'Interesting' things.

(This chapter may be 'interesting'. Readers are adviced to be ready for what may unfold.)

"Oh?" Leo chuckled, rubbing his chin with his index finger. "And what 'interesting' things do you have in mind?"

Shera took a sip of her wine and looked at him. Before he could register what she was up to, her arms were wrapped around his neck and her lips tight on his.

His first reaction was to push her off him. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Shera let out a silly laugh. "Telling you is no fun. Let me demonstrate it to you."

Any other woman would look like a bashful teenager if they laughed that way but not Shera. She looked like a demoness trying to enchant a man before killing him ruthlessly. It made one's hair stand on end.

But she was obviously happy to do whatever she was doing so Leo watched her silently.

Putting her phone on the table, she stood up and, without any sort of warning, planted her backside onto his lap like it was something she was used to doing.

She was facing him, so the position of her legs was rather embarassing.

Leo Qin couldn't help but curse under his breath. This woman had no morals whatsoever. Did she not know what such a gesture meant to a man?

What was worse, a certain 'little brother' was starting to rear its head.

It was only normal. With such an alluring woman sitting on his lap and in such a position, he would be abnormal of his body didn't react to her.

The woman took another sip of wine and instead of swallowing it, brought her lips to his.

Leo didn't understand what she was up to but he let her. Her lips were intoxicating, making his brain stop functioning for a while. He willingly drank the wine from her mouth and, in fact, liked it.

"Mr. Qin, don't you think this is fun?"

Before he could answer, she grabbed a fistful of his shirt and directly kissed him. This time there was no wine, just his lips and her lips intertwining and undulating against each other in a slow motion.

Without breaking the kiss, she reached for the buttons on his shirt and started to undo them.

Leo threw all the care to the wind. He firmly held her back and deepened the kiss, gently prying her mouth open and slipping his tongue in.

Switching positions, he made her lie on the sofa so he was somehow on top of her.

The sofa was quite short. In their craze, they fell onto the carpeted floor, with Shera below Leo in an embarrassing position.

But he didn't care at the moment, reaching behind her dress to undo the zipper. He easily slipped the dress off her body.

Then her bra came into view. He raised an eyebrow in surprise. She was actually wearing a fiery red bra and matching panties. That was unexpected, but it made the fire in his body flame even more fiercely.

Shera was having a hard time undoing the small buttons on his shirt so she simply tore it open, sending some of the buttons flying.

Leo chuckled at her impatience and pressed his body onto hers.

He knew this was a woman who didn't care but he still asked. "Shera, are you sure you want to do this?"

Instead of answering, Shera rolled her eyes and pushed him down so she was now on top.

She slowly reached behind her back and unhooked her bra.

Leo cursed inwardly. He was even more out of control now, his manhood throbbing anxiously and impatiently.

He hugged her and interchanged positions again, trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone.

His hands reached for her breasts. He cupped one of them in his right hand before bringing his mouth to kiss her nipple while the other hand traced the curves of her body.

Shera grabbed his belt and impatiently unbuckled it.

Leo couldn't wait any longer. He hurriedly took off the remaining clothes on his body and reached for her panties.

"Leo..." she moaned out his name.

"I want your shares."

"Mmh?" Leo didn't quite understand her.

"I said I want your shares in The Qin Empire. Can you sell them to me?"

Leo froze. It felt like a cold bucket of water had just been thrown onto him. His mind cleared off in a flush. He down at Shera in disbelief.

"Damn you Shera Black!!"

He glared daggers at the woman before him, too angry to decide what to say.

Was there really such an immoral woman on earth?!

For a measly 15 percent of shares, she would give her body to a man? Was she going to worm her way into the other shareholders' beds as well?

"Do you often do this to men?"

Shera was silent all while Leo dressed up and looked down at her with disgust. "I don't ever want to see you again. For the project, my subordinate will contact you. You can shove your sl*tty body to other men."

Leo realized what he had just said when it was already out of his mouth. It was too late to take it back.

The woman remained expressionless.

Taking a last disgusted look at her, he left in a huff.

Perhaps if he wasn't so angry, he would have realized that the recording function on her phone was on.

She had put on the table facing down but only after turning on the voice recording function.

For such an activity, video wasn't necessary. A voice recording would suffice.

Taking her phone from the table, she glanced at the door then smiled.

"Firstly, no Leo. I don't that with other men. How could I?...

Secondly, I didn't really have a solid plan... but now I have one. Thank you, Leo Qin."