#3: Mickey Greengrass

Val put out her wand hand and the Knight Bus appeared.

"That will be 21 sickles please, ladies," Mickey says, holding out his hand.

I stick my hand in my robes and give him the sickles.

As Val and I get on the bus, Val inquires where Stan is.

"That guy? He's on vacation. Well, that's what Ernie said. Ain't that right Ern?" Mickey asks, looking at the aged driver.

"'hat 'ight,"

Mickey turns back to us, grinning.

"Are you going to Hogwarts this year?" Mickey inquires.

Mickey is in second year.

"Yup. We are so excited! Is it true that Hermione, one of the golden trio, is teaching?" Val asks, excited.

Mickey gives us a wry smile.

"Yes, my dear little nerd, Hermione Weasley is teaching DADA," Mickey says.