
In the fourth row, a man that looked in his early thirties frowned ever so slightly. He was an undercover agent.

How did this woman know about it? Just who was she?

Luckily, no one knew what his true identity was. So although she had directly called him out, neither did anyone look at him nor pay any attention to her words.

But he still couldn't help but wonder what she meant. Cece Qin was a criminal?

Even if one was a crazy troublemaker, they couldn't just blurt such things out if it wasn't true, right?

He was just about to make a move when the woman suddenly spoke again.

"There go the police officers. Too bad they had to interrupt my wedding. But what can I say? It's worth it."

Everyone turned to the entrance. The police were here?

"Where are the so called police?" Cece snapped, not believing that she had been fooled by this uncouth woman's theatrics.

Shera pointed at the entrance. "There. Can't you see?"

Just as she prepared to hurl an insult, two policemen arrived.

The Qins instinctively exchanged swift glances. This woman was trespassing. Yet she had called the police. Wasn't she scared of getting arrested?

Then it dawned on them as they turned to look at Cece. If this woman wasn't scared of getting arrested, was it possible that Cece had really done something wrong?

"Who called the police?" one of the two officers asked.

"This woman is causing trouble." Cece said quickly, pointing at Shera.

By this time, the livestream had long been stopped and the reporters were no longer allowed to take pictures or videos.

But Shera didn't mind. Her entry had been broadcast and besides, the audience here was enough.

When she heard Cece point her out for causing trouble, she feigned innocence. "How can that be? I'm the one who called the police. Would I cause trouble and call the police to arrest me?"

One of the police officers, a barrel chested man with thin hair tucked into his cap, looked at Shera inquisively.

What she was saying made sense alright, but the police were not stupid. This was clearly a wedding and it was pretty obvious who was sticking out like a sore thumb.

"What is your business here?" The barrel chested police officer directed his question to Shera.

The woman looked at Cece meaningfully. "I called the police because I wanted to report a crime. But if I wasn't close to the criminal, how would the police know who I am talking about?"

The barrel chested police officer couldn't refute her logic and neither could his slim colleague, even though the woman was spewing nonsense.

"There are police stations for that." the slim officer rebuked.

"Let's go to the police station. I don't believe reporting..."

"Cece Qin committed murder." Shera cut him short.

How could she let him lead her away? No way! She had been finding an opportunity to make it public. "Oops. Sorry I had to say that. You see, I was scared she would go into hiding since she knows what she did. And we don't want a criminal on the loose, do we?"

"What? What did you say? You stupid woman, you are framing me!" Cece screeched, her blood running cold.

"Every criminal says that," Shera said with a titter. "But you are out of luck. I wouldn't shoot my mouth off without knowing all the facts, now would I, Miss Cecilia Qin?"

"What facts?! You are lying. Throw her out! What are you waiting for?" She hollered at the policemen.

Since the cat was already out of the bag, it didn't matter if she left right now. She had already ruined Cece's name.

Of course, that didn't mean she would let her off.

She took out a flash drive and handed it to the police officers. "You can check the credibility later. I have a copy on my phone." She proceeded to show her evidence to the police, making everyone else wonder what was happening.

Just when their curiosity was at its peak, the two police officers exchanged shocked looks. This was one murder case they had been unable to solve even though it had happened two years ago. Suddenly it was related to Cece Qin and there was even evidence to prove it? One of them snapped back and said, "I'm sorry Miss Qin. You are under arrest."

"No way!" Patriarch Qin was the first to react and rush to block his daughter from the policeman who was approaching. "This woman must be lying. You should arrest her for trespassing and defamation!"

"Sir, please do not obstruct the police."

"Why am I being arrested? I have the right to know." Cece desperately tried to cling onto her husband for protection.

"You are under arrest for the Murder of Sandra Qian. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may and will be used against you in the court of law."

Cece Qin's face paled as the policeman advanced to cuff her hands in front of her. Her husband didn't even say a word and just let them lead his bride away.

The Qins wanted to say something, but they didn't want to say anything that might be used against Cece. This was a serious crime.

The groom was the most shocked. The woman he had married had suddenly turned into a criminal, a murderer? And from her shocked face and how she acted earlier, he could tell that she was probably guilty.

It just had to happen on his wedding day, with all these guests watching.

This was going to affect his family a huge deal.

He shot a murderous look at Shera.

Shera smiled bewitchingly in return. Wait until Cece was convicted. The mayor's family wouldn't spare her.

Of course that was why Shera would appear when the vows were done. It wouldn't be any fun to get her arrested before they were truly married.

The guests were busy gossiping and no one made to leave. In fact, some of them had recorded the scene of Cece getting arrested using their phones in secret and were waiting to watch more.

Wealthy families were indeed full of drama. Who wouldn't want to watch it?

"I could have stayed here all day, but I have things to do." Shera said, summoning her entourage to leave this place.

The Qins finally sprung into action, all of them wanting to follow Cece to the police station and know what exactly was happening.

They had just reached outside when Shera sneered at them."This is just the prelude. Prepare for more surprises."

"Who are you?!" Someone asked the question that was on everyone's mind. Doubtlessly, he was speaking to Shera.

The woman turned and looked at Cedric who had just spoken. "You don't know me?

Oh, you wouldn't. But your father knows me too well. We have an... interesting past together."

Mrs. Qin frowned and glared at her husband. What did that mean?

Patriarch Qin was almost sent to his grave by this woman's insanity. Those who didn't know might think he had some affair with that woman! "Who are you? Why would I know someone as crazy as you are?"

"You really don't know me?" She scratched her chin. "Have you forgotten everything that happened and everything I said? How could you be so forgetful?

Don't worry, I will remind you. 'I will be back. And the person crying will no longer be me.' You really forgot?"

Leo felt his brain had been struck by something as soon as she said those words. His face paled with shock.

"Lola?" he mumbled under his breath. Something about that statement didn't feel right.

"Leo, who? You know her?" Mrs. Qin asked.

Leo looked horrified. "If she is the person I think she is, the Qin family is done for."