Chapter 1: Arranged married

Today is such a beautiful day...

"Mom, what did you say? You want me to get married? To Who? What types of a person is he?" questions started to flow out one by one

"Ha-ha. An arranged marriage in the 21st century, tell me, mom, you're just kidding" She tried to laugh it off.

Ok, today might not be a beautiful day, at least for a certain someone.

That girl has long dark hair that is soft and silky. Her lip is plumb which, gives off a sexy vibe when she opens and closes her mouth.

But the most attractive of her is her eyes.

Her dark brown eyes can suck every man's soul by just one look and, with her long eyelashes that fluttered like a butterfly every time she blinks. She made others want to care for and protected her.

She is Fang Aylin.

"Come sit down and listens to mom first. He is your aunt Li's son." The woman extended her arm to bring her daughter to sit next to her and started singing the praise of her potential future son-in-law.

"Do you remember the day I met with an accident? The day that you BUSY with your business. He is the one who helps me get to the hospital. Of course, I can tell he is a good person." said a woman in her 40s. she is beautiful and graceful. People could tell that she is Aylin's mother because they both looked so much alike.

She is Madam Fang, Fang Yunxie. Aunt Li is Li Shaonan. Her mom's high school friend.

Aylin rubbed her nose in awkward. Well, because her mom mentioned that BUSY day. The day that she busied shopping for her new dresses.

You can't say that she was an unfulfilled daughter. It was coincident that she forgot to bring her phone with her so her mom couldn't contact her. If she had known it, she would have thrown everything and came to her mom asap.

She heard from her mom that she drove by herself without bringing her driver with her and got hit by a sleepy taxi driver. Fortunately, both of them didn't get any severe injury. But that driver was unreasonable. He wanted her mom to compensate for the damage.

And as for her mom, even though she's rich, she won't give in because it was not her fault. She didn't want to agree with his request, and so they argued. He almost hit her mom if not for a boy who came to save her in time. She couldn't believe that boy turned out to be her mom's best friend's son and, what's worst; he was the one her mom arranged for her?

"Mom, even if he helped you once, you want to repay his kindness by letting me marry him?" said the girl in a frustrated tone.

If she remembered correctly, it has been two years since that day. When she hadn't gone abroad yet, she just took off from the plane today to reunite with her beloved family, but who knows that she got to hear this shocking news instead.

"Yes, but that not the main reason. You tell me how old are you this year? You nearly 23 still; you don't have a boyfriend to show your mother. I already have you when I'm at your age."

The girl showed a speechless expression. Her mom got married at age 22. That was another reason why she was so against this marriage.

"Yes, I'm 23, mom. 23, not 43. I'm still YOUNG."

"Do you hate your daughter so much?" She started to show her remorse to gain her mother's sympathy. "You don't want to see me anymore that you can't wait to marry this daughter off?" After saying, She wiped her none-exist teardrop.

"What do you mean I hate you? Are you asking for a beating?" Her mom raised her hand as if she would hit her for real. Of course, she wouldn't dare to lay her hand on her precious daughter.

Others may not know, but people who worked here knew for sure how much Madam Fang loves her only daughter.

"Because I love you, that is why I arrange this marriage. I find a good and handsome husband for you and, you still think I hate you." She caressed her daughter's hair.

"You know I have good eyes for people. I know that he can protect and loves you for the rest of your life. That what I promise you." She reassured her.

"I want you to open your heart for someone who worth it and forget about that incident..." at the last part, her voice got softer and softer that almost couldn't be heard as she noticed she had slipped out what she shouldn't say. But Aylin could still hear the last sentence.

That incident was her nightmare. The thing that she couldn't erase from her memory no matter how hard she tried.

When Madam Fang saw her daughter's expression, she tried to change the topic.

"You can engage first. As for the marriage, there is still more time to think about it. Give it a try. Ok?" With a half begging and a half firm tone, she said.

"Ok, we'll talk later. I'm going to rest. I'm tired." She kissed her mom's cheeks. "Sorry, mom. I think I can't eat dinner with you." Then got up and walked upstairs without letting her mom say anything.

"Madam, let's Miss rests first. She just arrived. She must be exhausted." said the man in his 50s. He had an upright posture when walk and talk.

He is Mr. You, a butler, and madam fang's right hand.

"And..." It seemed like he wanted to say something but didn't dare to.

"You want to ask me why I make such a discussion? I know she is still young but, I want her to let go of that past. Only she finds a person who will treat her better only then she knows how to love herself."

"You know what? When I saw that boy, I have a feeling that he can change her and let her become her old self. Besides, his parents are my friend. I know well what their characters are. I'm sure they treat her like their own child."

It was like fate that the boy who saved her turned out to be her friend's son. She had met him when he was young, but that was a long time ago. Later she moved to Korea. After she came back, she wouldn't have thought she would meet him again.

"You know my daughter always has to suffer since birth. While others can play happily at the playground, she has to stay in the hospital, endure all the pain. But she is such an optimist child. She can still smile and laugh through it."

"I always feel sorry for her. That is why I want to make sure that she gets our love as much as possible." She spoke with heartache and anger. "But how could they do such a thing to my precious daughter? If not for her begging me not to make things big, I would probably sue them all and put them in jail." She clenched her fists.

The old man also had the same expressions. After all, he lived here for so long. He always regarded Aylin as his daughter.

"Madam gives her some time to think." That was the only thing he could say. For a mom who loves her daughter to make this decision, he; himself couldn't judge.

His little Miss faced many terrible things in her life. He also hoped that she could overcome her biggest nightmare and be happy again.


Aylin closed the door and laid down on the soft bed. She knew that her mom did everything just for her goods, but she was not ready.