Master is acting strange

Soon came the other statement she was very familiar with.

[Connection progress, 0.1%]

She found it amusing.

"Well, too bad I don't have time to entertain you. Scram!" She snarled.

The naive-looking girl, Purple, shivered before she quickly gathered the chess pieces and kept them away.

"Why did you interrupt my game?!" Shera Black asked in annoyance.

"Huh? But you..." You just said that you don't have time to entertain me and I should scram... Purple lamented in her heart. Why was her master so hard to understand?

Of course, Shera Black was not speaking to her. She was speaking to the system trying to connect with her.

Purple awkwardly arranged the chess pieces again, trying her best to make the game look as similar as possible to what it was before she dismantled it.

The game continued.

[Beep! Connection complete! Congratulations!]

"What?!" Shera exclaimed.

Purple once again looked awkward. Master, you won for the -th round. Why do you look so shocked?

[Congratulations! You have earned the following mental guide: Tazja!]

A confetti suddenly appeared followed by a celebratory cheer, then Shera saw a tiny cub before her eyes. It did a few spins in the air before bowing deeply.

"A lioness cub?"

[Only vicious animals like lions and tigers can compare to you. Nice to meet you, master! My name is Tazja.]

Shera looked at the little lioness bowing before her. Her expression was as indifferent as ever. "I don't want a pet."

Most importantly, since when could lions float in the air and speak? What insanity was this?

[Master, I am a system, not a pet.] The little lioness said and beeped, as though reminding her that normal lions couldn't beep.

Shera Black didnt look in the least bit pleased. "It could have been anything. But a cub?! A lioness at that?!!"

Tazja was speechless. [That's your main point?]

"Whatever. What do you want?"

[I'm here to help you complete all your tasks and pass the humanity test. The missions for the first level are as follows:... Beep! Searching for missions...]

The little cub took out a miniature manuscript out of nowhere.

[Mission 1.1 : Right all your wrongs

Mission 1.2 : Maintain a peaceful relationship with everyone

Mission 1.3 : Fall in love]

"Do what now?" Shera facepalmed when she heard the third part.

[Your final mission of the first tier is to fall in love. Brace yourself, this might be too exciting!]

"I don't want to do it. Get lost." Shera Black couldn't believe she was really speaking to some stupid pet in the name of a system. Had she gone mad?

[Sorry, you have to.]

"I, Shera Black, have never 'had' to do anything. I do what I want, how I want, when I want and where I want. No way I can be bossed around by some stupid... pfft.. what are you anyway?"

The poor little lioness was heartbroken by her sarcasm. But she soon cheered up with a beep!

[Unfortunately, it's not about wanting. You have to. Beep!]

"Stop beeping already!" Shera was irritated. "What do I have to do to get you out of my head?"

[Complete your missions.]

"I'll just kill you instead!"

[Then you will die too.] Tazja had decided that the best way to deal with a woman like Shera Black was to be as annoying as possible. After saying this, it didn't forget to beep a few more times.

Shera Black felt she was going crazy. First, several systems try to connect with her, then a cub appears and claims to be her mental guide, whatever that was, and now this cub claims that she has to complete some laughable missions or she couldn't get rid of it?

That wasn't the biggest problem right now. "What will people think of me if they see a stupid little cub floating around me and beeping like a broken robot?"

[Only you can see or hear me.]

Shera was almost relieved then her expression darkened. "Are you saying that all this while, I've been sounding like an idiot, speaking to the air?!!"

[No. As soon as I appeared, your body froze into place and everything that happened afterwards only happened in a virtual world I created in your mind.]

"Are you kidding me???" Freezing into place was even more humiliating that speaking to the air!

[I do not have that ability for now, but it does sound cool.]


With a low-volume 'beep!', the little lioness disappeared.

"I guess it left. Good riddance."

"Master, what left?" Purple asked curiously.

Shera Black frowned. "How's that your business?"

But she swore to kill that damned thing if it ever returned.

Purple cowered away. The master was being strange again.

She had just frozen as though in deep thought for a long time and now she suddenly spoke into thin air?! What was happening?

Of course, she didn't dare probe further. She loved her life too much.

"Arrange for a meeting with the upper management. They should be in the conference room within two hours." Shera suddenly said.

Purple dashed out to make the necessary phone calls.

Aside from an underworld organization that was infamous for almost all the unlawful acts you could ever think of, Shera Black also owned a business conglomerate, CT Corporation.

Although it was not one of the world's leading business empires, it was among the top five companies in the nation.

Purple trembled as she called the top management. They would probably kill her.

Of course, most of them expressed their complaints. But what could they do? The CEO's word was law. Anyone who defied her might just end up in a place with no light. Besides, they were being given two hours, not two minutes.

They could only reschedule whatever they were doing. Those who were out of the company had to bolt back like they were being chased by demons.

When she was done with the phone calls, Purple

went back and timidly said, "Master, it's done. It's time for you to go."

Shera glanced at her for a brief second, stood up and went to her room. She was probably going to get changed.

An hour later, she was not yet back.

Purple lit a candle in her heart for the top managers.