
"Answers to what, Leo Qin?" Shera asked, feigning nonchalance when she was actually sitting on pins and needles.

Leo twirled the share transfer document in his left hand, enjoying the anxiousness he knew she must be feeling. "You really are talented in putting on an act, Miss Black." He grinned tauntingly. "You are also quite talented in keeping the act up - something many people cannot do for long - and that's quite something."

"Go straight to the point." Leo's taunting was driving her nuts.

"And she flipped out!" He playfully popped the last sylabble and waved his hand exaggeratively, to which she tried not to roll her eyes.

"I'll kick you out!" She threatened firecely.

"Then I'll save you the trouble." He stood up and headed for the exit.

"Wait! We can talk." She called after his back before her brain could stop her mouth.

Leo stopped in his tracks. Did he hear that right? Since when did Shera persuade people? She was the type of woman who would make sure to have her way, but persuasion was definitely not among the methods she would use to make that happen - at least not as Shera Black.

"Some say that women change several times. I say that no matter how many times a woman changes, some habits remain firmly rooted in the depth of her bones." He chortled, walking right back to sit firmly on her seat.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Shouldn't you know just what I mean, Miss Shera Black?" He put more emphasis on her name than was necessary, and that caused a mini turmoil in her head. Obviously, she hid this behind her expressionless face.

Once he had had enough fun messing with her, he chortled and scratched his temple as though remembering something. "I heard someone say that ever since you appeared in the business world, you were a profiteer from the start. I see you have not changed in the slightest. You can even utter such a persuasive word… should I be flattered?"

Shera tried not to frown. That was it? She didn't know whether to believe that he was being genuine or playing word games.

Although that obviously sounded made up, Leo was not one to act sneaky and play mind games. But what if he had made an exception and was actually palying mind games with her?

For the first time, she, Shera Black, was unable to figure someone's intentions out.

"What's Purple up to?" He suddenly asked, catching her offguard.

When she realized just what he had asked, she scoffed. "If you are here to pry information from me, you better give up"

"Give me a hint." He insisted.

"I'll kill you instead."

He stood up and sighed exaggeratively. "I would really love to keep entertaining you, but…"

"Sit your backside right there, Leo Qin." She interrupted, pointing at the couch.

When he sat down, she compromised for some reason. "What do you want me to answer? I'm giving you two conditions: First, I can only answer three questions. Second, I'm not answering what you just asked. Start."

Leo snickered. "Are you a genie of sorts?"

"Take it as you wish. My time is running out."

He managed a laugh. This was his game, but she was still grabbing the chance to make the rules and even act like she was the one on the losing end? How sly…

He could only play along, knowing that she would seriously send him away if he pressed her any further. After all, it was just ten percent. That couldn't possibly threaten her position in CT Corporation.

"What's your middle name?" He asked calmly.


"What's your full name?"

"Shera Black."

"You are lying to me, Miss Black."

She rolled her eyes. "Believe it if you want."

He was about to ask for her ID when he realized that it was useless. She must have changed it long before assuming her Shera Black identity.

Leo felt like he had lost a treasure. Two chances gone, just like that? He had only found out a tiny fact!

He briefly sunk into thought. If her middle name was Shera and her surname was Black, what was her first name, Lola? He shook his head. That combination didn't seem to make any sense. Perhaps Lola was her childhood nickname; it was quite common.

"Ask your final question." She demanded, pulling him out of his thoughts and he laughed.

"A certain someone is becoming quite controlling lately. Say, you wouldn't be practicing how to be a wife, would you?"

"You're crazy."

Her disgusted expression amused him. What was so bad about marriage? He asked under her piercing gaze, "CT Corporation is planning to rename SMF Co. I heard you are not going to make it part of the jewelry brand, but something else instead. Tell me, what are you going to venture into?"

Shera scratched her cheek with one of her long nails. "So, you are done prying into my personal life and are now trying to investigate CT Corporation?"

"Yes. Your answer."

He was yet to explain his real intention when she interrupted. "A makeup brand."

The answer caught him offguard, making him swallow back his words. "Aren't you scared that I will steal your idea and use it to compete you? You know, The Qin Empire came into existence before CT Corporation. The public would think that you are the one who lacked originality."

She let out a low 'hmph', her lips curling ever so slightly. "Take it as me being arrogant but Leo, it's just an idea. Executing it is a different matter altogether." Besides, the brilliant brain that thought of that could think of another idea.

"I answered your questions. Now, give me the shares." She reached for the document.

However, he pulled it away from her. "No can do, Miss Black. I actually want to be one of CT Corporation's shareholders." He did not let her say a word before continuing, "I did not promise to give you the shares once you answered three questions, now did I?"

"Do not cross my limits!" Her expression darkened.

"Sure, sure." He was done messing around, so he handed over the document. "Here. I had a good time playing with you so I'll give you a forty percent discount of the total value."

Shera frowned. She should have known. Mentally swearing to extort him later, she opened the document but froze when she saw the price he was asking for. "This is twice the current value."

He crossed his hands behind his head. "Of course. I'm a businessman, Miss Black. I have to make profit. However, I gave you a forty percent discount so I'm only making twenty percent profit instead of a hundred percent."