CT Corporation's banquet

Tazja only woke up in the morning. After that, it drowsily told her the rules of the mission.

Basically, if she increased the points of her virtues, the same number of points would be decreased from the corresponding vice.

"What the heck is that?" She asked in annoyance.

[Isn't it simple? If you stop treating people like they are worthless garbage, your arrogance points will decrease and your humility level will increase.]

"Of course I get that, dummy! But some of those virtues do not correspond to any vice."

Tazja lamented at her mournful IQ. She might be a skilled businesswoman and the terrifying queen of La Rose Noire, but she certainly knew nothing about human values.

It was Tazja's role to explain anyway,

[Most of the virtues are linked. For example, if you are more humble, you will realize the value of other people and be kinder to them. In the process, you might also make friends.]

Shera clenched her fists as though she wanted to punch a certain lioness. "That sounds even worse."

[You don't have a choice!] Tazja flipped its body gloatingly.

"Kill me already." she grumbled. Who wanted to increase levels of some unimportant values such as kindness, humility, tolerance... what the heck?!

Who the f*ck needed any of that?

Would kindness feed her?

Would humility put a roof over her head?

Would friendliness clothe her?

And what the hell was tolerance for?!

This was all getting on her nerves. She even started thinking that she would rather have Tazja beep the life out of her.

But on second thought, she didn't want that. She could feel that her brain was still traumatized.

"Fine. But I have one, no, two conditions."

[Just say the words! I will try my best to make my master comfortable... beep!]

"First, NO BEEPING!" Shera enunciated the words clearly. This was the most irritating thing.

[Okay, my dear master.]

"Second, make your presence as scarce as possible. If I'm irritated, I might just give up."

Tazja once again sulked over the difficulty of its mission but this was better than Shera refusing to cooperate altogether. It didn't want to have to beep. That loud beep earlier had exhausted most of its energy.

Since Shera had already agreed, it fell asleep while still floating right in the air.

Shera ignored it and went about her own business.


The following day, Purple prepared an official gown for Shera.

It was a V neck, floor length black gown that would hug Shera's body.

Although it was not obvious, Shera's body was slightly on the curvy side. Putting aside her heart that people said was as black as her surname, Shera was actually quite beautiful. If she remained silent, she looked like the type of woman that men would definitely fall in love with at first sight.

Sadly, their fantasy would be ruined once she opened her mouth.

Sometimes Purple would sigh at what a waste it was. Beautiful women should be gentle and loveable, and Shera's viciousness was something that even Purple, as a woman, couldn't bring herself to accept.

"Are you done?"

The sudden voice coming from the doorway stunned Purple so much that her nails almost dug into the exquisite gown.

Crap! She had actually dared to space out in the master's bedroom! And she had even been caught doing so!

"Y-yes master. Please take a look." She stammered, her little hands trembling.

Shera didn't care to take a look and directly went to the bathroom.

Purple placed the gown on the bed and scurried away. She needed to dress up as Elena.


"Twelfth miss, is the master asleep?" A young woman asked as soon as Purple got out of Shera's room.

"She just went to the bathroom." Purple answered.

The girl looked hopeless. Well, she could only give up.

"Do you need something?" Purple probed.

The woman thought about it before deciding to answer. "Not exactly. I just wanted to deliver a message from the Qin family."

"Just give me the message. I'll deliver it later."

When Purple said this, the other girl was evidently relieved. She even looked like she wanted to bow down to Purple and all her ancestors. After all, not everyone had the courage to appear before the master. Only purple seemed to have that ability and courage since she was the master's right hand person.

Purple thought about the message she had just been told. The Qin family was preparing to cause trouble tonight?

Tonight, CT Corporation was holding a banquet.

Could it be that because Shera had caused a ruckus at The Qin Empire's banquet, they were preparing to return the favor?

That wasn't right. Purple dismissed the thought as soon as it surfaced. No one knew that Shera was the CEO of CT Corporation.

In fact, even the members of La Rose Noire only knew that their master was an infamous law breaker. They didn't know where she went when she was not at the headquarters of La Rose Noire. They didn't dare to ask either since they treasured their lives. They only assumed that she was out causing trouble.

So there was no way outsiders would know something that even the people within didn't know.

Then the only possibility was that they would cause trouble at the headquarters of La Rose Noire or right at the Mansion of Black.

But who was so idle as to make such a decision anyway? Purple wondered.

No, the main point was, the Qin family found them worthy of their time and were even actively going to seek them. Should she be flattered on behalf of La Rose Noire?


Unexpectedly, the stupid little pet, Tazja, didn't make an appearance before the banquet.

So it really knew how to follow instructions, Shera thought with a twitch of her lips.

She didn't take long to dress up; the dress had been decided anyway, so she just draped in on and let Purple make her hair. Such troublesome things as make up were a huge no for her so it did help to save time.


Soon, they arrived at the venue of the banquet.

CT Corporation was still fairly new and was not comparable to conglomerates like The Qin Empire which had been in the business world for over a century.

Therefore, their banquet was significantly smaller and less extravagant in comparison to the one held by The Qin Empire a few days ago.

Also, their guests were definitely not as impressive.

But it was worth nothing, however, that CT Corporation was not lacking in powerful business partners either. Many people were impressed by the skills of this young woman who had suddenly barged into the business world and made a legend.

When Shera walked into the banquet hall, all eyes turned to her.