Delores Caron(4)

20th October—Crystal Garden Mansion, Imperium City. 

"Another year is about to end. My daughter hasn't come home yet. Why hasn't my daughter come home yet?" An elegant woman in her fifties—Heidi Black—paced the hallway restlessly. Her diamond high-heeled shoes made a soft clanking noise with every step. 

"Mother, will you calm down already?" A young woman came out of a room behind her, shaking her head. She walked to the mezzanine and leaned on it ever so slightly as she faced the middle-aged woman. "Mother, I have already told you a million times. My sister is still mad at you. You should go and look for her." 

"It's not that I don't want to, Savannah. I'm just afraid she will hate me even more if I disturb her peace—like what happened when I visited her in hospital after her daughter's birth."