Once called dragon crystals, are magical items designed to store and control majimonsters. Technically mundane before a monster is stored, they become indestructible once a monster is sealed inside.

Grades(Weakest to strongest): Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond. All monsters can be split into these five grades. These grades can be further split into four stages.

maji: Ancient magic users from a bygone era and the entire reason why humanity and majimonsters are in their current situation. This once powerful ruling class created the majimonsters out if hubris but screwed up so hard that the name majimonster was coined to remind people of their crimes ad infinitum.

Majimonsters:Once called dragons, these are animals, objects, plants, rocks and...whatever, infused with aether. The aether infusion can lead to empowered animals, chimeric creations, living items, abominations against the natural order and....kaiju. All majimonsters can be traced back to artificial creations. Side note: turns out mundane animals and majimonsters can breed. New species of majimonsters are made as a result of this aforementioned breeding.

Techniques: The magical abilities of majimonsters. These are ways majimonsters channel aether in order to do everything from coating their fangs in ice to causing tsunamis. It is believed techniques are derived from maji spells, but no one knows....

Traits: The inherent things that make majimonsters unique from each other. Traits can be as subtle as making a monster more inherently resistant to outside influences to explicit as having multiple heads...the maji were either very creative or uncreative.