SMF Industrial Development project

That very night.

Purple went to Shera's study and reported, "Master, Leo Qin is also going to bid for the SMF Industrial Development project."

Shera look disinterested, making Purple shake nervously. The master wasn't going to order her to finish off Leo Qin, right?

Just when she was preparing for the worst, Shera looked up from her documents with a sneer painted all over her face. "Oh?"

Purple contemplated for a bit before asking, "Should I... send someone to find out their bid price?"

Shera looked at the girl and guffawed. "Not necessary." She caressed her long acrylic nails. "I want to beat The Qin Empire fair and square. Let's see if they still act all high and mighty."

Purple remained silent. Wasn't the master overestimating herself?

[Obtaining points for the following virtue: Honesty.

Points added: 5

Current points: 136 of 80,000]

Shera wanted nothing more than to strangle the damned stupid little lioness.

This was the first time she was choosing to be honest all the way, yet the stupid thing only gave her a laughable five points?!

Why don't you keep them for yourself, crappy pet?!


On the same night, Leo Qin was given the same wind.

Mrs. Qin was restless as she said, "If we were going to bid on behalf of the company, our chance of winning the project would be a hundred percent. But we both know that we can't say the same thing if it's only the two of us against CT Corporation. A company that has risen from nothing to the top five within three years is not to be underestimated."

Leo Qin was busy analysing data, so he was dismissive. "So what?"

That woman was just a harbinger of doom. Leo Qin didn't believe that she could be an unbeatable opponent.

Even if she owned CT Corporation, she couldn't possibly offer all of the company's funds since it would take at least several months to recover it.

And she couldn't use La Rose Noire's funds for CT Corporation's business. With this information, he had a huge chance of winning against her.

"And, it's me bidding for that project. Not "us.""

Mrs. Qin's heart ached. "Leo, how can you say that? I'm your mother, let me help you."

"I don't need it."


Hence on that solemn note, the day of the bid arrived.

Both Leo Qin and Shera Black couldn't wait to see the other person's face when they met.

SMF co. Conference room.

Although SMF Industrial Development project was a huge project, not many companies were bidding for it.

One reason was the high demands and the other reason was the fact that SMF co. was in debt and might go bankrupt if not well managed.

The companies bidding were a few of the nation's top companies who were ready to spend such a large sum of money.

Leo Qin was surprised, however, that the harbinger of doom was not in the meeting room.

Could she have been informed of his participation and given up or... was this one of her stunts?


Predictably, Leo Qin offered the highest price in the end, winning the bid with almost no competition.

He let out a sigh of relief. He had spent time analysing the worth of each competing company and how much they could be willing to offer. Then he came up with a sum above all of them. Luckily he had not been spending too much over the years and had saved up quite a handsome sum.

He finally felt that it was worth his effort.

After the winner was announced, the other company representatives left. It was now just Leo and the CEO of SMF left.

The man extended his tight hand to Leo Qin.

"I wish us a happy collaboration, Mr. Qin."

Leo Qin grinned and shook his hand. "Happy collaboration CEO Wang."

He read through the contract and signed it before asking, "I heard CT Corporation was going to bid for this project too?"

CEO Wang laughed heartily before responding, "I heard so too. But President Turner suddenly bowed out this morning. I don't understand her train of thought either."

Leo Qin was relieved, but he suddenly had a bad feeling. Why did it feel like that woman was up to something?

They both left the conference room, but he had a train of thought in his mind.

Just as he reached the elevator, a timid girl rushed to him, gasping for breath. "Mr. Qin, h-hello."

Leo Qin studied the small framed girl, wondering where he had seen her before.

"I'm sorry to bother you. The CEO would like to have a word with you."

Leo frowned. Hadn't he just finished speaking to CEO Wang?

The girl ran towards an office with a golden label 'CEO' on the frame.

Leo followed and the girl opened the door respectfully.

Leo Qin looked around. The office was tidy and quiet, and there was no figure in sight.

Wait. The CEO's chair was facing the huge floor to ceiling window.

"Where's the CEO?" Leo asked the girl before she left.

"Looking for me?" a female voice rang out. It was a familiar voice.

Leo Qin's jaw went slack.

What the..?!?!?!

The chair turned in one swift swing to reveal the woman sitting on it like a royal enchantress.

Leo felt his mind explode. "You??!!!"