
"I'm not taking the bait," Leo dismissed.


"So you are really not going to tell me about her?" she asked with a stifled snicker. 

When he didn't answer, she made more fun of him. "You find me annoying, but you're still here. Isn't that amusing?" 

"I'm only here for business." 

Before he could bring it up, Shera stood up and closed in on him. Then she sat on his lap. She seemed to really like sitting there. Not like he minded it...

Running her fingers through his hair, she drawled, "I don't want to talk about business. We can do that later." 

"What do you want to do instead?" His breathing already started getting ragged as she breathed against his neck. It was amazing how this woman could make him lose his mind just by sitting on his lap. 

She knew the effect she was having on him, and he wasn't sure whether she was feeling the same thing. Placing a tiny kiss on his neck she said, "Tell me about your little brother." 

"Are you seriously asking me that?" Leo chuckled, trying to control his desire. He took her hand and brought it to his crotch. "Why don't you find out?"

Shera felt the bulge beneath her hand and withdrew it as though it had been scalded. Then she held a hand over her mouth and laughed. "You dirty-minded man! That's all you ever think about. I asked about your actual little brother. Cedric Qin." 

Now that was worse. "Are you seriously talking about another man while sitting on my lap and kissing my neck?" Who does that? 

With a light chuckle, she stood and went back to her seat, making him miss her immediately. "So now you can tell me, right? I'm no longer sitting on your lap." 

Leo didn't know what to do with her. He started wondering if she even had a brain to begin with. Why was it that everything she ever did was either stupid or weird? Or heartless. 

"Cedric is reckless in every way but he is super possessive. Especially about his women.

Overly possessive." He looked at her meaningfully. "It could get fatal." 

It was Shera's turn to be puzzled. He actually answered her? She had only asked that to vex him - the same way she had done the day before. She didn't expect an actual answer. 

But on the bright side, it didn't hurt. Cece was going to get sentenced soon and after that, she would have to investigate Cedric. Since his own brother told her what she needed to know, she would gladly accept the information. 

She looked at Leo's unreadable expression and wondered what was going on in his mind. He did know he was giving his brother away to the enemy, right? She took another sip of her wine then turned to meet his gaze. "A man whose weakness is women is too boring. Why don't you tell me about Livian instead?" 

"Heh. Woman, you are gutsy. Do you think Livian is that easy?" Before she could register what he was talking about, he grabbed her arm and suddenly yanked her back to his lap. Her wineglass crashed onto the floor but he didn't care.

He gazed at her like a beast who had just caught a prey. He ran his thumb against her lips before he pressed his lips against them. The kiss was passionate and demanding, making them lose their breath soon. 

"You are not escaping this time," he groaned and took her lips again. 

Shera lost herself in it too. It wasn't that she was intending to escape. Not when a part of her actually wanted to do this. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let him slide his tongue into her mouth and explore it. She impatiently started to unbutton his shirt. Her compliance made him more excited. Even with the layers of their clothes, she could feel his shaft getting harder against her thigh.

She broke the kiss, her heart racing as she told him, "Let's go to my room." 

"Here's fine." With that, his hands explored her back to unzip her dress as he kissed her neck. She involuntarily let out a soft moan when he gently bit her collarbone then trailed his tongue over it to soothe it. 

He slid the dress off her shoulders, kissing and sucking and licking his way down to her breasts. Her soft moans and gasps enticed him further. He rapidly unhooked her bra and took it off, letting free the breasts he had so longed to touch. He cupped one of them in his palm... then he stopped. 

~ 'Leo, I'm really not kidding. I want to be your wife when we grow up... And in return, you can only be my husband. Do you promise? ... pinky promise?'~ the little girl's voice was still fresh in his head even though it was fourteen years ago. 

'Lola...' he thought.

Shera opened her eyes when she felt no more action and met his complicated expression. "What happened?" 

Instead of answering, he gently nudged her off him and sighed. "I cannot do this. Sorry."