A man with pale skin and Deathly aura stands in front of the city.
In his back was A massive Army Of undead.
He shouted "Wizards of the Kirin Tor! I am Arthas, first of the Lich King's death knights! I demand that you open your gates and surrender to the might of the Scourge!"
His words Echoed throughout the City.
An Old man Suddenly showed up at the City walls " Greetings, Prince Arthas. How fares your noble father?" giving greetings to Arthas.
Staring at the old man "Lord Antonidas. There's no need to be snide." He replied Coldly.
We've prepared for your coming, Arthas. My brethren and I have erected auras that will destroy any undead that passes through them!" The old Man Known as Antonidas said Confidently
"Your petty magics will not stop me, Antonidas." He too was Confident.
"Pull your troops back, or we will be forced to unleash our full powers against you! Make your choice, death knight. " Antonidas advised Arthas to Leave, He then teleports away.
Arthas did not heed His words but as soon as the Lich told him that " I sense that three separate wizards are maintaining these auras. If you find and kill them, the auras will disperse." He quickly Aimed His sword in the city.
"Charge!" As soon as he shouted, Countless Undead Charged Into the City Gate Destroying it.
Arthas blinded by his overconfidence and pride he didn't see a group of humans and elves in an advance suit and weaponry sneak in the castle.
"Eagle One this is Black marauder team successfully entered the castle."
"This is Eagle One proceed to your objective."
"Copy that Eagle One."
Agent Black replied and order his team to move out the objective of the Black Marauder Team to copy the SpellBook of Medivh and create clone factories disguise as barracks.
Arthas and his Army Have reached The First wizard who was Maintaining The Aura.
As they fight Arthas senses something is not right the number of Kirin Tors Forces has not diminished and they constantly reinforce their rank.
"Arthas the path to the first mage has cleared" Kel'Thuzad said as he frosts his enemy.
"Charge, Kill them all," Arthas ordered as he uses his power to raise the dead.
In the courtyard the Archmage waiting with his forces.
"You shall not pass here Death Knight" Doril Magefont summoned his familiars.
"You're going to eat your words mage, charge." Arthas and his forces attack the Archmage killing him.
As they Marched Further In the City, Arthas And his troops encountered The base of the Mage's guild. He then Charged Forward Into it. Destroying the base. Soon afterward Just to the north in the Mages Guild area are two Rock Golems caught in cages they free them and assimilate in his army.
They Encountered The 2nd Archmage.
The Archmage gave a little resistance But was cut down By frostmourne, and froze by frost wyrms.
Afterward, They marched forward attacking the Base of the Sorcerer's league.
Destroying it while leaving none alive. He gains a subordinate death knight name, Conjurus Rex.
Arthas ordered Rex to attack the forces of Kirin Tor while he and the main force will attack Antonidas.
After successfully Wounding Antonidas, Arthas stopped.
"It pains me to even look at you, Arthas." The badly wounded Antonidas said as his last words.
" I'll be happy to end your torment old man. I told you that your magics could not stop me." Arthas Slashed his sword Killing Antonidas.
After that Arthas took the SpellBook of Medivh.
Rallying his troops.
"The spellbook is all yours, lich. Let's take it and leave before the wizards amass for their final attack."
"Indeed. I will begin summoning Lord Archimonde at sunset."
Arthas and his Army Retreated back Into his Base where they plan to Summon Archimonde.
One of the destroyed tower Agent Black with a copy of the spellbook of Medivh and magical artifacts of Dalaran watches Arthas and his forces pull back.
"Eagle One the package is secure, I repeat the package is secure."
"Good job Agent Black prepares to teleport in the base."
"Roger Eagle One"
Agent Black and his team instantly teleport back to their base.
As the Quel'Thalas rebuild and tally their death surprisingly the death rate is 60% of the population than is canon about 90%.
We bid farewell to the Blood Elves as we march for Lordaeron.
"I and Blood ElvesThank you for saving us and restoring the Sunwell" Prince Kael'thas said as he bid his farewell.
"A decent person will do things that I have done," I replied as we shake our hands.
Then Prince Kael'thas ordered Sylvanas to take ranger corps to accompany us in our journey.
As we traveled further, we save human and elf villages, cleansing the corruption by the scourge, and some remaining forces of Lordaeron and dwarves join us as they fascinated by the advanced weapon we carry.
'Commander Black Marauder Team has successfully completed its objective and Red Maurader Team successfully infiltrate Garithos army and the remaining Paladin order'
'Good we begin phase II order the Green Marauder team to use necromancer clones to attack Garithos army before we arrive and the red marauder to assassinate the Garithos and his officers to look they killed by Scourge.'
'Order receive Commander, begin phase II.'
After a month of travel, we reach our destination as plan the Green Marauder team disguise as necromancer battles to forces of Garithos.
"Lord Alpha ahead there's a battle of human forces and scourge," Sylvanas said as she watches the battle in front of them.
"We have to save them, Charge," I ordered my forces to help the human army.
After an hour of battle, I greet the remaining forces of Garithos.
"Thank you for assisting us, milord." A captain bowed to me.
"Where is your superior officer soldier."
"Lord Garithos and his retainer are all dead, milord in the fist initial battle." the captain sorrowfully said.
"Then whose the remain high ranking in your army."
"It's lieutenant Marcus, milord."
"Tell him. the leader of Empirum Machina ."
"At once milord."
The captain then fetches the lieutenant and arrive in my tent with the said officer.
"Hello lord, my name is lieutenant Marcus." He said as he bows and gestures the captain to wait outside.
Then he kneeled in front of me.
"Agent Red at your service Commander."
"You have all done will agent."
"Thank you for your praise Commander."
"What the situation in Garithos forces Agent."
"20 % of the officer have replaced by our men Commander."
I smiled as I hear it my men work so fast.
"Good When the times comes, I expect of full cooperation of Garithos forces through you Agent."
"Your command will done commander."
In the void, there is a woman seating in a couch watching T.V.
"OH, he works fast securing the local forces."
She grins at the display and efficiency of the Commander.
"Create more chaos Champion and entertain me more hahahaha."
She laughs watching the commander while eating popcorn.