
Shera was taken aback by his sudden apology. Looking at Leo, he obviously expected her to say something...

But she didn't know what to say.

No one had ever felt remorse towards her, much less apologize. It was a totally novel thing to her.

After racking her brains for a while, she still couldn't figure out what to say.

She would have whipped out her phone to search on google what to do when someone apologizes, but her phone was in her room. Besides, it would be insane.

If only Tazja were here. Perhaps that little thing knew what to do?

Thinking about this, Shera had to laugh at herself. She had never asked anyone for help. Since when could she swallow her pride? And it was happening for someone else?

While she thought of this, Shera recalled something. The little system had once mentioned that she could mentally summon it.

Mmh... would it work?

'Well, here goes nothing'. She thought. 'Tazja?'

She held her breath for a second then heard the familiar robotic voice. [Ow! That hurt my tail. Please be gentle when you summon me next time.]

Shera was in no mood to bicker with the little lioness. She didn't want to blank put for too long. 'What is one supposed to do when someone apologizes?'

The lioness made a flip in the air in its excitement. If its information about Shera was right, this was the first time in almost two decades that Shera was asking anyone for help. And it wasn't that she had never needed anything, she was just too proud.

[Unbelievable! Major Diable will be very happy. Adding points for the following virtue : Humility.

You have obtained 100 points.

Current humility level: 1 of 100]

Shera was surprised that she had earned so many points at the same time. But hey, that wasn't the main point. Time was moving!

[Don't worry. Things that happen in your brain are tens of times faster than in real life. After all, you now have a computer-like system in your brain.] Tazja said when it read her concerned thoughts.

Shera was even more surprised. But it made sense. No wonder all those times she had conversed with Tazja, it felt as though time had been frozen.

[If someone apologizes to you, you should tell them what you feel from the bottom of your heart. And if you have something else to say, say it too.] Tazja tried its luck. It felt as though it was educating a child.

'I see.'

Tazja retreated to watch from the sidelines, hoping she was not going to say something to add to her arrogance points.

Leo was wondering what she was thinking about when she finally spoke.

"I... thank you."


Leo was shocked. He had expected the most rude kind of reply but t-t-thank you?!

Even Tazja was stunned. This was not the prelude to something extremely mean, right?

"No one has even apologised to me." Shera continued. "It doesn't that mean no one has ever wronged me.

They always thought I deserved it. I almost forgot such a thing as apology existed..."

She looked at him in all seriousness. "So I have to thank you."

Leo was so taken aback that he didn't know what to say. What had Shera eaten today? Was there something wrong with the wine they were drinking?

Yet, he was in for a bigger shock.

"I'm sorry...."

Leo knew she was apologizing for what she did to him the previous night. Even though she couldn't say it the whole way, it was still huge.

This was Shera Black! She was Shera Black, okay?

The woman who cared for nothing. Her arrogance was beyond the sky. She could insult the universe, curse at the heavens and still think she had done nothing wrong. Since when was she capable of saying such words as 'I'm sorry'?

And looking at her eyes, she was being sincere with it.

Even Tazja was stunned stiff. It only reacted a while later.

[This is humongous! I will report the good news to Major Diable!]

Shera Black, of all villainesses, had apologized?! How was this not a huge deal? In fact, Tazja would be crying tears of joy if it had tears. Its mission had finally truly kicked off!

[Obtaining points for the following virtues:

1. Honesty.

You have obtained: 100 points.

Current Honesty level: 1.2

2 Humility.

You have obtained: 150 points.

Current Humility level: 1.6]

Tazja knew that a villainess like Shera swallowing her pride for the first time was a huge deal. It would have given her more points, but she would become more arrogant. It went away happily after reporting her status.

"Why do I feel so happy to recieve those points?" Shera chuckled.

"What points?" Leo questioned.

Shera just realized that the system had left and frowned. That little thing better start warning her before leaving. "Nothing. Is as just mumbling. Were you saying something?"

"Yes. I was wondering how come you can also say such words, and I'm happy you did. It means a lot."

A long silence followed.

A few glasses of wine later, Leo finally gathered the courage to ask. "Shera, do you... do you love me?"

Shera looked at him in surprise. He had just mentioned that after that kiss, he had thought she loved him. But she hadn't expected him to ask.

The problem was, "I don't know..."

Leo looked at her quizzicaly. Other women would say that if they were not sure of their feelings or were too shy to confess their love. But for Shera, could that really apply? It didn't feel right no matter how he thought about it.

"I don't know anything about love." she said honestly.

Leo was once again flabbergasted. "Who are you, and what did you do to Shera Black?"

Shera guffawed. "Are you an idiot?"

Leo frowned. Indeed, this was Shera. Was she okay? Then again, knowing nothing about love... that was so Shera-like.

Since he wanted an answer, he could only explain.

"If you love someone, you feel affectionate towards them, care about them, want to open up your feelings to them, you want to share your joys as well all your sorrows with them, you want to be part of all the ups and downs in their life; and you want them to be part of yours too. Most importantly, you want to spend all your life with them."

When he was done, Shera burst into laughter. To be exact, she was shocked to the point of laughter. "You can feel that way for the same person?"

Leo wondered just what planet this woman dropped from. "Of course. If you love someone, you will feel all of that."

"Then I love no one." Shera answered blankly.

Leo was too amused to be heartbroken. "No one? You never even cared about anyone?"

She shook her head. "I did have someone I cared about but..."

Her statement trailed off.

Then she suddenly changed the topic. "Do you have someone you feel that way for?"


"Every single one of those feelings?"

"The very last one of them."

Shera laughed her belly out. "Who?"

"Well, I should also say 'had'. I had someone I treasured very much.

Her name is Lola."